Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World
My Stephen King book finally arrived today. Very late at that, but I don't care. I'm glad I now have a copy to read and add to my collection of hard to find originals. I found Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World while I was looking for biographies on David Lloyd George. Perhaps
@Scepticalscribe can give me a recommendation.
I have read quite a few biographies on David Lloyd George.
Actually, he was a very divisive character, inspiring love, devotion and loathing in almost equal measure.
An excellent look at the Liberal Government (basically British constitutional history 1906-1914) is George Dangerfield's superb book "The Strange Death of Liberal England".
The book was published in the mid 1930s, and the latter chapters (especially the one on the suffragettes) do show its age (essentially, he supported the suffragettes, but thought it rather unladylike to hurl rocks through windows, though his sketching of working class grievances is less judgmental) do show the book's age.
But the first chapter - almost a hundred pages long - is simply superb, and beautifully written, too. In essence, it argues - quite brilliantly - that the Liberals sawed off the branch that they were sitting on.
And the pen portrait sketched of DLG is wonderful - you see him at his irreverent, radical, savagely witty, brave and brilliant best, in this book.
The Labour politician Roy Hattersley has written a balanced, (but fairly biting) recent biography of Lloyd George; to my mind, it is the best of the recent works, and it has the further advantage that it is a single volume - and very readable - biography.
Moreover, it also has the advantage of being able to discuss openly what can best be described as Lloyd George's rather "complicated" private life, (earlier works were very coy on the subject, and there was something both brilliant and sleazy about DLG) and has been able to take advantage of recent scholarship, as well.
However, it is clear, reading it - and Hattersley does allude to this - that he had started his research for the work as an admirer of DLG, but came to dislike the man. Intensely.
Actually, I must admit that I am rather partial to well written biographies by politicians - the sort of bright politicians who were equally at home in academia and in public office.
Apart from Roy Hattersley, another, cut from a similar cloth, who was an equally fine historian was Roy Jenkins (his biography of Winston Churchill is excellent).
These individuals, precisely because they had held high office themselves, also knew - and - this is key - also understood - how Government actually worked (as opposed to how it is supposed to work, or should work in an ideal world, which are very different criteria). This makes their insights all the more interesting.
For those seeking even greater depth, John Grigg wrote an outstanding biography of DLG, but it comes in four volumes.
Possibly the most scathing account of all comes from David Lloyd George's own son, his eldest son, Richard Lloyd George. I remember how stunned I was when I read it - and this is not a recent publication, either.