That's not the point. See my previous post. The consumer/prosumer/individual creative profesional used to have a computer perfect for them in the 2.5K/3K range. Now the barebones is over twice that price, with a $200 GPU. The real substance will be in the 10K-15K range.So basically. Most people here aren't really in the industry that requires powerful systems like this new MacPro.
Just a bunch of nerds geeking out over technology.
Otherwise you wouldn't think $5999 is too much for this system.
Basically, we complain because we wanted a product that Apple used to offer, and discontinued, and instead they have launched a new one with the same name, but a completely different target. I used to work on a 50K-60K workstation, and Apple didn't offer anything in that range, so I didn't compare the then Powermac G4 to that computer. Now, this Mac Pro is filling the niche of the high end workstation, but still leaves the aforementioned categories without a viable option, so I don't compare them. Sure, other vendors have similar pricing (my own Lenovo PC was about the price of this Mac Pro) but they also offer alternatives at a lower price, which Apple still doesn't (and doesn't seem to want to go back to).
I understand freelance pros find the price a little too steep, but as is often the case, you get what you pay for
It has a two year old $180-200 GPU. You do NOT get what you pay for (and yes, I know similar systems from other vendors also offer crappy low end components with a "pro" moniker).
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