I am retired, but currently work a bit:
I am a college professor who teaches undergrad and graduate courses on two campuses of the same university. I also write and have a new book coming out soon.
Also run a consultant/development firm that is heavily involved in bringing two new products to market, managing a virtual business with people on both coasts, and providing consultant services to existing clients.
I use the MBA for everything. Still have a MBP at home and I use its larger hard drive to backup my iphone, itunes, etc. All the rest of the work gets done on the MBA. I am quite happy with it, but hope to replace it with a new MBA that has:
1. larger hard drive
2. more USB ports.
For me, the MBA was a no-brainer because of its light weight, great screen, and good keyboard. I use primarily Office along with Tinderbox, Devonthink Pro, Curio, and NoteTaker.
And you call yourself "retired"? Man!!!