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Jimi Hendrix Experience - Live at Cobo Arena, Detroit, 11/30/68

Tomorrow We'll Do Our Last Gig in the States (ATM 143 / 2001 / 1CDR)

(Cobo Arena, Detroit 30.11.68 [1st & 2nd Source Composite]) Aud; 1st Ge(1st Source) & 2nd Gen (2nd Source)

Good choice! I can only add
Jimi Hendrix – Freedom
Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
Moon Safari, and the opening track La Femme d'Argent in particular hold very special meaning for me. I never really got to listening to their newer material, but that’s just something for a rainy day, I guess.

La Femme d'Argent is a serious favourite track of mine - one of those I can listen to forever -actually, I can never tire of listening to it, so yes, I am in complete accord wth you.

Now, tonight, I have graduated to The Beatles - and Abbey Road.
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Moon Safari, and the opening track La Femme d'Argent in particular hold very special meaning for me. I never really got to listening to their newer material, but that’s just something for a rainy day, I guess.

During my "CD revival" I busted out Premiers Symptomes - we used to play a lot of ambient, space, light techno (however you'd classify Air) in our main production space :cool:
During my "CD revival" I busted out Premiers Symptomes - we used to play a lot of ambient, space, light techno (however you'd classify Air) in our main production space :cool:

Yeah this is a good one as well! The classification question is an endless swamp I'd rather steer clear of. The umbrella term "electronica" could maybe be used, but strict genres, and the need to correctly assign every piece of music made to them mostly just gives me hives.
Yeah this is a good one as well! The classification question is an endless swamp I'd rather steer clear of. The umbrella term "electronica" could maybe be used, but strict genres, and the need to correctly assign every piece of music made to them mostly just gives me hives.

Yeah, I used to enjoy doing a "cold listen" to new music, I mean, sometimes the packaging or label might give away a bit, but I'd love being surprised. We had an indie music shop where I used to live, I'd spend hours just pulling one record after the other, totally random. This was the kind of store, where you knew the owner, and could take something and leave $10 taped to register with a note :)
Yeah, I used to enjoy doing a "cold listen" to new music, I mean, sometimes the packaging or label might give away a bit, but I'd love being surprised. We had an indie music shop where I used to live, I'd spend hours just pulling one record after the other, totally random. This was the kind of store, where you knew the owner, and could take something and leave $10 taped to register with a note :)

I do the same thing. As long as there are record stores I will buy my records in physical form. The whole process of spending time going through records and discovering new bands is just so much more satisfying than clicking away on a computer. Even better when you get to know the people who work at the store.
During my "CD revival" I busted out Premiers Symptomes - we used to play a lot of ambient, space, light techno (however you'd classify Air) in our main production space :cool:

Premiers Symptomes - indeed, almost all of what Air have produced - is excellent.

Yeah, I used to enjoy doing a "cold listen" to new music, I mean, sometimes the packaging or label might give away a bit, but I'd love being surprised. We had an indie music shop where I used to live, I'd spend hours just pulling one record after the other, totally random. This was the kind of store, where you knew the owner, and could take something and leave $10 taped to register with a note :)

I do the same thing. As long as there are record stores I will buy my records in physical form. The whole process of spending time going through records and discovering new bands is just so much more satisfying than clicking away on a computer. Even better when you get to know the people who work at the store.

Couldn't agree more; I spent hours and hours of my life in record shops, leafing through LPs, admiring cover art and being intrigued by bands and groups and singers and musicians that I had never heard of, and often ending up with a purchase of something I would never have thought I would have ended up buying.
Avicii was one of those performers that I can't name a single song from, yet after listening to a few of them online I had heard every one of them before. Not really my scene, but whatever the case may be 28 is pretty early to go.

My Saturday evening has consisted (and will continue to do so) of great whisky and good tunes. I've been going through my cd collection and have listened to albums in the order I've bought them, in so far as I can remember when what was acquired. One of the "first ones" however was Exit Planet Dust by Chemical Brothers. Still a great album after ~23 years, and I've always loved the cover art.

I'm hoping someone can help me out. There was a youtube duo a few years ago with a blond female singer and brown haired male musician. They did a bunch of covers, with him jumping all over the place, and her just singing.

I thought their duo was something like "intellimoose" but based on current searches, that's clearly not it. Does anyone have any idea WTH I'm talking about?
Zappa: The Roxy Performances 7CD complete recordings. If you liked Roxy and Elsewhere, this is like dying and going to heaven.
Zappa: The Roxy Performances 7CD complete recordings. If you liked Roxy and Elsewhere, this is like dying and going to heaven.

Frank Zappa is one of the musicians who will always have my undying appreciation and respect. Such a cool cat, in every way.

Now, I'm not really a fan of labeling music (save for a few very specific cases), but when an artist decides to label his art as "Zen Funk" and / or "Ritual Groove", who am I to argue. It's raining here, so what better way to spend time than getting lost in the soundscapes these extremely talented Austrians weave.

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