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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 4, 2020
Calgary, AB, Canada
I have a 2020 12.9” iPad Pro. Apple has always limited the usability of the iPad’s software, not adding features that should’ve been added long ago. There’s no more excuses. It’s 2022 and we still don’t have: proper external monitor support, proper multitasking with more windows, full pro apps (not the half assed apps we always get on the App Store and first party apps like iMovie, real apps like Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro, Lightroom Classic, real Photoshop, Pixelmator Pro, Xcode, Compressor, you get the idea), a weather app, a calculator app, optimized battery charging, external camera support, proper file management (like being able to format, fix or otherwise edit external drives, transferring files at the full capable speed USB-C and Thunderbolt on newer iPads should deliver, etc) and a whole bunch of other stuff the iPad needs. I’m not asking to put macOS on the iPad, just fix the software. I got my hopes up for iPadOS 15, but that turned out to be not only a massive disappointment, I consider it to be the worst update ever. Apple has clearly said no to merging the Mac and iPad operating systems, and has always advocated for keeping the iPad and Mac separate according to how they wish it to be, and considering that and all those awful lackluster iPadOS updates, I don’t think they will ever release the iPad from its software prison. The iPad is just as expensive as a decent laptop and it’s far more powerful than most laptops in its price range. Just give us the software it deserves. I have a feeling iPadOS 16 will be even worse than 15. In that case, someone needs to file a class action lawsuit against Apple and the iPad (especially the iPad Pro) should be boycotted until Apple overhauls the software (if they ever do, which they probably never will)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 4, 2020
Calgary, AB, Canada
I would like to be able to run Microsoft office on the PS5 and Xbox as well. I mean, the specs are certainly there to support it.
Well nobody expects a gaming console to run Microsoft Office. An iPad is advertised as the “future of computing” and a “laptop replacement.” It doesn’t sound logical to buy a $2000-$4000 iPad only for it to be rendered useless by software that sucks and can easily run on all those $500 iPads that most children own


macrumors G3
Jun 7, 2015
Seattle WA
Well nobody expects a gaming console to run Microsoft Office. An iPad is advertised as the “future of computing” and a “laptop replacement.” It doesn’t sound logical to buy a $2000-$4000 iPad only for it to be rendered useless by software that sucks and can easily run on all those $500 iPads that most children own
"$2000-$4000 iPad"? Where and why would anyone pay that amount for a tablet?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 4, 2020
Calgary, AB, Canada
That’s the price range of an iPad Pro once you add in all the accessories (mice, magic keyboard, Apple Pencil) and Apple Care (I live in Canada so prices are higher here than the US due to CAD being a weaker value than USD). Personally I think anyone that’s going to spend that much money on an iPad should just get a MacBook Pro instead for the superior OS alone


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
As someone who’s owned almost every Apple device in the ecosystem I decided a few months back to just not buy things I felt weren’t finished products. I got rid of all my current gen iPads, Watch, HomePods, MBA, AirPods, etc. so the only thing I have is my iPhone 13 PM and 24” iMac which if I had my way would be gone as well.

Having less devices has actually made my life more productive because the Apple ecosystem, while better than most, is still Siri level dumb. iMessages or Mail can’t even sync properly between various devices yet Universal Control works great for a beta???

So Apple doesn’t get my money and I learned an expensive but valuable lesson about consumer manipulation from corporate and YouTube tech reviews.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 4, 2020
Calgary, AB, Canada
And I bet the EU will also successfully force Apple to cut its prices by more than half /s

But seriously, I can’t be the only one that doubts EU’s success over Apple. Apple is the biggest tech company on the planet. I feel like they’ll brush the EU’s demands aside and win the court cases like nothing ever happened


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
And I bet the EU will also successfully force Apple to cut its prices by more than half /s

But seriously, I can’t be the only one that doubts EU’s success over Apple. Apple is the biggest tech company on the planet. I feel like they’ll brush the EU’s demands aside and win the court cases like nothing ever happened
Yeah the EU stuff is just a show of force. Apple isn’t going to be held hostage over USB C or similar. They’ll get rid of it, pay off the legislators, or just provide an adapter.


macrumors 601
Jun 29, 2006
That’s the price range of an iPad Pro once you add in all the accessories (mice, magic keyboard, Apple Pencil) and Apple Care (I live in Canada so prices are higher here than the US due to CAD being a weaker value than USD). Personally I think anyone that’s going to spend that much money on an iPad should just get a MacBook Pro instead for the superior OS alone
Why would you buy all of those things for an iPad instead of just buying a laptop? So far as AppleCare, I never buy it, nor have I needed it.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Class action lawsuit for? I mean did your iPad Pro not do what Apple said it would? If so, what would it be? You have to provide better description and details if you want to talk about lawsuits.

Or, you can save yourself a lot of money by simply selling your iPad Pro and get a Macbook instead.

Work smarter, not harder.


macrumors 601
Oct 25, 2008
I don't believe there is a case for the lawsuit you wish to bring about. However, I can agree that the iPad OS should allow for more... In the meanwhile, you can use it as an extension of your Apple computer and move it about the house if your are set up properly. This means you get your Mac's screen on your iPad and all the Mac processing power and apps. It is not the same of course but not a bad interim item. I don't like the OS for iPad as I think there is room for improvement but I cannot say it is bad either as it serves that type of technology reasonably well. As for apps, perhaps as we move into all M1 chips, things will change or if people say - lets get a Samsung tablet, Galaxy phone and Dell computer.


Oct 9, 2015
Personally I think anyone that’s going to spend that much money on an iPad should just get a MacBook Pro instead for the superior OS alone
There’s your answer.

The iPad Pro has its advantages for artists and designers in some fields, but for most other advanced users the Mac is still a better choice. For the rest, who only have basic computing needs, the iPad is a great device because of its simplicity.


macrumors G3
Jun 7, 2015
Seattle WA
That’s the price range of an iPad Pro once you add in all the accessories (mice, magic keyboard, Apple Pencil) and Apple Care (I live in Canada so prices are higher here than the US due to CAD being a weaker value than USD). Personally I think anyone that’s going to spend that much money on an iPad should just get a MacBook Pro instead for the superior OS alone

And they're free to make that choice - nobody forces you to buy an iPad. And if you don't like it, there's a return period. A suit has a zero chance of success.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 4, 2020
Calgary, AB, Canada
I feel like the iPad should have more flexible software. Other tablets, which all of them are no where near as powerful as an iPad Pro, even the 2018 iPad Pro is far more powerful than the fastest Android tablet, have better multitasking and more robust software


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
I have a 2020 12.9” iPad Pro. Apple has always limited the usability of the iPad’s software, not adding features that should’ve been added long ago. There’s no more excuses. It’s 2022 [...]

Why did you ever expect a tablet to be a full blown computer replacement? I for one don't, it's a handy tool that serves as an extension of a laptop/desktop.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 4, 2020
Calgary, AB, Canada
Cause my MacBook Pro is from 2012 and I don’t have the money and resources to buy a whole new MacBook Pro yet, so I’m using my iPad Pro as a stopgap for now, and also as a natural note taking and drawing device with some photo editing and web browsing mixed in


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
So let me get this straight... you bought an iPad Pro which costs around $799+tax instead of a laptop. A device which arguably is meant as an extension of a laptop (akin to a very advanced pen & paper notebook), and now are complaining that it is not up to par with a dedicated laptop/desktop?

Me thinks you got the wrong idea of the iPad being a laptop replacement. If I were you, I would have instead used the cash you spent on your iPad and perhaps saved a bit more for a MacBook Air or the 13" Pro.
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