Over 5 years. 8 grand a year for a 40k Mac Pro. Ouch.
Be better if they offered rational, affordable Mac towers.
What if Apple looks at the 7,1 as a stopgap meant to hold onto power users until they can roll out a long-planned ARM-based powerbox?
Not saying there's evidence one way or the other for that scenario, just trying to stretch imaginations a bit. Folks are so focused on "What is Apple going to take away from us this time" that it's worth wondering whether Apple might not mind grabbing for a bigger piece of the low-volume/high-margin end of computing, perhaps moving beyond media production into scientific/engineering as well. A price/performance powerhouse that might tempt some major developers in those areas to make the leap.
Apple saves money. Instead of giving to money to the 'old enemy' who sat on their advantage. Intel had their chance withe iPhone. They bottled it. Their hubris turned their nose up at the cost. More fool them.
And while we're shedding crocodile tears for Intel...what the hell have they done in the last 5 years? Incremental % performance, hot temps, creamiums on price...do I have to go on? Whilst Apple aren't blameless on form factor, Intel haven' exactly pulled up the Apple tree for Apple? Mehhhhh to Intel. Mehhhhhhhhhhhh. *Waves away protest.
It's just stockholm syndrome. Brothers. Sisters...embrace your spiritual PPC successor. The Mac ARM is coming to reclaim our Holy War against the forces of darkness...
And I'm glad. It forced Apple to do what had to be done. Take control of the key tech' in a tech' that's made them billions.
Intel are the past. They're not down and out. Keller will see to that. But...
I can't see the down side to Apple CPU in Mac. The iPad is just a heavenly foretaste of the banquet to come.
We can't rule out Mac ARM Pro giving Intel a stuffing on every level.
I *KNOW* Apple aren't doing this unless they can get on stage and completely *trouser the competition.
They have shown the phone and pad crowd no mercy with Apple cpu.
A 'Mac' with Apple's very own CPU in it? Surely this is a cause for celebration...?
Hopefully with Intel cripping benches to celebrate.
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