Yesterday afternoon I finally got some new speakers for the living room. Let me tell you, if there's ever an instance of you needing to actually experience something for yourself and not reading what others have to say about it, it's when selecting speakers. I get that it isn't always possible, but I spent far too long reading what some self professed "audiophiles" said music and, well, sound should sound like, and at the end I was ready to be content with just listening to the pipes rustle in my building and be done with it.
But I digress.
Today being the first day to really fire them up, I spent some time going through the CD collection and landed on an artist I have the utmost respect for as a musician, but one that also I haven't really listened to in ages. I've only gotten to see her live on one occasion, and that was about ten years ago. One of the better gigs I've ever seen, and I can't wait for the next opportunity.
But I digress.
Today being the first day to really fire them up, I spent some time going through the CD collection and landed on an artist I have the utmost respect for as a musician, but one that also I haven't really listened to in ages. I've only gotten to see her live on one occasion, and that was about ten years ago. One of the better gigs I've ever seen, and I can't wait for the next opportunity.