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M. Gustave

macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2015
Grand Budapest Hotel
IMO, the iPad Pro needs a partial redesign, like adding MicroSD expandable storage...

Why stop there? How am I supposed to plug in my VGA external CRT monitors, and SCSI peripherals??! Wake up crApple!!

I kid, I kid... but seriously, sdcards? It's 2016, not 2010.

A hybrid OS that can use both Mac and iOS apps (like a Chromebook) would be great.

A Chromebook can't run Mac or iOS apps. With a few Google exceptions a Chromebook can't even run "apps" at all, it runs a Chrome browser window. It's designed to use the web for everything.


Jul 12, 2016
What files are you unable to open?

iPad is a touch input device, so it needs an operating system designed from the ground up for touch. It's really not hard to understand.

Maybe you're confused by the optional accessories Apple sells for it? It happens to the best of us.

I think it's you that didn't understand me. Thanks for pointing out the iPad is a touch input device, that makes complete sense. But I'm sure you were being facetious.

There is limited ability to run certain programs, files, storage on iOS, which would require a suite or built in boot similar to OSX. If Cook wants this to replace my laptop as he stated, this would have to be a minimum for a lot of users. Maybe your just confused? It happens to the best of us.


macrumors 65816
Feb 18, 2010
I thought it would be interesting to start a discussion about what Apple would need to add to the iPad Pro for you to consider it a "Pro" device, or for it to replace your laptop.

Currently, if I needed an ultra-portable machine I'd buy a MacBook. I need apps like Toon Boom Studio, Adobe Premier, After Effects and Animate for work. And while I expect a mid-range laptop will always be what I need spec-wise, I can't even consider an iPad as a secondary device because I can't open work files on it.

It's worth asking: do you think the iPad Pro *should* be a laptop replacement? I remember watching the iPad 3 introduction keynote thinking "They've got PhotoBooth, iWork, and iLife... next year they'll surly introduce Final Cut Pro or Logic?" I get the impression now that Apple doesn't share this vision. It's not only Adobe holding out on iOS versions of their Mac apps, but Apple themselves.

Run full version of IOS like the surfacee

Chew Toy McCoy

macrumors regular
May 13, 2016
It’s interesting that some desktop users try to get away from using the mouse as much as possible through keyboard shortcuts while some iPad users want to use a mouse as much as possible.

Having said that, how lacking are keyboard shortcuts on iOS compared to desktop OS? If they are extremely lacking then maybe Apple needs to get cracking on that if they want to convince people they don’t need a mouse.

M. Gustave

macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2015
Grand Budapest Hotel
I think it's you that didn't understand me. Thanks for pointing out the iPad is a touch input device, that makes complete sense. But I'm sure you were being facetious.

Uh, no?

There is limited ability to run certain programs, files, storage on iOS, which would require a suite or built in boot similar to OSX. If Cook wants this to replace my laptop as he stated...

So, for you, in order to 'replace your laptop', the iPad would have to have the same input methods and operating system of your laptop? So then what would be the benefit of an iPad over a macbook? Why are you even interested in one enough to participate in the iPad forum?


Jul 12, 2016
Uh, no?

So, for you, in order to 'replace your laptop', the iPad would have to have the same input methods and operating system of your laptop? So then what would be the benefit of an iPad? Why are you even interested in one enough to participate in the iPad forum?

The benefit of the iPad for me is strictly entertainment needs, I have both the 9.7 and 12.9 Pro's, which were provided to me through my company. So, I do as I wish them for those purposes of how I require them too.

My heavy lifting is on my 5k iMac and MacBook Pro.

Lastly, why do I need a reason to be on an iPad forum? Is this open to the public or Should I be elsewhere? Can an Android user participate on an iOS forum and provide insight/feedback? Or should they be refrained from doing so? Can another user who reads these posts learn or gain an understanding from differing contradictory points made from one another?

Umm. Yes.


Feb 17, 2012
The hardware is fine.

I wonder if you have said this with the 12.9" iPP in mind because otherwise with just 2GB of RAM in the 9.7' iPP the 9.7" surely is left desired for more !! Atleast 3 to 4 GB RAM I would imagine.


macrumors 68030
Mar 11, 2009
Nothing. "Pro" is a meme that can mean many things to different people to many of those it just means "it has to work like my pc/mac".

Its an iPad. Pro.

M. Gustave

macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2015
Grand Budapest Hotel
Lastly, why do I need a reason to be on an iPad forum? Is this open to the public or Should I be elsewhere? Can an Android user participate on an iOS forum and provide insight/feedback? Or should they be refrained from doing so? Can another user who reads these posts learn or gain an understanding from differing contradictory points made from one another?

Umm. Yes.

No one said you can't participate. I was simply curious. You don't have to answer the question if you don't feel like it.


Jul 12, 2016
No one said you can't participate. I was simply curious. You don't have to answer the question if you don't feel like it.

But I did answer it. Feel free to answer my questions. I would be ecstatic to read your responses.


macrumors regular
Apr 7, 2012
When they showed off the Keynote saying it's faster than 300 Million existing PCs I thought they were going to say that it could run Mac OS X and Intel Really fought hard to get the iPad Pro business but its Core M CPUs were not ready the A9X is roughly on par with what the 2016 MacBook Core M ships with.

That being said Without Pie in the sky things to be More Pro maybe not this generation since its out I'd say next revision would be.

#1. Intel Core M Processors
#2. Mouse support really this would go a long way even with today's Pros
#3. Fast charging
#4. USB C port no more lightning
#5. Graphene Lithium battery will likely get 15 hour battery life.
#6. OLED Display.

Notice I did not add Mac OS X support I can't rule it out We need some insider Information or Rumors I am sure it's being Discussed But it would need 4GB RAM and at least an A11X Quad Core CPU. Maybe in 2017

Pretty close to what the Surface Pro is offering.

Not an Apple device, but shares much of the underlying architecture.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 1, 2010
FYI, Apple put 13 short podcasts online showing business, "pro", use-cases for the iPad. I'll bet most critics aren't even aware of half of these apps, workflows, and techniques.

Yeah, and then you try to do a simple thing like attaching ten photos to an email you've already wrote and discover that the iOS photo picker lets you select only ONE damn photo at a time.

Or someone sends you an EPS file and there is no way to preview it.

Working on an iPad is like trying to assembly an incomplete puzzle. No matter what you do there is always a missing piece ruining everything.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 5, 2012
First, it needs to run a desk top OS. iOS is to limited and restricted. Second, the Pro needs more 'Pro' applications for editing and Developing at minimum.

Right now, in some respects, the 12.9 Pro is considered a giant sized movie player with really good speakers and designing with the Apple Pencil.

I don't think shoe-horning OS X onto the iPad is a good idea. The purpose of this post was to make people think.

*what* about OS X do you need on iPad? The file system? More robust apps?
What files are you unable to open?

Adobe Premier Pro projects, Adobe Animate files and Toon Boom/Harmony are the key ones.

M. Gustave

macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2015
Grand Budapest Hotel
Yeah, and then you try to do a simple thing like attaching ten photos to an email you've already wrote and discover that the iOS photo picker lets you select only ONE damn photo at a time.

Open Photos, select all the photos you want to share, the click the share sheet and choose Mail.

It's just a different way of going about it.


macrumors 68020
Jan 29, 2010
Uh, no?
So, for you, in order to 'replace your laptop', the iPad would have to have the same input methods and operating system of your laptop? So then what would be the benefit of an iPad over a macbook? Why are you even interested in one enough to participate in the iPad forum?
Because there is a market for people who want a tablet--with its drawing surface--with all the functionality of a notebook pc. Some how posters here are so committed to denigrating this concept that they fail to see its benefits. Hybrids are developing...a surface with an ipad like form factor does not seem that far off. Adobe is moving more aggressively to create touch modules within its desktop modules.
Nothing. "Pro" is a meme that can mean many things to different people to many of those it just means "it has to work like my pc/mac".

Its an iPad. Pro.

I agree with this. Its certainly a pro graphics tablet, its an awesome auxilary tool. But thats a limited function set. Who wnats to do complex audio and video work without a pointer device? external storage? finder? external monitor support?
This is why pro functionality leads so directly to hybrid solutions. But ipad users get confused when not everything on the hybrid tablet is finger centric.

M. Gustave

macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2015
Grand Budapest Hotel
Because there is a market for people who want a tablet--with its drawing surface--with all the functionality of a notebook pc.

I think clearly the market doesn't care for hybrid Windows pc's, they have mediocre keyboards, screens, and battery life (looking at you Dell), and in particular the iPad Pro is outselling the Surface Pro.

Who wnats to do complex audio and video work without a pointer device? external storage? finder? external monitor support?

Why would you want to do 'complex audio and video work' on an iPad? This really makes no sense, and is not what the device excels at. I choose the right tools for the jobs I need to get done, or if possible I modify the job or how I accomplish it.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 29, 2010
Why would you want to do 'complex audio and video work' on an iPad? This really makes no sense, and is not what the device excels at. I choose the right tools for the jobs I need to get done, or if possible I modify the job or how I accomplish it.

Your making my point: "why would i want to do pro work on an ipad?". I mean that what the threads about...


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
"Pro" is a marketing term that doesn't really mean anything, but if you mean what would make an iPad Pro a viable replacement for my laptop, a real user accessible file management system would be nice. Greater control over what apps files open in by default. Basically, doing away with the sandboxed and compartmentalized nature of iOS so that I can do things like add an email attachment without the file having to be in an app that my email app has been specifically allowed to interact with.

Of course, I realize that this sandboxing is iOS, so basically to replace my laptop the iPad Pro would have to be something other than an iOS tablet.


macrumors 68000
Nov 7, 2013
Open Photos, select all the photos you want to share, the click the share sheet and choose Mail.

It's just a different way of going about it.

Ok... Show me the different way of replying to an email and attaching several picutures.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 12, 2015
Ok... Show me the different way of replying to an email and attaching several picutures.
Go to photos.

Press select. Select multiple photos.

Press on the share button. Press on copy.

Paste the photos in your reply.
Because there is a market for people who want a tablet--with its drawing surface--with all the functionality of a notebook pc. Some how posters here are so committed to denigrating this concept that they fail to see its benefits. Hybrids are developing...a surface with an ipad like form factor does not seem that far off. Adobe is moving more aggressively to create touch modules within its desktop modules.

I agree with this. Its certainly a pro graphics tablet, its an awesome auxilary tool. But thats a limited function set. Who wnats to do complex audio and video work without a pointer device? external storage? finder? external monitor support?
This is why pro functionality leads so directly to hybrid solutions. But ipad users get confused when not everything on the hybrid tablet is finger centric.

The best iPad is not there yet in terms of pro audio work. But pretty close. Here's some video that show that.



macrumors 68020
Jan 29, 2010
Go to photos.

Press select. Select multiple photos.

Press on the share button. Press on copy.

Paste the photos in your reply.

The best iPad is not there yet in terms of pro audio work. But pretty close. Here's some video that show that.

Thanks for the posted videos. The fx was the most compelling. There also several good syths on ths ios store. Where it breaks down for me is as the complexity grows, finger becomes increasingly cumbersome. That said ipad apps and synths are super inexpensive, and dont discount garage band. I dont see this as "pro", but all the dance hits of the eighties weren't made on what we now would call pro gear. (excepting mastering)
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macrumors 68040
Feb 4, 2011
Adding a mouse pointer for basic selection interactions would push it to pro for me.

They should also INCLUDE a keyboard.
What the iPad Pro needs are pro apps made for iPad.
If you want mac OS, mouse, and keyboard on an iPad, you don't want an iPad, you want a Macbook Pro.

Or maybe an android tablet which offers mouse and keyboard support...


macrumors member
Mar 27, 2016
The obvious ones for Apple... Xcode & Final Cut. I think iOS is still a few years away from being able to fully replace OSX for me
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