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Accidentally turned using a PowerBook G4 into a pyramid scheme by suggesting someone buy one while using one myself. Hopefully it'll stick in their mind that I'm using a 17 year old laptop online and hey, hardware doesn't (or shouldn't) have a definite expiration date, it's all down to what your personal needs are and what you'll put up with. I don't expect them or want them to throw away their Intel MBP or whatever they have, just consider putting up with it a bit longer than they otherwise would.
Then I installed Jaguar onto Oddball's Mac OS 9 partition... albiet I did it on Sequoyah since Oddball is still stored away. I like Jaguar still, will probably throw it onto Cloud Nine once I'm done tinkering with Leopard 9A303 to see if I can get it to run nicely.
After a friend who is good at soldering helped me with a "fix" for my iBook G3s broken powersupply I tried to install a CF card to IDE adapter with 2 CF cards instead of the loud (and probably soon failing) original 6gb harddrive. That would have been quite the speed improvement, unfortunately it is not recognized by the iBook.

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I tried to install a CF card to IDE adapter with 2 CF cards instead of the loud (and probably soon failing) original 6gb harddrive. That would have been quite the speed improvement, unfortunately it is not recognized by the iBook.
Does the adapter have any jumpers for Master/Slave/CableSelect? If so, try playing with them. If you have two CF cards inserted, try just one.
Does the adapter have any jumpers for Master/Slave/CableSelect? If so, try playing with them. If you have two CF cards inserted, try just one.
No visible jumpers or anything on the adapter. Maybe inside ... but that would make no sense.

I remember reading on these adapters with two CF cards wouldn't work no matter what.
But that was from tests on Powerbooks 1400c and 3400c... maybe we can add Clamshells to the lot.
I always had luck with these super simple/cheap ones, to which you have to cut one of the connecting pins to fit (check your old IDE HD to find which one).
Thanks for the info, I ordered one. Good to have a solution ready when I disassemble the Clamshell again. I'll also try my adapter with just one card but don't have high hopes.
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Somehow, since I rediscovered PPC Macs from the G3/G4 era first, I only recently realised that the iMac G5 uses SATA for storage.

I recently found a spare SATA SSD, and installed it into my 17" iMac G5. Compared to the major speed gains of SSDs in G3s, this upgrade isn't quite as impressive... but surely anything to reduce the heat in a G5 is a good thing.

I love the form factor, especially without iSight. It's just so clean, yet much friendlier than the later aluminium iMacs (and even today's M1s).

Friends with OS X Tiger, I need your help. While I was trying to reinstall Classic Environment on my iBook I deleted more the enough of old Classic (was following some guide in the Internet). Now when I reinstalled it doesn’t work. I need these two files that looks like should always be in os and not installed from classic distributive.

Can somebody upload these two?


Until 2021 I was hosting my cloud solution (carddav, caldav, files) on my mac mini g4 (from 2005, 1GB RAM, 320GB HDD). It also did dns and dhcp for my home network among running other stuff. It ran 24/7 for the last decade, without any hickups.

Now the only power machine I regularly use is my Wii U.
Looks fast, it’s ssd inside? Cause my iBook g4 with 1.33 is a turtle in opening stuff, but I’m still on HDD.
Thanks again for the link to the adapter @galgot ! My iBook now happily boots from a CF-card, silent and fast. After reassembly the trackpad button and the ram stick do not work anymore. That thing is a diva - will need further tinkering. Concerning the trackpad button, I was surprised that tap to click works on a 1999 iBook with Jaguar - so it's not that bad.
FreeBSD didn't work out because the radeon driver has DRM issues on ppc32 and packages never worked, so I'm hoping MintPPC comes with radeon already compiled. Right, right now I'm backing up all my files onto Sequoyah, to prepare for the install wiping my whole drive.​
For gits and shiggles i started fixing RetroZilla to work on OS X. It built and mostly works but crashes on some https sites. Probably because i had to create some missing directories and symlinks in the build tree. Good possibility i missed something. I might dig further in to it at some point. Was just bored and figured it'd be a fun project to tackle.


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That's kind of my thinking. If i can get this completely working with tls 1.2 (like the win95/98/2k version), then i'd build it for 10.3. Don't hold your breath though. The old mozilla source tree looks nothing like the newer stuff i'm use to and i'm slowly figuring out some issues, but we'll see how far i get with it (as a side project).
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