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Post pics of your collection? :D

I have been here nearly 11 years (under two other names) and in earlier times, people posted all out NSFW pics here before the mods clamped down, and then the NSFW pics were just links which would take mods longer to catch.

For a long time, there was a really gross thread IMHO, that a future mod put out, and people showed their "collections" of their bowel movements (and I refuse to name that thread's title) and this thread caught fire here on Macrumors and may have even been a major hit on Google to the point of bringing in many outsiders to our fold.

As for some of the members personal sites, nobody has control over that and I have seen some pretty bizarre stuff, but in a creative way as is the fashion with anybody Mac related, whether they are a seminary student or a budding adult industry performer/producer.:p
I lied! :eek:

I collect model airplanes! Love them so much!

Here are a few.


What you are looking at is
Delta 777 - 800 with old colors
Southwest Airlines - 737
British Airways A380 - modern theme

I have about four more Delta 777's with this theme. I also had a really big (McDonald Douglas) Delta MD88 that I got at (Tampa Airport) for ~$200?
Of the other models I have, I have a Air Canada (old colors) 747, 2x Continental Airlines 757 and a few more which I can't remember off the top of my head. The next thing I want to buy is a model with the latest colors for Delta, Air Canada, and Continental/United.
I have to say though, the MD88 is one of my most favorite designs! If I can find a MD88 with the new Delta livery, I'll buy it!

I like planes.:eek:

That Delta looks like a 772; I don't believe there is such a thing as a 777-800. BTW, I collect planes too - my favorite is the Dreamliner livery on the 787. Just picked up a mahogany model....made to order and shipping from the Phillipines so will post in 4-6 weeks when I get it. I am anxious to see your MD88...
Lately, I've been fascinated with fridge magnets, especially those 3D ones. I'm afraid this will only get worst....

I collect die-cast model cars... although I have sold almost my entire collection.

There are now 2 cars left of what used to be a collection of 15 high-end model cars... an Audi Q7 4.2 quattro and an Alfa Romeo 1750 GTV (both 1:18).

But I have bought another one yesterday! It's a Lexus IS350 by AUTOart.
I'm a kind of a minimalist, so I don't collect anything.

Same here I've been on a de-clutter kick lately. What I do collect is digital, I have 2 terabyte HD's and a 10GB Dropbox account.
  • DVD Rips (850GB at the moment, 1000+ movies) HD 1
  • Music (mostly underground hip hop from unknown artist) HD 2
  • Pictures of cars (mostly working class modded cars) Dropbox
I've just started collecting ebooks and ecomics (mostly public domain stuff that can be had for free on the net). I have a Kindle3 and a Kobo ereaders but also use my iPad a lot for reading. Comics are wonderful on the iPad. Downloading is easy but organizing them is a pain. How many do I have? More than any physical collection. If they were all actual books, magazines and comics, I would not be able to fit them into my house. I have well over 200,000 so far mostly Sci-Fi fantasy (Baen), Romance (Manybooks), Pulp and the Classics (project Gutengerg collection on CD), Comics (Digital Comic Museum).
I collect electronics. :) The picture is all of the electronics I've had since I was six I think. In the back is a game boy color (can't remember when I got this, maybe 2000?), a game boy advance (2003), and two game boy sp's (2004 and 2005). Below those are three old cell phones. The far left is an old motorola phone (my aunt gave me this like five years ago and it didn't work then), a motorola tracfone (2008), and a Samsung phone (2009). To the right is my beloved old CD player (2005 I think). Below all those are three iPods. A 5th generation 30GB that was my father's (2005 or 2006), a 2nd generation iPod nano (2006), and a 120GB iPod classic (2009). To the right is a Dell PocketPC PDA. My parents gave this to me when they got BlackBerry phones, so I have no idea when it was purchased. And next to that is the refreshed 2nd generation 8GB iPod touch that was released in 2009 alongside the new 3rd generation touches. I got it in May 2010. Next to that would be my iPhone 3GS, but I used it to take the picture :p Below those is my iBook G4 (2004, bought used this past May) and an old Toshiba laptop I used back in 2006-2007. You can see the Windows 98 disc in the pic; I was trying to do a clean install of it on the Toshiba, but it seems to have a motherboard issue as well as a faulty power cord. And five keys missing. I was going to give it to my little cousin, but I don't think that will be happening now that I realize it had all these problems.

I also collect CDs, but they're all of one band (Within Temptation) for the most part and I don't know many people that are familiar with them so I decided not to get a pic of that.


  • collectionelec.jpg
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Model cars and various Star Wars & Marvel Comics figures for me.


Didn't know Iron Man drove an E46 M3 xD

Today I'll take some pics of my stuff and i'll post them here ;)

PS: I collect a lot of crap: Medicom collectible figures (love Medicom!), Jada City cars, Racing Champions The Fast and the Furious cars, etc... I am a car enthusiast ;)
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