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macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2012
So, I was working on a presentation for a technical training class. I was working in PowerPoint on site with the equipment. I wanted a diagram so I took a picture and inserted it right then and there, then used the pencil to annotate competents. While I was working on the presentation, I recorded and edited a couple videos. By the end, I had a completed training module - not just notes and materials I would use to take back to my computer and compile later.

All on my 12.9" iPad. Has it offered me a new way to work? Absolutely.

You said it all. Take back to my computer and compile later. I should have said "The iPad hasn't offered us a new way to work that replaces our computer". Then maybe this thread wouldn't be filled with ridiculous examples of "new ways to work".

Today, I had a coffee and I was reading a long article in landscape mode. So I turned the iPad 90 degrees and I was now reading in portrait mode! My laptop can't do that. So yes, the iPad has offered me a new way to work. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2009
A few things come immediately to mind:

-- a true file system, which can be in the form of an app that lets us see files in storage, hierarchically organized and searchable/sortable in the same ways we would expect from a desktop system.

-- mouse support

-- switching from Lightning to USB-C and supporting use of the port for file transfers or peripherals. A second USB-C port would be a plus.

-- robust support from developers
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M. Gustave

macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2015
Grand Budapest Hotel
A few things come immediately to mind:

-- a true file system, which can be in the form of an app that lets us see files in storage, hierarchically organized and searchable/sortable in the same ways we would expect from a desktop system.

Already exists.


Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
When they showed off the Keynote saying it's faster than 300 Million existing PCs I thought they were going to say that it could run Mac OS X and Intel Really fought hard to get the iPad Pro business but its Core M CPUs were not ready the A9X is roughly on par with what the 2016 MacBook Core M ships with.

That being said Without Pie in the sky things to be More Pro maybe not this generation since its out I'd say next revision would be.

#1. Intel Core M Processors
#2. Mouse support really this would go a long way even with today's Pros
#3. Fast charging
#4. USB C port no more lightning
#5. Graphene Lithium battery will likely get 15 hour battery life.
#6. OLED Display.

Notice I did not add Mac OS X support I can't rule it out We need some insider Information or Rumors I am sure it's being Discussed But it would need 4GB RAM and at least an A11X Quad Core CPU. Maybe in 2017

Bold is not a great idea because Core M has been rather disappointing to a lot of people. And no, not just using the MacBook as reference. Italic isn't likely happening, as some fear taking away touch as the metaphor with a mouse would only cause developers more difficulty in how they design their app. And that's not taking to account crappy desktop app ports that don't take touch into account at all.

I think it's you that didn't understand me. Thanks for pointing out the iPad is a touch input device, that makes complete sense. But I'm sure you were being facetious.

There is limited ability to run certain programs, files, storage on iOS, which would require a suite or built in boot similar to OSX. If Cook wants this to replace my laptop as he stated, this would have to be a minimum for a lot of users. Maybe your just confused? It happens to the best of us.

"To replace my desktop with an iPad, make my iPad a desktop" is always popular for some reason.

They could add a "proper" file system so that WE could store what we wanted on our devices.

Can't you save anything to iCloud these days?

Adding a mouse pointer for basic selection interactions would push it to pro for me.

They should also INCLUDE a keyboard.

Or maybe an android tablet which offers mouse and keyboard support...

Heck, you can throw Remix OS on an Android tablet today and make it even closer to your dream OS. Android but made desktop. Or get a Chromebook Pixel 2, that thing is gaining Android app support...

If I were the king of the universe, I would require everyone who wants "OSX on the iPad" to spend 6 months using the Surface as their only device before being able to post to threads like this.


Apple is (was) famous for the slogan "Think Different" which was a spin on IBM's "Think". How ironic that many Apple customers not only don't "Think different", but a case could be made that they don't even "Think".:eek:

Anyone who has used a Surface for any length of time probably loves it as an ultra book ;)

Drag and drop files between apps when in split screen.
Encourage use of iCloud Drive as is a perfect filing system for those that want it- give 100gb free storage or something better than what is on offer.
Give Apple Pencil functionality outside drawing/design apps.
Apple upgrading their native apps to add some additional functions like citation in pages
Porting Mac only apps like final cut to iOS.

Usb c/lightning support/smart connector for adding an external drive to transfer files/video/photos in and out of iPad.
Standard 125gb entry storage. Would compliment the current ways of transferring files and bring it up to level seen in MacBooks.
Offer level of customization to add in other features/upgrades e.g. 8gb ram.
Include Apple Pencil with iPad Pro as standard.

That would involve them giving a crap about iWork. We both know that won't happen. ;)

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
But what if you are offline, and you suddenly find that you need a file you haven't downloaded?

What if you don't download files you need before you leave on a laptop?

Not yes or no. It is NO!

I need to be able to get to thousands of contracts in our data base and would be nice if I could download all of them so I no longer had to worry when way out in the sticks

And so download them? What's the issue, I'm not seeing it.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2010
Back when the iPad Pro launched in November, I jumped right on it. Picked it up on a lease from my carrier. Thought it was going to be absolutely badass.

I've barely used it in the 9 months that I've owned it. I've cracked the screen twice, it's really good at doing that (although that is probably from me placing it in less than ideal locations in my garage when wrenching on my cars, the stand giving out and it dropping six to nine feet). But I haven't really used it.

Is it powerful? Absolutely. In terms of compute performance, I wouldn't be surprised if this thing was stepping on the toes of my old 2011 21.5" iMac with an i5. It is blisteringly powerful.

However, it is heavy (although maybe this is the STM Dux "rugged" case I bought from the Apple Store after cracked Pro #2 and $800 out of my pocket making it feel heavy).

But the #1 thing that I think absolutely kills it is iOS. Remember when the original iPad launched in 2010 and people's reaction was "Who needs this?! It's just a giant iPod Touch!" and they dismissed it?

That's pretty much how I feel. It's a giant iOS device that has the ability to use a stylus-like device (I will give them credit for the weight sensing and stuff).

Give me macOS. Give me an exclusive version of iOS that includes Pro-specific abilities and features. Make this device compelling and worth the four-figure price tag. I could've bought a Mac mini, a MacBook, or an iMac for the price of this iPad and it would be infinitely more usable (except in the case of a desktop Mac, you aren't going to carry an iMac around on a shoulder strap like they joked at WWDC).

I went to the Apple Store a few days ago to get my iPhone examined. While waiting for a Genius, I checked out the 9.7" Pro.

While my gripes about the software experience are still there (although not as bad as the 9.7" Pro is basically the mainstream iPad, and "Pro" features may not be expected by everyone), the hardware experience is much better IMO.

It's feather light. Even the Cellular models in a case were noticeably lighter than the big boy Pro. While I find the True Tone display to be somewhat of a gimmick, I did notice it did what was advertised and changed the color temperature of the display to match the ambient environment.

Regardless of which size people buy, Apple... you NEED to step it up on the software forefront. Why am I spending upwards of four figures on a device that gives me the same software features and experience as an iPad Air 2, but with Pencil support? Pencil support in the OS cannot be your only difference in experience when we're talking a 2-3x jump in price.

When I pay my 12.9" Pro off, and the time comes for me to buy another iPad to replace it, I will be getting the 9.7" version. The weight is too much for me personally.

I can only hope that Apple will have stepped it up on the software forefront. Or I might be doing something I never imagined and buying that 12" MacBook to replace my iPad, even though I will already own a Retina MacBook Pro.
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Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
If Apple gave me a proper file system I would be more than happy to download over 11,000 pdf, @Word and Excel files.

I am not expecting you to see anything.

So with a proper file system, you could download 11k files. Without one, you can't save them to iCloud Drive. Makes sense to me.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
What good is the cloud when I can not connect to it?

Do that make sense?

Okay. So you're going to download a thousand files, or better 11 thousand files, and not be connected to the internet? Or are you under the assumption that saving them to iCloud Drive removes them from local storage? I want to know which you're arguing.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
And so download them? What's the issue, I'm not seeing it.

In iCloud Drive, can you download an entire folder, with any sub folders, at once? If not, you'd have to click 10,000 times if you want to download 10,000 files.

As it is, I'm not seeing any way to see which files ARE downloaded and which aren't, so that's another problem.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
In iCloud Drive, can you download an entire folder, with any sub folders, at once? If not, you'd have to click 10,000 times if you want to download 10,000 files.

As it is, I'm not seeing any way to see which files ARE downloaded and which aren't, so that's another problem.

Where's a good site to download a huge folder of files from? I'd like to check for myself, and I don't actually have any single folder with 11k files in it.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Pencil support in the OS cannot be your only difference in experience when we're talking a 2-3x jump in price.

How are you getting 2-3x price? Base iPad Air was $500 (when it was the new model), and base 12.9 Pro is $800. That's not twice the price.
Where's a good site to download a huge folder of files from? I'd like to check for myself, and I don't actually have any single folder with 11k files in it.

The example Newton is talking about is copying a folder with 10,000 files from their computer to the iPad. Then, while offline, being able to find any file, open it in any compatible app, edit it, and have the changes sync back to the computer when reconnected to the Internet.

You don't actually need a folder with 10,000 files to test this concept, a folder with about 10 files will do nicely. :D
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Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
How are you getting 2-3x price? Base iPad Air was $500 (when it was the new model), and base 12.9 Pro is $800. That's not twice the price.

The example Newton is talking about is copying a folder with 10,000 files from their computer to the iPad. Then, while offline, being able to find any file, open it in any compatible app, edit it, and have the changes sync back to the computer when reconnected to the Internet.

You don't actually need a folder with 10,000 files to test this concept, a folder with about 10 files will do nicely. :D

Then any folder size will do. I downloaded a zip file from a site and then realized I have no unzip program. And the App Store is having an issue where it won't let me install things. Could be a beta issue. But the zip folder downloaded, so there's that?

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Then any folder size will do. I downloaded a zip file from a site and then realized I have no unzip program. And the App Store is having an issue where it won't let me install things. Could be a beta issue. But the zip folder downloaded, so there's that?

Don't you have a computer?


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2002
The Village
You said it all. Take back to my computer and compile later. I should have said "The iPad hasn't offered us a new way to work that replaces our computer". Then maybe this thread wouldn't be filled with ridiculous examples of "new ways to work".

Today, I had a coffee and I was reading a long article in landscape mode. So I turned the iPad 90 degrees and I was now reading in portrait mode! My laptop can't do that. So yes, the iPad has offered me a new way to work. :rolleyes:

My apologies, I thought you might be interested in how this device has changed the way other people work. I guess you're just looking for anything that supports your own conclusion that the iPad is nothing new.
But the #1 thing that I think absolutely kills it is iOS. Remember when the original iPad launched in 2010 and people's reaction was "Who needs this?! It's just a giant iPod Touch!" and they dismissed it?

Yep - I remember that. Good for them - Sales figures tell us that not everybody felt the same way.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
Don't you have a computer?

The first reaction I have is "sure, I have an iPad Pro" followed by "I also have a Surface Pro 3". But moving it to the SP3 to unzip the file? Wouldn't that be missing the point of trying to download it on the iPad in the first place? Or an I missing something?

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
The first reaction I have is "sure, I have an iPad Pro" followed by "I also have a Surface Pro 3". But moving it to the SP3 to unzip the file? Wouldn't that be missing the point of trying to download it on the iPad in the first place? Or an I missing something?

The point is, in order to test Newton's scenario, you need to start with a folder of files on a traditional computer. Your SurfacePro will do. Install iCloud for Windows on your SP3, then copy a folder with multiple files into iCloud Drive. Now open iCloud Drive on your iPad. You can see the folder you copied into iCloud Drive, open the folder, and see all the files in it. But the only way to download the files to the iPad is to tap them one by one. Doable if you only have a small number of files, but with 10,000 files, forget it.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
The point is, in order to test Newton's scenario, you need to start with a folder of files on a traditional computer. Your SurfacePro will do. Install iCloud for Windows on your SP3, then copy a folder with multiple files into iCloud Drive. Now open iCloud Drive on your iPad. You can see the folder you copied into iCloud Drive, open the folder, and see all the files in it. But the only way to download the files to the iPad is to tap them one by one. Doable if you only have a small number of files, but with 10,000 files, forget it.

Is that what he's asking to do? I thought he wanted to download the folder from his iPad?

M. Gustave

macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2015
Grand Budapest Hotel
I need to be able to get to thousands of contracts in our data base and would be nice if I could download all of them so I no longer had to worry when way out in the sticks

iCloud Drive is not robust enough, yet, to work with 'thousands' of files at once... but you're essentially suggesting that you need to be able to do a DBA job, in the woods, away from any connectivity. Frankly it's wasting everyone's time to make up, and debate, crazy scenarios.

And your underlying premise, that keeping all your data local on one machine is somehow better, is flawed. It's a security risk, you can have versioning problems, there's no ability to collaborate or share easily, and you're tied to using that one device.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Is that what he's asking to do? I thought he wanted to download the folder from his iPad?

He said:
I need to be able to get to thousands of contracts in our data base and would be nice if I could download all of them so I no longer had to worry when way out in the sticks

So I think he has them on his computer and wants to download them TO his iPad.
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