I just downloaded The Short Victorious War (Honor Harrington) [Kindle Edition] to my Kindle PaperWhite and will begin the third book in this series. The first two Honor Harrington books were real page turners for me and I absolutely loved them.
I'm currently on the 8th book in the series, and they are all page turners for me. You will enjoy the rest.
"The Fall Of The Roman Empire" by Peter Heather,
I read that book. It is excellent, very informative.
French Religious Wars 1562-1595 Robert Knecht
Sounds interesting. Is it any good, or is it worth reading?
Actually, I've always had a sneaking liking for Henri IV (Henry of Navarre) who strikes me as one of the most attractive characters ever to sit on the French throne, as he seemed to be generous, intelligent, tolerant, broad-minded, flexible, and good-humoured, among many other attributes,..... and had some sort of generous vision for how the country ought to be governed....(Granted, the historical competition presented by other French monarchs since early medieval times, wasn't exactly very strong as most of of the others over several centuries vied with one another in the various categories of dreadful, licentious, incompetent, imbecilic, neurotic, murderous, vicious......the list is gloomily extensive, I fear.)
First of I bought the book to get a grounding in the period. English is not my first language, but the writer uses language that is easy to understand but not childish, but really brings this period of French history to life. You can tell that he has spent years studying this period. But he never makes it hard work to get interested in the facts and people, this is certainly not a dry history book.
That being said I sometimes have to stop and look words up in a dictionary.
As you point out French Kings of that and earlier periods, were quite an apart group of individuals.
But they are more than compensated for by the very strong women who became Queen of France.
Eleanor de Aquitaine
Blanche de Castile
Maruerite de Provence
Anne de Bretagne
Catherine de Medici
Maruerite de Valois
I do hope that this has been of some help.
in an interview on April 1st, he said he was only 1/4th done.
I decided that my next bout of history would be nearer to home.
The Thirty Years war is seen here as a part of the Eighty Wars war.
This war changed Europe more than any other event before WWI.