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People at work were all over it. It actually disappeared for a few hours the first afternoon as it was passed from hand to hand around the office. I just let everyone play and it found it's way back to me eventually. I took it on a round trip flight from New York to San Francisco last week and the only reaction I got was a smile from the stewardess when I was playing Plants vs Zombies. I had it out (the iPad) on the flights, waiting in the gate areas, and in the Four Seasons in San Francisco. Everyone was either very polite or completely disinterested.
My 3G goes everywhere and has gotten a lot of attention. A lot of people are like "Is that the iPad?" ... I had a girl who worked behind the counter at a fast food place stop everything she was doing to get a pic of the iPad. She said her boyfriend had an iphone and that he was going to be so jealous that she got to see an ipad before him.

To the guy who mentioned the tilted kilt and the car wash ... Are you in Georgia? I am in Woodstock and we have one in Kennesaw and one at Cumberland Mall.

Yup! Those picks were from the Kennesaw one... Gotta love KSU girls :) I actually work right near the corner of Busbee+Chastain, so KSU is just across I-75 and TK is right down the street.

There's also another one in John's Creek which I go to fairly regularly since it's closer to my house...

John's Creek -best service
Kennesaw - best looking girls
Cumberland - HORRIBLE parking lot, TERRIBLE service... I'll NEVER EVER go back.
I've had at least 30+ middle aged women going:

"Wow! That's cool. What's that again, a Kindle?"

And I go:

"It's an iPad."

And then:

"Ohhhhh iPad. How cool! What exactly does it do?"

Some of them haven't even heard about it and have no idea what it is. I don't know how some of these people can even exist without being aware of the iPad :D
The reactions have been all over the map, from device lust to mild curiosity. The odd thing is that without exception every Microsoft employee that sees it or I talk with about it (I work near their main corporate campus and have several friends that work there) is utterly mystified by why they are so popular. As one put it tonight - "It's just a tablet, right? We've had Windows on tablets for years and nobody liked them, so why is the iPad so popular?"
1) Brought my iPad to iHop and it was the conversation starter for me and this girl, and by the end of my iHop journey I got her number.

2) I was on a train sitting next to some guy. He was on a Netbook and I was using my iPad and we were both on MacRumors, but my pages were loading quicker.

3) Again, on the train listening to music and the Ticket Collector took my ticket and apparently was in a trans staring at me using my iPad without me knowing until he walked away and the 2 ladies next to me said "Man, can you believe people these days?"
People at work were all over it. It actually disappeared for a few hours the first afternoon as it was passed from hand to hand around the office. I just let everyone play and it found it's way back to me eventually.

Similar story here in Maine. The natural impulse in a familiar environment, like the workplace or a social gathering, seems to be to reach over and say, "Can I play with that?" Then it sort of finds its way around the room. At the school where I teach, it often makes its way back to me with a new wallpaper setting, sometimes featuring just-created student artwork. Some of these pictures, which of course find their way into my Saved Photo collection, are kind of priceless, including one that is a caricature of me looking, I don't know, strangely French.

One kid had a habit of installing new free apps from the App Store until I threatened him with a special writing assignment.

In other public situations I tend to be so caught up in whatever I'm doing on the Pad that I don't really notice if people are watching. And Mainers aren't usually the kind of people who come right over and start a conversation.
I stayed in a motel over the weekend in Kentucky and it was one of those with a free breakfast. I went down in the morning for coffee and to read the WSJ on my iPad. I walk in the little bitty dining room that had maybe 15 people in it and I made the THIRD person in there with an iPad.

I don't think they are that rare anymore. :D
I eat at restaurants a lot and I use my iPad while waiting for my food to be delivered. I usually get “What’s that?”, “That’s cool.” or “I’m jealous”. The funniest reaction was a young waitress who dropped off my beverage then turned around to take the next table’s order. Suddenly it registered that she saw the iPad just as she was saying “May I take your order?”. Before the customers could speak she literally jumped back to my table and started barraging me with questions about the iPad. After a few minutes she realized that she left her customers in the lurch and turned back to their table and proudly announced that “That is an iPad. You can read books on it.”. I started to protest that there was more to it but her annoyed customer went off on a rant about how she preferred to read a real book – and a real book was cheaper. I decided to keep quiet but I was cracking up about the jumping waitress. :D
When using my iPad in public, curiosity gets the better of them and people usually sit close to you in close proximity to see what the iPad is like. The iPad is an amazing piece of hardware and it's amazing IPS display makes mobile screens look pretty poor. People ask me how much these cost, and my 64gb 3G+Wifi costs AU $1,049 (including GST - 10%) they then run off :) lol

Just the look on peoples faces when I show them the screen and functionality they are amazed - eyes pop out and jaws drop. Even the Apple store at Chermsidenhas sold out of all iPad versions. I haven't used my Windows laptop for a week - I think i'm converted and love the quality of the iPad - not plastic junk.
It was only released here last week, I haven't taken it out much and I have it in a red case (similar to the apple one)that makes it almost look like a paper notebook or folder.
When they realize what it is, then tend to stare for a while then turn to their friends and remark 'oh it's just a big iphone'. I'm ok with that though, I can tell they are just seething with jealousy :)

At the hairdressers had most people ask about it in the salon and most claimed they were going to get one. Whist waiting for my take away a waitresses came up in awe!

Most people don't realise they come in different price points and models and are decide they can afford them :)

I do get annoyed when people ask 'what does it do?' (google it!! I explain enough **** at work!)
At the hairdressers had most people ask about it in the salon and most claimed they were going to get one. Whist waiting for my take away a waitresses came up in awe!

If you work at a hairdressers it occurs to me an ipad would be great for showing customers styling photos!
On the 07.32 into London Waterloo this morning a typical London 'Banker' was stabbing one while shouting into his bluetooth headset. It was very Dom Jolly. How the public laughed, but at him not with him. I would have been too embarrased to have revealed my ipad for fear of association.
People almost always seem to comment, "Oh, that the iPad? How do you like it?" Cool, but could be annoying. It will wear off.
I'm typing this post while sitting in McDonalds. So far I've had plenty of stares and pointing, but nobody has come over to ask questions yet. The people I worked with asked questions though, because they know me I guess. Where I'm from, people aren't really that open with strangers.

And by the way, this is wonderful using my fave computing device out and about. Feels great.
Usually, i get the general question of, "Is that the new iPad?" but last night I had my first negative response after I said, "yes, it is."

Last night while waiting for take out, I was sitting minding my own business reading a book in iBooks on my iPad when the girl next to me asked if I was using the new iPad. I responded simply by saying, "Yes." The girl then rolled her eyes, looked at her friend, and said, "Those iPad's are the most obnoxious things." The hostess then came to sit them and commented because she heard her and also started saying something about how obnoxious they are. I looked at them and said, "Hey, I'm sitting right here and I can hear you. I think you are obnoxious for being so rude."

I could not believe it.
i had a doctors appointment and waiting, old lady ask me: "can you read on that???"
Response has been lots of excitement from some, often catch people staring at the iPad.

On an airplane ride the guy next to me freaked out when I took out the iPad and started playing with it... This was just after he had pulled out a bent up little paperback book to read so I felt kinda bad reading on my iPad!

Most times I do feel hesitant to use it in public because it does attract so much attention. This will go away I'm sure as it becomes more mainstream.
As a musician who uses an iPad as a music reader when gigging, I've had entirely favourable responses from other musicians. They all want to see it, play with it, and can see how carrying a thousand PDFs is so much easier than a thousand A4 sheets.

Out in public using it you can hear people talking about it, or the odd person asking if it's the iPad and how I like it, what I can do with it, etc. That's when I give the two minute demo: iBooks, photos, web browsing, maps, and if I've time, YouTube!
Stranger: is that the new apple ithingy
Me: yeah
Stranger: can I see it please
Me: sure *hands it over*

I'm in salou on holiday it's was ok the first 2 times but if I have it out it means I'm doing something on it so stop pestering me about it please.
Response has been lots of excitement from some, often catch people staring at the iPad.

On an airplane ride the guy next to me freaked out when I took out the iPad and started playing with it... This was just after he had pulled out a bent up little paperback book to read so I felt kinda bad reading on my iPad!

Most times I do feel hesitant to use it in public because it does attract so much attention. This will go away I'm sure as it becomes more mainstream.

Yeah me too, it makes me feel very self conscious, I don't like bringing any more attention to myself than need be.
Yup! Those picks were from the Kennesaw one... Gotta love KSU girls :) I actually work right near the corner of Busbee+Chastain, so KSU is just across I-75 and TK is right down the street.

There's also another one in John's Creek which I go to fairly regularly since it's closer to my house...

John's Creek -best service
Kennesaw - best looking girls
Cumberland - HORRIBLE parking lot, TERRIBLE service... I'll NEVER EVER go back.

Arizona State is where it's at. :cool:
As a musician who uses an iPad as a music reader when gigging, I've had entirely favourable responses from other musicians. They all want to see it, play with it, and can see how carrying a thousand PDFs is so much easier than a thousand A4 sheets.

Out in public using it you can hear people talking about it, or the odd person asking if it's the iPad and how I like it, what I can do with it, etc. That's when I give the two minute demo: iBooks, photos, web browsing, maps, and if I've time, YouTube!

Geez, never thought about dumping my RealBook .pdf into GoodReader. Guess I'll have to do that ASAP. :D
I've had mine a week or so now and peoples reactions have been very positive. I find it very interesting just how many know what it is. Most seem to want one, however they also seem to think it's got a sd card slot and USB ports.
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