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i've noticed the same thing...

i think this is a new feature of the latest iTunes? unless i missed it before, i could have sworn that Podcasts stayed out of the Library. it is annoying when you're listening to much and then
"the power of your intellect"
*da daaa*

and i can't find any options in iTunes to keep Podcasts contained in their own section and out of the Library...
rickvanr said:
I want podcast in podcasts and music to be separate in Library.

I usually just put a song from my library, and let it play down, and I hate when one of my news podcasts or some other podcast comes on, and it's 20 minutes of talk when I'm not in the mood for talk.

The library is just that a library of every file in iTunes. If you want a song list without something you need to make a smart playlist with that file category subtracted from it.

Think of iTunes as a book library. Say you only like history books but you start at the first shelf and you get a childrens book. The answer is to only view the history books. This is done in iTunes with smart playlists. Smart playlists fill with whatever files fit your criteria and are dynamic meaning the contents changes automatically instantly as you add and remove files from the library.

My biggest gripe right now with iTunes is they don't have a video podcast section in the iTunes music store. Video Podcasts and Audio Podcasts should have their own sections.
rickvanr said:
I know thats how the Library works. It just bugs me that's all. I got used to the Library being music-centric.

Well I've always had a great deal of variety in my music folder from christmas music and comedy to classical and hard rock. It forced me right away to create playlists. When smart playlists came along it was a god send.

Just a suggestion. In the future when you have a new question that you can't find an answer for in another forum create a new thread. You can see how your question derailed this thread from it's original topic of helpful OSX apps.
MacBandit said:
Well I've always had a great deal of variety in my music folder from christmas music and comedy to classical and hard rock. It forced me right away to create playlists. When smart playlists came along it was a god send.

Just a suggestion. In the future when you have a new question that you can't find an answer for in another forum create a new thread. You can see how your question derailed this thread from it's original topic of helpful OSX apps.

All things I know, and very unhelpful. Thanks

As to the topic, I use MacFLAC all the time to decompress live shows from
rickvanr said:
I know thats how the Library works. It just bugs me that's all. I got used to the Library being music-centric.

Simple solution for this. So braindead that I didn't notice it for months!

Click on Library
Go to Edit --> Show Search Bar
Then select Music on the search bar.

Looky Looky, no more podcasts in your library ;)
Time for a little update:

- Firefox - at the moment a better (IMO) browser then Safari, remember the two essential extentions: SpellBound and Adblock. If you need any search engines (like AcidSearch), just make them.
- Vienna - RSS reader that has completely made me forget Safari.
- Meteorologist - weather forcast in the menu bar.
- iSnip - extended clipboard, also in the menu bar.
- SpiritedAway - hides inactive apps after a given time. Priceless on a small screen.
- Quicksilver - a launcher that has changed the way I use my Mac, it has rendered the Dock almost obsolete.
- TextWrangler (or SubEthaEdit), free and amazing text editor(s).
- AbiWord - might be my permanent preferred word processor.
- Adium X - a very good free multi protocol IM client, though I don't use it much, all the time spend here at MR prevents that. ;)
- Conversation - a nice Mac-like IR client.
- XRG - monitor your Mac from the desktop, doesn't use too much resources.
- Cyberduck - nice little GUI s/ftp client.
- OmniDiskSweeper - great little tool from the OmniGroup for finding (and removing) all the junk off your HD. Free one day licences available from the Omni site.
- TinkerTool - a great way to access many of the hidden options in Mac OS X (how could I forget that) without having to use the Terminal.
A list of all the applications that I've downloaded and found useful. Cheers.

1. Firefox
2. NetNewsWire (RSS reader)
3. Papers (Great scientific article manager!)
4. Adium (Awesome IM client)
5. Handbrake
6. Neooffice
7. Transmission
8. UnRarX
9. VLC
Hmm I don't have time to link it all, but I'll List names, and give descriptions. If it is still currently available upon reading this post, it should come up in a quick search.

I have owned a iMac for about a year now, running OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger)

During my time, I have found a variety of programs and other things useful:

SingThatiTunes -- Widget that can search for lyrics, and auto-save them to iTunes. This has worked much better than any previous one I tried, but alas, won't work on all songs.

Show IP Dashboard widget -- self explanitory... my network utilities shows my network address

Plasma Tube - little lava lamps on your dashboard ..makes it look cool anyway

Firefox - It's the little things I like during browsing, I still use safari for it's "Activity Window" though

Safari's Activity Window - Command+Option+A - Displays everything loading on a particular page. You can download almost any flash movie or music file with it. Look for an item loading in the list with "MB" in it, as most web items are only "KB" in size. Double-click the line, and safari will download the file (great for youtube videos)

Xee - Best "Preview" replacement ever. It can scroll through all images in a folder with the mouse wheel, and also *plays* animated .GIF images. If you're like me and switched from windows to Mac, that would have bugged you for some time.

Perian Quicktime plugins (also works in iDVD) allows quicktime to play a large variety of files. If working correctly, it can play AVIs, just don't try to seek or edit them (that's when quicktime crashes) use VLC to play

$$quicktime Pro$$ edit movies and save them right in quicktime. (not AVI's)

iSquint - Convert video files (even AVIs) into ipod format (then quicktime can edit them easily)

$$Keyboard Maestro$$ -- Shareware, great mac Macro program. control iTunes from keyboard, or do any other macro you like. It can even be used to assign hoykeys to open apple scripts.

$$$EyeTV$$$ - watch & record TV on your mac via USB 2.0

Adium Great multi-functional messaging client. Connect to MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AOL, Myspace, iChat & more

Transmission - great bittortent client

NetNewsWire - best RSS feed reader I can possibly ask for. Wish windows had one

Audacity - free audio editing program. Reverse audio, split audio, make ringtones.

Capture Me - take screen shots of a movie running in DVD (OS X screen capture is disabled during movie playback)

coppernicus - free screen recording program.

FunnyPhotographer - free program with some effect that Tiger's Photobooth doesn't have

open office Office utilities that are compatible with Microsoft Office

Paint brush simple paint program, similar to MS Paint

Renamer4Mac Quick, easy file re-namer. Drag files in, select re-name options, click a button, done. I use it to add suffexes (ie MISF_) to all my images (of certain catagories) so that upon import into iPhoto, smart albums will automatically pick it up. Great way to organize.

UnRarX - unpack .RAR files.

Command+Option+Control+8 - inverted screen

Command+Option+I with multiple files selected, this shortcut will open one "get info" window, displaying combined file information. (ie: size of all selected files) - google's helicopter game

if you view the source, you can download the .swf file and play offline!

That is it for now. I will continue to personalize my mac as time goes on.
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