Great let me know how you get on.
I have a couple more free slots on the beta program is everyone would like to try the app over the weekend?
Hi My wife is just starting her couch to 5k journey - are there any available slots for her to get on the Beta program
She is a complete novice on watch apps and iOS in general so her feedback may be useful to you
To be honest her feedback could also be complete garbage as well !!
She did ask me if their was an app for her watch to help her train - so at least she has a interest in monitoring and maintaining her progress - so hopefully you would get good novice feedback
Update/Edit- Checked with the wife - She did not want to report back her thoughts
She liked the app idea as she was doing the NHS one anyway
So I bought it and setting it up for her now
I had not really paid any attention to the price and @ £2.99 it was a no brainer to purchase