How are people getting on with the new 'bendy busses'? There was great agitation when they were introduced into London, the new mayor made his ticket off of the back of them!
Yeah, I think they're supposed to be getting rid of them in London aren't they? Have they already done that? I never understood what was wrong with them.
I'm bored, and the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) has more than buses. So here's what everything looks like. I use it from time to time, it's not bad. Except when I worked downtown and had to take the subway to work during rush hour crowded and always delayed. I couldn't even call in late since I was usually stuck in a tunnel with no reception
TTC buses
New buses
Most of them look like this
This what our new streetcars might look like
Current ones
New Subways
I can't wait till they actually finish these new subways and streetcars
Wow- beautifully clean place you've got there. How are people getting on with the new 'bendy busses'? There was great agitation when they were introduced into London, the new mayor made his ticket off of the back of them!
For the other Torontonians