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Does it bother you that you have a screen right behind your iPad?

Oh that’s another reason I was holding off, my back up camera view would be covered.
Not my car. It's a photo example off of eBay. The car I have this in is a '97 Accord. Waaayy before in dash screens came along.
I use mine for most everything except the occasional website that requires flash, even then I remote into my desktop if I am not at home. The biggest challenge I am facing with using the iPad a MacBook is defiantly Safari. Not only do we not have flash for the websites that still use it, but websites load different on an iPad. I have quite a few website on iPad that either “not made for iPad/mobile yet” or simply load a dysfunctional blown up mobile phone view. Even the ones with “iPad optimized” layouts usually cut certain things from the website in that view. Then if you try to go “request the desktop version” of a website it usually doesn’t work. I really wish they could just give us the option to have Safari on iPad render and behave identical to Safari on the Mac aside from Flash. I am tired of poorly designed/nonfunctional websites using my iPad, that work fine on OSX Safari.
I have an iPhone and a MacBook Pro, but I can and do all my work on my iPad. My needs are not complex as I’ve been traveling for work with just an iPad for several years now.

I study and prepare all my sermon notes and college lectures directly on my iPad.
I preach and teach directly from my iPad.
Calendar keeps me going to the right engagement at the right time.
I create and mark up PDF’s.
I grade/ mark up my students assignments and return them.
I teach a live online class every Thursday night from my iPad using FB Live.
I check on and plan our relief projects in Asia using iMessage, email and FaceTime.
Then there’s the entertainment aspect. The iPad is great on long flights.

The iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil has added to my workflow. Nothing complex, but for me it’s perfect.
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What do people use an iPad for? I think this isn't the entire question.

I would contend that the use case for a tablet alone is different than one for a tablet with a keyboard. Once you attach a keyboard, you leave the use case for a touch-based device and enter into, or at least overlap with, the use case for a laptop.

For a tablet without a keyboard, I use an iPad for content consumption only. I don't do anything requiring typing because, frankly, the soft keyboard still sucks. A real, physical keyboard changes the usage dynamics entirely. I can see how a pen makes a huge difference, too, but only for a narrow set of apps. But without a physical keyboard, I can't imagine doing spreadsheets or presentations or especially word processing. I'm a writer and using an iPad for that would be... well, highly counterproductive. Text-based apps or apps which require lots of alphanumeric input are tedious at best on a tablet without a keyboard. And once you realize that you really do need a keyboard to do what you want to do, why not get a laptop? And price is not really a strong factor in that decision. Productivity far outweighs it.

But for me, the iPad is truly magical for consuming media. I don't watch movies on it, but videos are great. Reading books is one of my main uses. I don't listen to music on that or any device, but I can see how it would be a good experience. Web browsing is great, except that it seems like there's less and less on the web that's actually worth reading these days. I think people who say they do computationally intensive work on a tablet are very few and most are probably kidding themselves that it's better than on a high-end laptop or desktop.

To each their own, of course. But for me, anything that requires a lot of textual input is not meant for tablets.
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Web browsing
Streaming video
Streaming audio
Citrix access
Microsoft Office spreadsheets and documents
Shopping Amazon and Best Buy
Email, receiving and responding to messages (easier than texts on the iPhone!), reading and posting in forums, browsing the internet, listening to music in my iTunes library, watching videos, sharing my photos with others so they can see larger versions of my images than are possible on an iPhone...from time to time, reading a book or catching up with digital versions of my magazine subscriptions.....

The iPad goes out on my deck with me in nice weather, it goes in my bag when leaving the house, it goes with me on trips, it snuggles up in bed with me when it's cold and I don't want to get up, it is handy to grab in the middle of the night when I can't get to sleep and have some nagging question which can quickly be answered by a Google search..... It is great when sitting in hospital rooms and the patient is dozing and I want to catch up with my own world, albeit briefly.....
I use the 2017 12.9 only at home, mainly for web browsing, google photos, youtube and netflix. When I’m traveling I take my wife’s 10.5 just for portability.
For work I use exclusively my Dell workstation
After sitting at a desk with a PC at work all day, I use my iPad 90% of the time from the moment I get home to do all non-work related stuff.

Taking my MacBook all around my home and laying on the couch with it just isn’t as convenient as my iPad. And when I get home the last thing I want to do is sit at a desk some more.
I develop my university courses--lots of documents, presentations and spreadsheets (Pages, Numbers, Keynote)
I manage my university courses (Canvas learning management system) including teaching one course online.
I create and edit Word documents related to my NSF-funded research project.
I manage my email.
I do digital research. (Safari, Evernote, Notability)
I manage my bank and credit card accounts (Banktivity).
I catalogue and edit my professional photos (my artwork, my project photos) (Mylio, PS Express).
I catalogue and edit my personal photos (Photos).
I keep digital journals (nvALT, Evernote, Notability).
I draw and design (Notability, CC apps).
I take an online design course (UK-based) (Flickr, Safari, Notability, nvALT).
I write for my career (artist statements, project descriptions, etc) and creatively (Ulysses).
I read studio books (image-heavy) (Kindle)
I watch "TV" and movies on Amazon Prime or Netflix.
I watch baseball games on MLB At Bat.

Note: I have the 12.9 iPadPro and the Smart Keyboard and Pencil. The Smart Keyboard is a fantastic input device and I love writing on my iPad.

It's easier to ask what I don't do on my iPadPro which is:
Tricky photo adjustments (I use Photoshop)
Video editing with Final Cut Pro X

[doublepost=1508822758][/doublepost]I manage my life (work, home personal) using OmniFocus
I manage my office projects using Dapulse
I have conference calls with employees in other parts of the country with Zoom
I have one on one meets via FaceTime with staff in the office and warehouse
I use I message to communicate with office staff when it is more convienient that picking up a phone
I prepare presentations in Keynote and present them using the lighting to HDMI cable and my iPhone as a remote
I use pages for drawing up company letter heads
I use sign easy for signing off letters and Docs
I use numbers for all our reporting and customer charts etc
I edit shorts trailers and adverts using iMovie
I make adverts using Pixelmator
I use airdrop to send large files quickly between colleagues in the office or when working in flight mode
I use Moldavite for Picture in Picture mode for watching tutorials, product videos and live streams while working.

I have the new IPad Pro 2, with Smart Keyboard, it’s portable, light, has great battery life, greate cameras, and increadible screen for image editing, and is blazing fast....oh and i prefer working on IOS than Mac because it is much more personalized and far more secure, I also get all my notifications elegantly in one place and it syncs and talks to my iPhone beautifully!
After sitting at a desk with a PC at work all day, I use my iPad 90% of the time from the moment I get home to do all non-work related stuff.

Taking my MacBook all around my home and laying on the couch with it just isn’t as convenient as my iPad. And when I get home the last thing I want to do is sit at a desk some more.

I can sure relate to this! I retired a couple of years ago, but when I worked, it was nothing but spreadsheets, reports, and endless meetings with presentations ("death by powerpoint"). The last thing I wanted to do when I came home was sit in front of a computer for a couple of hours.

The majority of people that have employer provided work computers can do all of their domestic computing with iOS using an iPhone and iPad. In the old days, we setup home offices with expensive bulky desktop PCs just so we could send emails and surf the web. Today, an iPad is more than capable of performing most folks' home computing tasks.
Most of the time it's been kind of my smaller assistant to my MacBook Pro and bigger assistant to my iPhone in a lot of ways. My MacBook relatively is heavy. My iPhone even being a plus is still pretty small. The iPad definitely is not heavy but the screen is big enough size, so out of convenience is when I use it most. It can do most of my photo editing I need. It's great with a keyboard for notes and documents. Also I've found myself using Picture in picture and multitasking a lot with it. I do audio recording and sound mixing which both I can control/mix on my iPad with Logic Remote(connected to my MacBook) and ViSi Remote(for my sound mixer). Then with the bigger screen it's just nice for gaming and movies/tv at the end of the day.
I have hundreds of videos I’ve taken of local music acts that I’ve edited on the iPad. This includes taking the audio off and posting in a daw (Multitrack) and used Audiobus for external effects. My only machine now is the iPad. And though ios11 is nice, it was all being done fine with ios10. I’ve also used it as my main bass sound generator using in conjunction with Loopy, midi pedals, all done live.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. I can’t foresee ever needing or wanting to go back to a traditional laptop, though sometimes I look at the MacBook, I’m just more productive with an iPad.
-Web browsing
-Netflix when I cook or when in bed. It’s the preferred Netflix device for my wife. She does not use the TV. Too much effort she says.
-Flipboard to read news. Best newspaper ever.
-Apps for shopping

So yes mainly an entertainment device.
Teacher who uses his iPad both in and outside the classroom. Apple Pencil makes annotating on PDFs in notability a great experience. Camera takes great scans and photos. It’s a great presentation tool. iOS generally gives me fewer problems than a desktop OS. Long battery life, thin and light form factor and bundled 4G make it an excellent package of portability and ease of use.
My primary non-consumption tasks are:
  • Writing in Ulysses (blog entries, mostly)
  • Working on research papers in Word
  • Drawing in Procreate, Linea, And Adobe Draw
  • Note Taking in OneNote
  • Task management in Things.
  • Taking notes
  • Schoolwork (Homework, Studying, Research, Reading)
  • Planning
  • Drawing
  • Web browsing
  • Videos
  • Listening to music out loud (best speakers of any of my mobile devices)
  • Playing games
  • Reading (eBooks and News)
  • Producing music
  • Photo editing
  • Email
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I use my iPad mainly for: scientific papers and book reading, light word and excel usage (in the lab), streaming music and videos, note taking with Apple Pencil (my iPad is my lab book), intensive web browsing and email management, gaming and music production. Yeah, I use my iPad almost to its full potential and I love it.
6:30 - Alarm on the 12.9” Pro sounds.
7:15 - Review new work emails on the 10.5 Pro
7:30 - Use the Mini 4 to play music on the ride into work
8:00 - Get into work and use the 10.5 Pro to review and respond to e-mails
8:30 - Use the 10.5 Pro to create items on our internal learning site
9:00 - First meeting of the day - Use the 10.5 Pro to take notes in One Note
10:00 - Use the iPhone to shoot a training video, using the 10.5 Pro as a secondary camera. Then use the 10.5 Pro to do a rough cut of the video
11:30 - Catch up on gadget news or read using the Mini 4.
12:30 - Respond to more emails on the Pro 10.5
1:00 - Work on Instructor Guide/Materials in Word and PowerPoint on the Pro 10.5
2:30 - Go to the lab to take pictures using the 10.5 and integrate it into materials on site
3:00 - Another meeting, 10.5 Pro and OneNote
3:30 - Do some CAD work on my work laptop
4:30 - Use the 10.5 Pro to sketch/diagram some new learning ideas/concepts
5:30 - Head home with the Mini 4 providing the tunes
6:00 - Use the Mini Pro 4 to read or watch videos during dinner
7:00 - Use the Pro 12.9 to watch videos during workout
8:30 - Use the 12.9 Pro for drawing and art projects
10:00 - Use the 10.5 to do some more concept drawing and respond to more work e-mails
11:00 - Use the 12.9 to watch YouTube videos before drifting off to sleep.

Not included, but other uses:
  • Take pictures (Mini 4)
  • Use a navigation tool (Mini 4)
  • Gaming (Mini 4 or 12.9 Pro)
  • Photo editing (12.9 Pro)
  • Photo taking (10.5 Pro or Mini 4)
  • Reading (books, web, etc.) (12.9, 10.5, Mini 4)
  • Creating Graphics for presentations (10.5 Pro, 12.9 Pro)
  • Writing Documentsiton (10.5 Pro)
  • Web Browsing (12.9, 10.5, Mini 4)
  • Social Media (Mini 4)
  • Listening to music (Mini 4)
  • Watching video (TV, Netflix, Hulu, YouTube) (12.9, 10.5, Mini 4)
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