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First of all, apologies for being a bit late in coming back. Work has been immensely busy.

@Strider64 - What an awesome shot, love the symmetry and the shot is nicely composed. Wondering if they are looking at something?

@oblomow - I like this kind of spontaneous shots, was it awesomely timed or just being lucky?! 😝

@Apple_Glen_UK - This is an awesome shot. Love her happy and smiley face, she is clearly enjoying that ride.

@tizeye - This is an awesome view. Wedding at a location like that must have been awesome. I like the contrast in this shot, the lights are helping with the mood. Nicely done.

@r.harris1 - Wildlife plus reflections. Probably the easiest when it works and the most difficult when it doesn't. Love the shade being cast by the golden light. Feels like an Instagram filter. Very pleasing to the eyes.

@oreganoinferno - The subject is obvious on this one. However, the background feels a bit mushy and washed out. Is this a phone shot by any chance? Feel like a bit more contrast and vibrance would have made it better.

@anotherscotsman - As always, another brilliant entry. Nicely composed, well balanced and perfect editing. 👌

@Clix Pix - I love the messiness in this shot. Pure reflections.

@mollyc - Impressed with the perspective. You've actually cut out the main subject but we can still see everything in the reflections. As always, perfect composition. I do not want to embarrass myself by trying to critique that shot. 😂

@OldMacs4Me - I am an outdoorsy person and I love to be in places like this. I love the natural reflection there. Nice shot overall.

@Hughmac - What an awesome shot. This is a reflection of one's future, one's changing life and one's promises. Simple and elegantly done.

@Elbert C - Looking at this picture, only one thing comes to mind - where heaven meets the earth. Was it taken with a phone? Cloudy days are hard to get right, the details are a bit sketchy and it feels like the picture has a lot of noise in it.

@Ukiyo Evenings - That's a nice shot, vibrant and lots of colours. I like the contrast between light and dark. Well done.

@yuva.kannan.16 - Nice shot of the flower, although not sure how this is relevant to the theme of the competition.

@Ollé - I am a bit confused about this shot. I see the reflection but feel like this shot is a bit too haphazard and missing a proper subject matter / focal point.

@deep diver - Now now, do I see the actual notes as reflections on that pipe?! 👀 Wow 😮 love that perspective and I am as impressed as I always am with your shots. A keen eye for details. 👍

@yey365 - That's an awesome shot. Is that reflection of someone on their phone? Very nice composition, subject in solid focus, loving the black and white treatment as well. Well done. 👍

@someoldguy - This is an example of how simple things look awesome when the framing is just right. Good contrast and vibrant colours. Perfect fall shot.

@LiE_ - This shot reminds me of the word - cute. Really nice surroundings though.

@cupcakes2000 - A wide-open reflection shot. I like the black and white treatment on this one. Looks like a very calm place.

@cogi0490 - A little touch of bright colour in that shot made the difference. Did you edit this shot at all? Feel like it could do with a bit more contrast.

Ok, that would do with my personal inexperienced and ignorant comments for this round. I have really struggled to decide how I am going to rank the entries. Especially when I like a few of them equally, but with my fingers crossed, here we go.

3rd - @deep diver / @yey365
2nd - @mollyc / @Hughmac
1st - @anotherscotsman
Outstanding judging for outstanding images. anotherscotsman's image is fantastic and deserves 1st.
I appreciate your generous comments about my image. I am also very proud to share the podium with yey365. I think that image is brilliant.
@oreganoinferno - The subject is obvious on this one. However, the background feels a bit mushy and washed out. Is this a phone shot by any chance? Feel like a bit more contrast and vibrance would have made it better.

Thank you very much for taking the time & giving feedback. Sony a5000 with the 16-50mm kit lens I did not know how to use properly back when I took the shot.
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Reactions: Ukiyo Evenings
3rd - @deep diver / @yey365
2nd - @mollyc / @Hughmac
1st - @anotherscotsman

Thanks for a good contest and the effort required for judging such a challenging challenge. I'm always amazed at the range of entries these sessions bring - a great way to learn and explore what photography can do.

@deep diver and @Hughmac were the standout entries for me.

Given the quality of entries this week I would have been surprised and pleased with a podium place - what have I done to you to deserve this? :)

I'll have a think about the next one and get something posted.
I'm always amazed at the range of entries these sessions bring - a great way to learn and explore what photography can do.

Good point. I used to enjoy walking along the South Bank after work: would cross over from Embankment via Westminster Bridge, walk till the Millennium Bridge and cross back to St Paul's from where I'd take the Tube. Your entries from the B&W competition and this one reminded of those times, as well as the very important fact that even the most familiar views can take on new meaning if we search for a different perspective. Goes to show how the range of entries can truly be both enjoyable and educational.

Congratulations on the win and well done everyone for sharing such nice images.
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