Number for my responses.
1. Not sure what you are talking about. I am on a windows x64 windows 7 computer. I have no issue with it.
2. More detail please. Again the double twist playlist are populated from my iTunes playlist. iTunes smart playlist adds a song it is done in double twist.
3. Never really use Double twist for pod caste. There are by far better options. A great free option is Google Listen. Supply Google listen the RSS feed of the pod cast and it handles everything else. I use an App called dog catcher which is paid and offers a few more features than Google Listen but does the same thing.
4. Points back to reason 3. Both the apps I talk about check and download podcast at what ever time period you request. I think I set mine to 6 hours and unlike iOS I can download them over cell network.
5. What do you mean by that? Remember iTunes is still handling all the creating and controlling of my playlist. Double twist is used for syncing but gets all its information from iTunes.
6. It is a free program and I would like to point out Apple is not much better.
And like I said before iOS is a better for music player. Android it is pretty good but not as nice. Podcast, honestly I find Android is better at that with the fact that I am not limited by wifi only downloading and I can get the pod cast earlier as I do not have to wait for iTunes store to update its list so I can download it. I have seen the differences be has high was 12+ hours between when I could pull it off the RSS feed compared to iTunes.
1. It crashes for me on Windows 7. I searched for forums and found a long thread on the issue with no resolution in over 8 months.
2. In Doubletwist there is an option for "add playlist"... no option for "add smart playlist". Again, checked forums and found a long thread that the option is evidently in the mac version but not windows. I found an option for "import playlist from iTunes" but since I cannot get it to run on my main computer cannot really test.... Since DT itself does not support smart playlists, if something changes in a smart playlist on iTunes does it have to be re-imported for the change to take effect.
2a. If I still have to use itunes for doubletwist to work properly, how have I improved anything? iTunes by itself is a huge memory hog and if I have to run that and a second program to make it all work - not interested.
3. I do not like using any phone based podcast catchers because then the files are only available on my phone. I also like to listen to podcasts through iTunes directly, ATV, etc. I like my content available multiple places and not tied to one. Also, I find the ability to search and find podcasts in iTunes very useful and is how I find 90% of my podcasts. Doubletwist has the function but it really doesn't work well.
4. See 3 - I like content in a centralzied location that can be accessed from multiple devices/places.
5. Again, no option I can find in doubletwist for "create folder". As I said earlier if I am just creating in itunes, then syncing to DT, then syncing to the phone that sounds to me like way too many places for something to go wrong and way more apps running on my computer then I would like. Why can't DT just replace iTunes since it is obviously trying to?
6. USB sync is free... wifi sync and other options are paid. If I was going to use it, I would have to have wifi sync.
I never said iTunes was a perfect product. I get very frustrated with it on many occassions, but my point has always been NOBODY has a product that can replace it that has the same features. DT is the closest and even in the interface tries to be iTunes but lacks features needed to do so. and in reality all most products do is just link their program into itunes, not replace it.
Nobody has made a viable competitor to iTunes that takes what it dos well and fixes the things it doesn't do well.
I am hesitant on produts that just "link into" iTunes because I have been down that road before using a wifisync jailbreak app for iPhone. The mutli-app solution just really didn't work all that well.