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Original poster
Oct 22, 2010
Hello guys,

I'm eagerly waiting for a possible D750 updates and was wondering what events Nikon usually uses for updates now that CES was a little empty. Are there any particular ones like Apple has (WWDC) or is it totally random?
The earthquakes in japan really have put a hurt on manufacturing.

Side note I went to google this and I found this thread!
Yeah, but that was long time ago and it got sidetracked. 2017 -> new situation :)

on topic - does NAB bring anything from Nikon?
You recommending a Nikon? The world has gone mad!
But what he said!

But then you never know....
Yeah, that was my first glimpse of hope before it got labelled as a hoax. I do honestly think we must be getting really close. The question is, what event to look for. I know all the Apple ones but Nikon is an unknown territory to me ;)
[doublepost=1483641022][/doublepost]P.s.: And I promise I will let it go once its out. :)
Although I will be here asking questions on self improvement ;)
Yeah, but that was long time ago and it got sidetracked. 2017 -> new situation :)

on topic - does NAB bring anything from Nikon?
Yeah, that was my first glimpse of hope before it got labelled as a hoax. I do honestly think we must be getting really close. The question is, what event to look for. I know all the Apple ones but Nikon is an unknown territory to me ;)
[doublepost=1483641022][/doublepost]P.s.: And I promise I will let it go once its out. :)
Although I will be here asking questions on self improvement ;)
Could be a year or so away. No way of knowing as they don't follow a set pattern. I'd keep an eye on Nikon rumours site I posted a link to and DP review.
But that waiting game will drive you crazy.
They will promise you a useable ISO at a few more stops, but the term usable is very subjective. I can take pictures in the dark yes. But would I share them on here? No chance!
Could be a year or so away. No way of knowing as they don't follow a set pattern. I'd keep an eye on Nikon rumours site I posted a link to and DP review.
But that waiting game will drive you crazy.
They will promise you a useable ISO at a few more stops, but the term usable is very subjective. I can take pictures in the dark yes. But would I share them on here? No chance!
I hope it will be in the summer for the 100 year anniversary. Also, people are praising the D500 ergonomics and body so maybe it would get that? Well, time will tell. I think at this stage its probably better to wait although I agree that it could be a while.
I hope it will be in the summer for the 100 year anniversary. Also, people are praising the D500 ergonomics and body so maybe it would get that? Well, time will tell. I think at this stage its probably better to wait although I agree that it could be a while.
Nope. The D500 series mimics the D800/810 series. So when the D760 (well whatever they call it) it will look (and function) 90% the same as the D750.
100 year anniversary camera is more likely to be a successor to the Nikon DF.
Or not at all.
Mostly Nikon like to rehash there cheap cameras as they make more money selling the D3100/D3200/D3300/D3400 etc.
These come out most often.
Oh damn, we will never see an update. In that case I might just buy D820 when its out :D :D :D
I hear the iPhone 10 is a killer phone. I'll not by an 8 or 9!

You see it on here all the time. Biggest difference between what I shot on my D3200 and my D750 is what I learned about composition, exposure and editing.
Buy it, use it, learn to do it better.
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I hear the iPhone 10 is a killer phone. I'll not by an 8 or 9!

You see it on here all the time. Biggest difference between what I shot on my D3200 and my D750 is what I learned about composition, exposure and editing.
Buy it, use it, learn to do it better.
Yes, you are right. But I'm so close :)
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You are hilarious... you have been close for months now.. jut think of all those shots you missed in the meantime...
10 months to be exact :)
But I can't just give in now, can I? :D :D :D
Although, you are right, if I didn't wait and bought it back in february then I wouldn't have the problem with the D90 + 50mm 1,4g combo and then I wouldn't have a lot of blurred pics etc.

So yeah, you guys are correct but I'm just so stubborn now especially after waiting almost a year. :D
10 months to be exact :)
But I can't just give in now, can I? :D :D :D
Although, you are right, if I didn't wait and bought it back in february then I wouldn't have the problem with the D90 + 50mm 1,4g combo and then I wouldn't have a lot of blurred pics etc.

So yeah, you guys are correct but I'm just so stubborn now especially after waiting almost a year. :D

LOL... I am shutting up now because if we convince you now and then the new one drops, you will be raging at us...

So, you either need to commit yourself to waiting patiently... or take the plunge and accept it if a new one comes soon... - afterall you could part ex the 750 in for a new lens or sell it on eBay...
LOL... I am shutting up now because if we convince you now and then the new one drops, you will be raging at us...

So, you either need to commit yourself to waiting patiently... or take the plunge and accept it if a new one comes soon... - afterall you could part ex the 750 in for a new lens or sell it on eBay...
I must resist the urge :)
I think I will see. By April we should probably hear some rumours if there is something to hear about :)
I must resist the urge :)
I think I will see. By April we should probably hear some rumours if there is something to hear about :)
Freida you have a basic psychological problem... 'always the bridesmaid, never the bride'.

Admit it to yourself, you are never going to buy a D750 because you just like talking about the possibility. The actual purchase - and use for photography - is a complete fantasy. The imagined benefits are always overshadowed by the tantalising possibility that there might be something better just around the corner.

You are completely correct. There is always something better on the horizon, and if you keep chasing that dream you will never make a purchase. You cannot wait for new technology... it is always just out of reach... tomorrow, tomorrow...

There are talkers, and there are doers.
Freida you have a basic psychological problem... 'always the bridesmaid, never the bride'.

Admit it to yourself, you are never going to buy a D750 because you just like talking about the possibility. The actual purchase - and use for photography - is a complete fantasy. The imagined benefits are always overshadowed by the tantalising possibility that there might be something better just around the corner.

You are completely correct. There is always something better on the horizon, and if you keep chasing that dream you will never make a purchase. You cannot wait for new technology... it is always just out of reach... tomorrow, tomorrow...

There are talkers, and there are doers.
Damn! **** just got real.
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Wow didn't see that coming. I mean we are talking about almost $2000. I have to admit I was like Frieda when the D600 came out. I was all excited because there was a DSLR that was the size I like and it was full frame. I jumped on the D90 after being very hesitant in buying a D80. I didn't get the D80. But when the D600 came out I had to constantly justify getting a D600. After spending $$ on a D90 ...shoot I will ask and ask before spending more money. Like the D90, the D600 and D750 are 1st to the field of DSLRs. D90 1st with the video. D600 first Nikon small full frame for $2k. And now the D750 first Nikon FF small body with a tilt screen.

Honestly I was 50/50 on the D600. Then the D610 came out and again I asked the questions. We are talking a lot of money. Now that I think about it, shoot If you are not in a rush wait for the D750 replacement. Seriously I'm glad I waited and not jump on the D600. I waited to get exactly what I wanted with one perk, a tilt screen.
Freida you have a basic psychological problem... 'always the bridesmaid, never the bride'.

Admit it to yourself, you are never going to buy a D750 because you just like talking about the possibility. The actual purchase - and use for photography - is a complete fantasy. The imagined benefits are always overshadowed by the tantalising possibility that there might be something better just around the corner.

You are completely correct. There is always something better on the horizon, and if you keep chasing that dream you will never make a purchase. You cannot wait for new technology... it is always just out of reach... tomorrow, tomorrow...

There are talkers, and there are doers.

I'm not sure if you are using reverse psychology on me or if you are actually serious but I don't think your analysis of me is actually correct. Let me explain why and then you can revalue-ate.

Before I lay down here my "faith" reason, here are some things to consider.

Would you buy Mac Pro or iMac today? Knowing that those machines are amazing (just like D750) but there is an update that could/should be coming in the near future. I wouldn't as I would wait for an update and then I would purchase.

D90 I have works great and its a good and capable camera. It doesn't limit me that much except when the lighting is low but its not something I do often so its not a big deal. The autofocus is sometimes slow or ineffective but again, not a massive problem. Apart from the focus issue I had last year with D90 + 50mm 1,4 lens (which I didn't know about but this combination suffers from it apparently) the D90 served me well and I didn't really miss any shots. I know what I can get from D90 (and im sure more advanced professional would get way more than me but I'm learning even if at slow pace) so not having D750 is not making me suffer in any way as photography is a hobby that I like but don't do that often. So if I wait another 9 months or so for the update then its not really a problem for me.

On a different level. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason and here is what happened to me last year so now I feel that this is part of it and I should just wait.

Around February 2016 I was ready to purchase D750 + 24-70 2.8lens for my trip to India in March. I set an account transfer for £3000 to be received on main account and was waiting for the money to arrive to then go to GraysofWestminster to purchase it. After almost 2 weeks of not receiving the money I went to check again what was happening only to realise that my main account wasn't setup yet on that account and that I was receiving a cheque by post instead which is why it was taking that long. I knew that by the time I would get the cheque and put it in bank etc. I wouldn't make it to get the cash so I went to Grays anyway to get it on finance 6 months thing with 0% interest. For some reason, it got declined and I just didn't make it on time. The cheque arrived and got cleared by it was just 2 days after I left UK and was already in India so I did NOT make it on time.
Back then I was upset that I wasn't more thorough with my account as I could have already have a new toy to play with but here is what happened after. Not only me and my friend decided to shoot video instead but I didn't use my D90 that much in India. Instead I was shooting video on my iPhone 6 as we were doing more fun stuff and the video was good for it. However, the main reason why I am telling you this is not the above. Its the fact that whilst in India, I met few nice people who completely changed the rest of our trip for much better experience. And it was right there and then where I realised that this whole camera thing happened for a reason. Had I got the camera in the first place I wouldn't have any left over money extra in India (apart from the money I set aside before) and I wouldn't be able to change the experience with those new friends as I wouldn't have the extra £3000 on my account (didn't spend it all) and this whole thing wouldn't happened. On top of that, I went recently to NYC and it was one of those friends from India who organised me a discount in a hotel in NYC which saved me $1000.
All this wouldn't happened if I bought the camera then.
Do I regret not having the camera now? Yes, I do as I'm sure I would have nicer pictures, would learn more and would enjoy the new toy.
Do I regret not buying it? NO WAY! It turned out that it was the best thing that could happen to me back then which subsequently snowballed into other good things for me.

Right now? I FEEL that I should wait so right now I'm following my instinct. Do I have an itch sometimes to get it? Absolutely!

Anyway, I don't know what you believe in or not. I'm just describing what was/is my reasoning and what has happened to me. Everyone is different but looking back now I know that March 2016 was good for me :)
Wow didn't see that coming. I mean we are talking about almost $2000. I have to admit I was like Frieda when the D600 came out. I was all excited because there was a DSLR that was the size I like and it was full frame. I jumped on the D90 after being very hesitant in buying a D80. I didn't get the D80. But when the D600 came out I had to constantly justify getting a D600. After spending $$ on a D90 ...shoot I will ask and ask before spending more money. Like the D90, the D600 and D750 are 1st to the field of DSLRs. D90 1st with the video. D600 first Nikon small full frame for $2k. And now the D750 first Nikon FF small body with a tilt screen.

Honestly I was 50/50 on the D600. Then the D610 came out and again I asked the questions. We are talking a lot of money. Now that I think about it, shoot If you are not in a rush wait for the D750 replacement. Seriously I'm glad I waited and not jump on the D600. I waited to get exactly what I wanted with one perk, a tilt screen.

Exactly, its tons of money and D750 was out in 2014 so there should be an update this year, hopefully. Either D750 will drop a lot and will be a good purchase or the successor with show something that will explain why I felt that its good to wait. Don't know that yet but time will tell. :)
So after how long did you get your D750?
OK, based on this... put the £3000 back in the bank. Set yourself an agreement... whenever the 760 or whatever it is called comes out, or whatever next iteration of model is released that you decide is the one you want, however far out that may be, then buy that no sooner than 2 months after announcement (to avoid buying a lemon like the greasy shutter d600). Cease torturing yourself over when it will come out and say to yourself that you are happy where you are but WHEN the new one comes out you will treat yourself.
I'm not sure if you are using reverse psychology on me or if you are actually serious but I don't think your analysis of me is actually correct. Let me explain why and then you can revalue-ate.

Before I lay down here my "faith" reason, here are some things to consider.

Would you buy Mac Pro or iMac today? Knowing that those machines are amazing (just like D750) but there is an update that could/should be coming in the near future. I wouldn't as I would wait for an update and then I would purchase.

D90 I have works great and its a good and capable camera. It doesn't limit me that much except when the lighting is low but its not something I do often so its not a big deal. The autofocus is sometimes slow or ineffective but again, not a massive problem. Apart from the focus issue I had last year with D90 + 50mm 1,4 lens (which I didn't know about but this combination suffers from it apparently) the D90 served me well and I didn't really miss any shots. I know what I can get from D90 (and im sure more advanced professional would get way more than me but I'm learning even if at slow pace) so not having D750 is not making me suffer in any way as photography is a hobby that I like but don't do that often. So if I wait another 9 months or so for the update then its not really a problem for me.

On a different level. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason and here is what happened to me last year so now I feel that this is part of it and I should just wait.

Around February 2016 I was ready to purchase D750 + 24-70 2.8lens for my trip to India in March. I set an account transfer for £3000 to be received on main account and was waiting for the money to arrive to then go to GraysofWestminster to purchase it. After almost 2 weeks of not receiving the money I went to check again what was happening only to realise that my main account wasn't setup yet on that account and that I was receiving a cheque by post instead which is why it was taking that long. I knew that by the time I would get the cheque and put it in bank etc. I wouldn't make it to get the cash so I went to Grays anyway to get it on finance 6 months thing with 0% interest. For some reason, it got declined and I just didn't make it on time. The cheque arrived and got cleared by it was just 2 days after I left UK and was already in India so I did NOT make it on time.
Back then I was upset that I wasn't more thorough with my account as I could have already have a new toy to play with but here is what happened after. Not only me and my friend decided to shoot video instead but I didn't use my D90 that much in India. Instead I was shooting video on my iPhone 6 as we were doing more fun stuff and the video was good for it. However, the main reason why I am telling you this is not the above. Its the fact that whilst in India, I met few nice people who completely changed the rest of our trip for much better experience. And it was right there and then where I realised that this whole camera thing happened for a reason. Had I got the camera in the first place I wouldn't have any left over money extra in India (apart from the money I set aside before) and I wouldn't be able to change the experience with those new friends as I wouldn't have the extra £3000 on my account (didn't spend it all) and this whole thing wouldn't happened. On top of that, I went recently to NYC and it was one of those friends from India who organised me a discount in a hotel in NYC which saved me $1000.
All this wouldn't happened if I bought the camera then.
Do I regret not having the camera now? Yes, I do as I'm sure I would have nicer pictures, would learn more and would enjoy the new toy.
Do I regret not buying it? NO WAY! It turned out that it was the best thing that could happen to me back then which subsequently snowballed into other good things for me.

Right now? I FEEL that I should wait so right now I'm following my instinct. Do I have an itch sometimes to get it? Absolutely!

Anyway, I don't know what you believe in or not. I'm just describing what was/is my reasoning and what has happened to me. Everyone is different but looking back now I know that March 2016 was good for me :)

Exactly, its tons of money and D750 was out in 2014 so there should be an update this year, hopefully. Either D750 will drop a lot and will be a good purchase or the successor with show something that will explain why I felt that its good to wait. Don't know that yet but time will tell. :)
So after how long did you get your D750?
Announced in Sept 2014. I bought mine at The Photography Show in March 2015 (good deal!).
As for the whole waiting/buying thing you need to do what makes you happy.
However given Brexit I'm not sure you'll be getting such a great deal as Nikon basically are putting up their £ pricing like everyone else.
Good shout. I was shocked to see the Sony A7Rii has jumped from £2,499 to £2,899 on Wex! I mean WTH?!?!
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