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Doxygen fails with something related to Pthread, I have to go back and look. It's not a big deal though, my next project is going to be focused on getting rid of gcc7 and moving to gcc11+. Appreciate all your help as always.
You obviously know about this stuff....🙄
This is waaaay over my head..🤪
Is there anything like this for PPC Tiger? I’m sticking with it for compatibility reasons with some other programs.

Just out of curiosity, what works on Tiger but not on Leopard? Or that is not open-source but some archaic proprietary stuff?

Myself I gave up on maintaining anything for 10.4. Whenever I try to just update Macports installation, some basic ports get broken, and I have no time to keep fixing that (I report breakages, sometimes they get fixed, but no one seems to be working on Tiger presently). I mainly use 10.6 ppc, but 10.5 is pretty close and most problems are common for these, so fixing one fixes another too. Tiger is a different pain altogether.
(Given how cheap are old Macs nowadays, IMO it makes little sense to waste time on Tiger anyway. It was relevant for G3 and early G4 machines, but why not just replace those.)
Just out of curiosity, what works on Tiger but not on Leopard? Or that is not open-source but some archaic proprietary stuff?

Myself I gave up on maintaining anything for 10.4. Whenever I try to just update Macports installation, some basic ports get broken, and I have no time to keep fixing that (I report breakages, sometimes they get fixed, but no one seems to be working on Tiger presently). I mainly use 10.6 ppc, but 10.5 is pretty close and most problems are common for these, so fixing one fixes another too. Tiger is a different pain altogether.
(Given how cheap are old Macs nowadays, IMO it makes little sense to waste time on Tiger anyway. It was relevant for G3 and early G4 machines, but why not just replace those.)
Classic for mac os 9 programs.
Dug out the old mac mini G4 and updated it to the latest MorphOS. Getting it ready for the 2024 PowerPC Challenge.

@wicknix I just grabbed my from storage as well for the PowerPC challenge!! Are you going MorphOS, Linux or just using straight up leopard/tiger?
You know if I didn’t have to access financial apps and banking sites with my newer laptop the “Power PC Challenge” would be a piece of cake, these are the real killers…
You know if I didn’t have to access financial apps and banking sites with my newer laptop the “Power PC Challenge” would be a piece of cake, these are the real killers
That's where Linux comes in. If you're unable to visit a site, you just boot into Linux, and you have a modern browser to do what you need to do. I triple-boot my PowerBook between Debian, MorphOS, and macOS. Although I spend 90% of my time in Leopard, there have been situations where something doesn't display correctly, so I usually just boot into the Linux partition when I need to do something. I've been using my 15-inch PowerBook for the last month, and honestly, I'm tempted to get the 12-inch model. Maybe 20 years old, but it does everything I need.
Glad to see people are still doing the Challenge. Much like last year ( I'll be forgoing the Mac Yak window and doing it in February instead (because scheduling is better for me) but to those that are doing it this month best of luck and have fun!

The KING will be ready once again very soon.
Bought a copy of Baldur's Gate II from a second-hand store in my area. Main reason I bought it is because it was for PPC Macs, it's not everyday you see PPC Mac games in the wild. Unfortunately, this copy of the game seems to be cursed! I tried it out on my Sawtooth under OS 9 first and OS 9 froze just trying to read disc 1. I did a hard reset and now OS 9 just freezes when I get to the desktop and control strip never shows up. So, I booted up from a Leopard DVD and used Disk Utility to scan my SSD. No problems were found, so I used Startup Disk to boot into the Leopard partition on my SSD and attempted to read the disc again. I wiped the disc off with a paper towel first before putting it back in the drive, and the Mac didn't freeze this time. So, I tried to install the game and it got halfway through disc 1 before a bad disc error popped up. To rule out my Sawtooth being the problem (the acclerator doesn't always play nice with old, classic Mac OS-era apps), I booted up my iMac G3, which runs OS 9 only, and tried the disc in there. Installation got further along than on the Sawtooth, but then OS 9 froze. I did another hard reset, but this time my OS 9 install wasn't damaged. I played the Buffy table in Sci-fi Pinball for a bit to destress and make sure the iMac was still running okay. Everything was fine, so I just shutdown the iMac and now here I am.

The only conclusion I have come to is that my copy of Baldur's Gate II is definitely broken in some way. I'm not gonna try the game with my other PPC Macs and I can't return it either, so I've given up on this game. Gonna wipe the OS 9 partition on my Sawtooth at some point, though whether or not I will reinstall OS 9, I don't know. As fun as it is to see OS 9 run so fast, it is also super weird to see how an attempt to read a bad disc can just break OS 9 on here.
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Firstly, for the record, I know absolutely nothing about OS9 other than I played Carmen San Diego on it a long, long time ago.

At the risk of sounding daft, in these weird situations involving old CDs and trying to get software off of them, I've given up trying to use the physical media and use the best CD drive I have available to make an image. Since your machine is seemingly freezing just trying to read the disc, I would suggest making an image (maybe with your C2D MBP?). You can at least eliminate the reading of the CD as the source of your error.

My $0.02, good luck, I hope you can play some BG2 on PPC!
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Replaced the two 40mm x 5mm 5V fans of a Sonnet Encore ZIF/G4 1GHz in a B&W G3.
One of the fans was seizing up - making noises.

I used two Noctua NF-A4x10 5V which are 10mm but still fit. I had to get eight longer screws #6-32 5/8 inch because the original screws were only 7/16 inches.
I tried it out on my Sawtooth under OS 9 first and OS 9 froze just trying to read disc 1. I did a hard reset and now OS 9 just freezes when I get to the desktop and control strip never shows up. So, I booted up from a Leopard DVD and used Disk Utility to scan my SSD.

FYI - if you "look" at OS9 disks from within a Leopard or later, OS9 disk's B-tree will be damaged. Norton and DiskWarrior will report errors and won't be able to repair them.

As fun as it is to see OS 9 run so fast, it is also super weird to see how an attempt to read a bad disc can just break OS 9 on here.

It can't, unless the pressed disc contains some virus. Something else is broken on your end.
Also, OS7-OS9 doesn't like to be force restarted as all kind of strange things, including directory damage, can happen.
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Bought a copy of Baldur's Gate II from a second-hand store in my area. Main reason I bought it is because it was for PPC Macs, it's not everyday you see PPC Mac games in the wild. Unfortunately, this copy of the game seems to be cursed! I tried it out on my Sawtooth under OS 9 first and OS 9 froze just trying to read disc 1. I did a hard reset and now OS 9 just freezes when I get to the desktop and control strip never shows up. So, I booted up from a Leopard DVD and used Disk Utility to scan my SSD. No problems were found, so I used Startup Disk to boot into the Leopard partition on my SSD and attempted to read the disc again. I wiped the disc off with a paper towel first before putting it back in the drive, and the Mac didn't freeze this time. So, I tried to install the game and it got halfway through disc 1 before a bad disc error popped up. To rule out my Sawtooth being the problem (the acclerator doesn't always play nice with old, classic Mac OS-era apps), I booted up my iMac G3, which runs OS 9 only, and tried the disc in there. Installation got further along than on the Sawtooth, but then OS 9 froze. I did another hard reset, but this time my OS 9 install wasn't damaged. I played the Buffy table in Sci-fi Pinball for a bit to destress and make sure the iMac was still running okay. Everything was fine, so I just shutdown the iMac and now here I am.

The only conclusion I have come to is that my copy of Baldur's Gate II is definitely broken in some way. I'm not gonna try the game with my other PPC Macs and I can't return it either, so I've given up on this game. Gonna wipe the OS 9 partition on my Sawtooth at some point, though whether or not I will reinstall OS 9, I don't know. As fun as it is to see OS 9 run so fast, it is also super weird to see how an attempt to read a bad disc can just break OS 9 on here.
Try an external usb cd drive, I can’t even remember how many times I’ve found a cd/dvd unreadable on one drive that magically works on another…

Try an external usb cd drive, I can’t even remember how many times I’ve found a cd/dvd unreadable on one drive that magically works on another…

This is how I get any cd/dvd format materials onto my tray loader imac G3s. The drives on mine while technically work, are flaky and temperamental. My external superdrive fixes that :)
Firstly, for the record, I know absolutely nothing about OS9 other than I played Carmen San Diego on it a long, long time ago.

At the risk of sounding daft, in these weird situations involving old CDs and trying to get software off of them, I've given up trying to use the physical media and use the best CD drive I have available to make an image. Since your machine is seemingly freezing just trying to read the disc, I would suggest making an image (maybe with your C2D MBP?). You can at least eliminate the reading of the CD as the source of your error.

My $0.02, good luck, I hope you can play some BG2 on PPC!

Try an external usb cd drive, I can’t even remember how many times I’ve found a cd/dvd unreadable on one drive that magically works on another…


This is how I get any cd/dvd format materials onto my tray loader imac G3s. The drives on mine while technically work, are flaky and temperamental. My external superdrive fixes that :)

I do indeed have an external optical drive (a decade old USB Samsung drive) that is good at handling problematic discs and I may indeed try that at some point. Haven't gotten around to it though due to other projects.


As for those other projects, I put the X800 XT back in my G5. I find that the fan on that GPU doesn't annoy me like it used to, so it's staying in the G5. This frees up the GeForce 6200, which I initially gave to the Sawtooth until I realized that even when equipped with a CI card, Leopard on the Sawtooth pales in comparison to Leopard on the G5. I've gone back and forth so many times over the years over the issue of sacrificing 2D and 3D acceleration in OS 9 in favor of CI on Leopard when it comes to the Sawtooth, but after going from the G5 to the Sawtooth during the same day I was struck by how much more I enjoyed using Leopard on my G5. Leopard feels significantly smoother and faster on the G5 and it's nice to be able to watch downloaded 720p and 1080p videos in VLC on the G5 instead of being stuck at 360p on the Sawtooth (480p with occasional frame drops if downgrading to Tiger or using the GeForce 6200 in Leopard). There's also little things like being able to use the eject key on my keyboard for both open and close on the G5, whereas on the Sawtooth I can only use the eject key to open the optical drive if running 10.5.8 (close only works on 10.5.6 and below for some reason on the Sawtooth). I have a lot of nostalgia for running Leopard on the Sawtooth, but sacrificing OS 9's 2D and 3D acceleration to run a worse Leopard setup didn't seem worth it to me anymore. So, I decided to lean into the Sawtooth's ability to natively boot OS 9, and went back to the Radeon 9000. I reinstalled OS 9 due to the Baldur's Gate II fiasco from earlier and dual booted with Tiger for internet browsing purposes (separate partitions).

I also attempted to add FireWire 800 to the Sawtooth again, but once again it was a bust. I have tried three cards over the years and the same thing happens: works at first, transfer speeds then get slower and slower, then the cards stop reading my external SSD, and then the cards stop showing up in ASP. I tried two of the cards again (one of which was already in there from the last experiment with FW 800). I tried reseating the cards, using different PCI slots, using them with and without being connected to molex power and the same thing happened, so I've officially given up on the Sawtooth ever having FireWire 800. I had to reset the PMU multiple times during this process too, since adding and removing these cards was causing boot issues. Things are stable now with the Sawtooth, thankfully.
Resizing a window programmatically
I powered up my PowerPC Mac running Mac OS X 10.5.8.
Go into System Preferences > Universal Access > "Seeing" tab and Enable access for assistive devices.
I am running KEGSMAC v0.91 but this works from the AppleScript Script Editor:
tell application "KEGSMAC"​
end tell​
tell application "System Events"​
set the size of the window "KEGSMAC" of application process "KEGSMAC" to {30, 100}​
end tell​
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The other day I finally took apart my Flower Power iMac G3 I got last year, to put a new 128GB SSD with an adapter in it and replace the dead Seagate hard drive it had.

I had to order a new adapter because the one I had had the connections flipped for the iMac's configuration, but today I got the new one and put it all back together! :)

It appears to have some flyback transformer issues, and so far it flickered a few times during testing. I have yet to install the OSes as I want to try my newly set up NetInstall for 10.4, and see if I can get a Mac OS 9 NetInstall figured out as well. I'll try to remember to take some photos once it's all set up in a more permanent location.

I had to order a new adapter because the one I had had the connections flipped for the iMac's configuration, but today I got the new one and put it all back together! :)

I have some thoughts about doing the same to an old 2nd gen Bondi Blue iMac that I have. What kind of adapter is needed to get one of those to take an SSD drive?
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