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macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
Same here - ordered in the first 10 minutes and the case says "ships by April 3".

I opted to NOT get a case for mine though - i want to see how the kids goes, and since i ordered the 3g version for me, it's not like i need 2 cases on April 3 anyway. i'm excited though - we had a date change for an event yesterday and i'll have the perfect chance to find out if it's going to work for me in my volunteer position before mine ships.

Now if i can just dig up more info on printing. Hmmm, i guess i should buy a thumb drive and put my we print stuff on it to use on someone's laptop where i will be huh?


macrumors 68040
Aug 9, 2009
Portland, OR
Dude, the iPad COMES with a power adapter.

Or you just want an extra one?

I suspect that I will have more than one extra power adapter. Probably:

1) Dock & power adapter permanently set up to use as a photo display in the family room
2) Power adapter to use next to my bed
3) Power adapter to keep in my laptop case - frequent (~50%) traveler
4) Dock attached to my 27" i7 iMac to sync with new content.



macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 12, 2009
I suspect that I will have more than one extra power adapter. Probably:

1) Dock & power adapter permanently set up to use as a photo display in the family room
2) Power adapter to use next to my bed
3) Power adapter to keep in my laptop case - frequent (~50%) traveler
4) Dock attached to my 27" i7 iMac to sync with new content.

And you can't take your power adapter to put it in your laptop case or with your bed?

4) There's also a USB thingy directly from iPad to Computer.


macrumors 68040
Aug 9, 2009
Portland, OR
And you can't take your power adapter to put it in your laptop case or with your bed?

4) There's also a USB thingy directly from iPad to Computer.

I travel a lot. One thing a frequent traveller realizes is that if you do not keep an adapter in your bag... you will occasionally forget it behind.

I know that you can plug it into a computer. In fact for connection to my iMac... I will only use a dock and cable... with no power adapter. Since this is the only computer that I plan to sync from... this will be the only place where I attach it via USB to a computer. I would prefer to plug it directly into the wall at other locations. Plus, computers only provide 2.5W where the wall plugs provide 10W. That will affect charging time.

When we are not using the iPad during the day... we are likely to use it as a digital picture frame. Hence... that takes a dock, cable, charger to operate.

I generally read before going to bed... often until I am too tired to move. It makes sense to plug it in next to the bed before I go to sleep.



macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
- VGA Connector
- Will look at the case, perhaps buy if available at the store on launch day
- If I don't get the case, then the dock. Otherwise I'll probably just use the case as a stand and plug in the power cord.
- Some sort of small bag to carry it and papers to class in
- Camera connection kit (just found out it supports RAW!?!? Holy crap can you say Lightroom for iPad? IPS display FTW. Seriously wishing I had ordered the 64gb version now instead of the 32gb so I could dump my 16gb cards onto it. Though I barely ever fill BOTH of them even on a trip.


macrumors 6502
Jan 13, 2004
Initial order was:

- 64GB WiFI
- Dock (so the unit can stand up)

I have a few Apple BT keyboards around, so I have that covered.

Next items I am pondering:

- Camera connection kit, but I am hoping Eye-Fi makes an app for the iPad to auto-download from the camera like I do with my Macs.
- Definitely need a travel case, thinking about the Booq.
- Possibly another dock for the office.


macrumors regular
Feb 8, 2008
I read a hands-on post after the iPad event keynote and the poster said the case wasn't the best... but I ordered one anyway; it looks spiffy and the functionality seems.. functional!


macrumors newbie
Mar 17, 2010
No case: love the 3rd party options that are emerging

Regular dock: think the keyboard thing looks weird and typing kind of defeats the purpose for me. I plan to use as a "2nd screen" while at the office.

VGA out: do a ton of presentations and can't wait to use this vs lugging around my MBA or MBP

Component out: when available. Perfect for hotels that charge ridiculous prices for movies on demand.


macrumors regular
Jul 19, 2004
Keyboard, for me, defeats the entire purpose of this device.

I like the look and concept of the case, but I suspect other third-party companies will do it better and cheaper. I definitely want one with a kickstand.
When I was in law school, the keyboard/iPad combo would have been fantastic to have in class. As it is, I could imagine getting a keyboard if the Pages app is useful enough that I can leave my big laptop behind on short business trips. If I can do real work on documents using Pages and the keyboard, I would definitely go for it.

I'll get a case, but I need to see some others to decide which one. But I agree, the case needs to be something that allows it to stand in landscape mode for watching video.
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