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at the very least they need to allow developers to send to other applications for saves. such as Pages should be allowed to save to my Dropbox application (were the Dropbox devs willing to implement this on their end, etc)

the only other big improvement i'd like to see for iOS (mainly on iPad though) is a services menu of sorts like OS X. it makes the most sense, this explains it the best:

Wow now that is an amazing idea. And yes, I always tried to use OSX Services but never really understood how they were used. LOL!

With iOS it would be simple.
I don't know that there's any point in drawing up wishlists for things that don't already exist in iOS4 (i.e. printing & unified doc folder).

Yer there is, as far as I can see, apple are treating ios on iPad and iPhone as seperate platforms, otherwise they would have release it as the same time as the iPhone version. I think it's very likely to see apple give ios iPad only features due to the iPad being a different product to the iPhone.

you guys gotta remember that iOS multitasking doesnt really require al lthat much ram, apps aren't kept running in the background they're just closed in a saved state and then reopened :3, plenty of ram on the ipad to multitask
While you are true about their state being saved, that state is saved to the ram, not the flash memory.
If there is not enough room on the ram to state save another app, it will quit the app that you used furthest away in the past.
This is why the iPhone 4 has the extra ram, so it can store more apps on the ram without quitting them.
Facetime would be cool. When they announced iOS4, they said it would be coming to the iPad this fall. That made me think that they might update the iPad hardware along with the iPods from now on. So maybe this fall they will add a camera in time for iOS 4?

I pretty sure I watched the same keynote as you and I don't remember hearing Steve Jobs say that FaceTime was coming to the iPad this fall. Actually, the only time Steve ever mentioned the iPad was during the iOS4 preview back in April, Steve said briefly that iOS 4 would come to the iPad later this fall, he never specified which feature or date.

Steve did say that they are working to make FaceTime an open standard and hope to have millions of devices using the FaceTime feature in the future.

I myself would like to see Printing, Multi-Tasking and Unified Document Folder come to the iPad.
I pretty sure I watched the same keynote as you and I don't remember hearing Steve Jobs say that FaceTime was coming to the iPad this fall.
I never said that. He said that at the iOS 4 event, that it would be coming to the iPad this fall.
I am just speculating that since one of the big features of iOS 4 that the iPad can't currently do is FaceTime. And I think that Apple is going to try and get the iPad on the same revision cycle as the iPod. So they might be waiting to release iOS 4 for iPad with a hardware update. They could have released it this summer if they wanted to.
Idk. Its pure speculation.
im sure this will get criticism but they can keep iOS4 at this point. i have everything working that i could want and stuff i never thought would work. i didn't even care about flash but since it works natively now it will have to be something beyond anything i have read so far.

i have backgrounder working better than anything simulated background things they will release.

i have the ability to mount an external HDD.

i have my iPad themed manually and it looks exactly like my Macs

using BT keyboard and mouse when needed as well as VNC into the iPad.

man i could go on and on and on .....

i am totally one that looks for the next edition of whatever but iOS 4 to me is the first time i think i have everr said i may just wait it out cause my iPad is just as i want it.

Multi-tasking will be included in the iPad version of iOS 4 for sure. I'm really hoping that the iPad will skip 4.0 and jump to 4.1 along with the iPhone and iPod touch (unifying all the features of iOS 4 across the devices), which will hopefully include wireless syncing.

Doesn't anyone else feel that wireless syncing should've been in the iPad since day one? If we have to plug it into the wall with our sync cable in order to get it to charge in a reasonable amount of time, wireless syncing is a must! Otherwise, we have to deal with the hassle of constantly moving the sync cable from a wall outlet to our computers. This isn't much of an issue for anyone who already owns an iPod or iPhone, of course, but that's not 100% of iPad users. I'm being really hopeful here, and even though wireless syncing will most likely come in iOS 5, I'll just keep hoping for it to arrive sooner.

Wireless sync is a must. Datacase, drop box, etc, all have "work arounds" and it is just a hassle. It would be nice to be able to combine wireless sync with logmein or another control app
Since getting my iPhone4 i have been shocked at how much the iPhone has re-asserted itself into my life, at the expense of my iPad (which itself is my primary computer). iOS4 is that great IMO. In particular the unified inbox in Mail (and ability to move messages from one account to another which is a big hallelujah for me!) and multi-tasking, which I wasn't even so bummed about not having in the first place... I am simply amazed at how great iOS4 is. Can't wait until it hits the iPad.

I see no reason to doubt we will get the same high level features (folders, multi tasking, improved mail). I think the delay is bc the primary apps need to be recode to be multitasking aware. I hope the delay is because they are also working on other iPad-specific enhancements.

Specifically, I think/hope the recent update to iDisk, and the web versions of the mobile me apps, portends a much-improved, and integrated experience for using the iPad for boundless productivity. Unified file storage that is readable/writeable for all apps, printing, easy file syncing, etc.

I am mostly okay - for now - with Goodreader (and AirSharing for printing) combined with the iWork apps. But I am pondering a switch to one of the office suites which themselves directly integrate with iDisk, drop box, etc. That said, I don't want to do so if an Apple solution is around the corner, you know?
A way to not get such crappy looking apps in 2x mode would be my only true wish for 4.0.

Then again why would Apple spend any additional time with this when they can just sell you an iPad version of the app so you can buy it all over again.

I'm hoping that iOS4 for iPad will really separate the iPad from the iPod and iPhone. I hope Apple takes advantage of the extra real estate and makes iOS4 for iPad a true OS.
I'm hoping that iOS4 for iPad will really separate the iPad from the iPod and iPhone. I hope Apple takes advantage of the extra real estate and makes iOS4 for iPad a true OS.

Does anyone want any "desktop" features on the iPad like a file browser or the ability to open two apps at the same time, perhaps. They could have one app on the top half and the other app on the bottom. There's really quite a lot of room to have the OS be different than the phone and yet still very different than the desktop. Ideas?
i am totally one that looks for the next edition of whatever but iOS 4 to me is the first time i think i have everr said i may just wait it out cause my iPad is just as i want it.


A jail broken iPad does everything iOS4 does, only much better. Only thing missing is unified mail inbox, a feature I can live without. I especially hate how Apple implemented multitasking - all apps you open automatically stay "open"/appear in the "recently used apps" list. I much prefer the way it works with Backgrounder, where I specifically invoke backgrounding when I want an app to stay open.
TheDoty said:
Does anyone want any "desktop" features on the iPad like a file browser or the ability to open two apps at the same time, perhaps. They could have one app on the top half and the other app on the bottom. There's really quite a lot of room to have the OS be different than the phone and yet still very different than the desktop. Ideas?

there is a full file browser that let's you even hook up external drives it's called iFile and it's in Cydia.

i run many apps at the same time with backgrounder and again it's in Cydia.

with a jailbreak iPad you have now way more that iOS4 will give us.

I accomplish daily everything i was doing on my 12 month old MBP except heavy processing things like Photoshop and large video projects but i never expected or care to have that on something so small at this point. I downoad my legal torrents even but the only time i need my MBP other than heavy processing things is for newsgroups which i have not been able to find a solution for.

iOS4, iOS5 it's not gonna matter IDE you want the full experience you need to jailbreak and enjoy the full possibilities of whiag the iPad can do rather than wait possible for Appple to maybe some dsy give it to you.
magiclaffs said:
Wireless sync is a must. Datacase, drop box, etc, all have "work arounds" and it is just a hassle. It would be nice to be able to combine wireless sync with logmein or another control app

wireless sync is already here for the iPad.

just another example of why i have no excitement for iOS 4
I would also like to see Multiple User Accounts. Even though the iPad is mine, I tend to leave my iPad in the office (home office) and everyone in my family is free to use it whenever they want. But for this reason I don't sync Contacts, Calendar, Safari Bookmarks or Mail content to my iPad because I don't want them looking at my personal info.

So I would like to see a Main Account and a Guest Account, at least.

Also, given the iPhone screen size I understand why the Multi-Tasking UI was implemented the way it was, but for the iPad I would like them to use the Application Switcher that is currently on Mac computers.

Through the camera connection kit I'd like to have the added functionality of connecting a 160 gig iPod classic that would hold extra videos, music and misc. data items, and serve as well as back-up whenever necessary.

Edit: I'd also like to see some excellent facsimile of Hypercard that functions on both desktop and iPad. I'm not sure that is relevant to iOS4.
I would also like to see Multiple User Accounts. Even though the iPad is mine, I tend to leave my iPad in the office (home office) and everyone in my family is free to use it whenever they want. But for this reason I don't sync Contacts, Calendar, Safari Bookmarks or Mail content to my iPad because I don't want them looking at my personal info.

So I would like to see a Main Account and a Guest Account, at least.

If not multiple user accounts then I would like the ability to lock folders that contain my Mail, Contact, Journal, Calender and Safari Bookmarked icons that can be added to the home screen.

Infact I would like to see this feature on my iPhone 4 now, even though I can easily lock the device there often seems to be some reason for someone to want to use my iPhone or just check it out and it would be great if someone could get a good look at it with out seeing my private stuff.
I'm actually hoping that they implement a way to use popovers for some multitasking features, think of tapping on an icon for an IM app in the status bar to have a popover view appear over your current app which would allow you to quickly reply to an IM then return to whatever you were doing.

it'd also be nice to enable HTML upload forms for uploading pictures and such to sites
As well as the expected, multi tasking, folders, unified mail etc and of course I really would like some form of documents/folders manager, the thing I really really would like to have but know I'm never gonna get is iTunes LP on the iPad.

I love iTunes LPs, I love browsing through photos, sleeve notes, artwork whilst chilling to the music but to do it I have to use my MBP, how much better would it be to simply hold my iTunes LPs in my hand, flick through the included photos and artwork whilst relaxing back on the sofa.

That's what I want.........but it's vertually certain I won't get it :-(

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