It is not about pace but about stride length. In running your stride length is about 30% to 50% longer than walking. Everybody is different but generally as you slow running you first decrees your cadence (steps per minute) and then start reducing your stride length. For me I'm about 2000 steps per mile walking and about 1500 running. So I just knock off mentally about ⅓ per mile running....As a mental exercise I was trying to work out steps per mile when running, and factoring in the slowdown in pace...
Also have been using Garmin for over a decade.
Up a good bit this week because I had to walk a lot picking up number and heading to/from Peachtree 10K. In a BONEHEAD move on the 2ed going to pickup race number I walked all the way to the MARTA (subway station), 1 mile. After paying for ride and standing on platform realized I had forgot my mask. Had to walk back home and back to station (we have a Shuttle Bus but takes about as long to wait and I'm more of a walker than waiter).
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