I would like 3rd party web browsers to be allowed to actually be proper third party browsers. As in not have to use Safari's WebView with a crippled JavaScript engine and be able to access API's and content blockers the same way Safari can in iOS. Maybe that way when Apple advertises the iPad as perfect for "creatives", Web Designer / Developers like me could consider looking at it for cross browser testing (that way we might start developing quality apps and shift focus away from Mac only).
Oh yea, and it's 2021. The fact iPadOS Safari doesn't come with developer tools really is an insult. The web is open source, yet if you own a tablet, you literally have to struggle with limited (paid) tools to get a limited peek at what should be open to the public.
Thats a great idea, and it would also solve my complaint of not having a full desktop browser. If Safari doesn't give me what I need, Firefox or Chrome likely would! I wonder if there's any chance of this happening.
I'm not going to get this but here is what it will take for me to drop the amount of money they're asking for for an iPad Pro:
1. Universal Mac/iPad apps
2. Fully developed file system
3. Ability to import and export files from native apple apps (i.e. music & tv app)
4. Ability to edit metadata for music, video, and documents.
5. Real multitasking
6. Full window customization. I want to be able to have 3-4 apps in the foreground and choose how large each window is.
7. Full printer support
8. Full external monitor support. Preferably 2 monitors, but I'd settle for just extended mode in 1 monitor.
Easiest way to do this? MacOS. Best way to do this? Full rewrite of iPadOS. This thing is so powerful and versatile that the OS should no longer be an enlarged version of iOS.
You know it seems the set of stuff we all want is largely similar. You'd think Apple would listen, or over time, the iPad Pro sales will decline. At this price point, and the current functionality, the iPad Pro really is a luxury purchase for most (because they'll need another Mac). When I sold my 2020 12.9" I was surprised at how long it took. There weren't that many interested buyers. In the end, a guy bought it for his kid. Normally iPhones and Macbooks sell the same day for me.
#1 would make so much sense. I'm sure a system could be worked out to adapt apps to different displays and click/touch points. #2, 3 and 4 people have been clamouring for since forever, they really should add it. We still need to connect the iPad to a "real" computer for this? #5 and 6 would, as you said, probably require a rewrite and a rethink of what the iPad actually is. #7 they could add easily. #8 requires a strategy, but it needs to come, otherwise why even have such a powerful port? Realistically we might see something towards #2, #5, #8 but probably not to the extent that you want.