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Installed the card, probably the easiest plug and play installation I've done this far. And works right away. :cool:

It’s one of the characteristics of Macs & MacOS/OSX. They just work (usually lol)
Installed a SSD and Sorbet to iMac G5. Had some difficulty as my Intel SSD-drives (Pro 2500 series) are ok and boot just fine when installed to a FW-case but do not appear at all when installed internally. Suspected my formatting and partition type etc. and installed them several times but no. Finally I tried a Samsung Evo 850 and that also works internally. So, I guess these Intels are just incompatible with the iMacs SATA-bus?

From what I've read on here and other sites, SATA III drives can often be problematic with the G5s. There's a greater likelihood of success if they're backwards compatible with SATA I/II.

So, finally (after several hours) a victory and all seems to work!

Persistence pays! :)

Didn't spot any bulging or leaking caps either. 👍

Even better. Fingers crossed that they remain normal.

I think I will order an Airport Extreme -card for it. Makes everything so much easier. EDIT: did buy one locally and should have it in couple of days! :cool:

Ps. did all the cloning and sw installations with the PowerBook G4 12".


That's interesting. I didn't realise that not all iMac G5 models were supplied with an Airport card.

Installed the card, probably the easiest plug and play installation I've done this far. And works right away. :cool:


Congrats - that's nice work. :)
Installed a SSD and Sorbet to iMac G5. Had some difficulty as my Intel SSD-drives (Pro 2500 series) are ok and boot just fine when installed to a FW-case but do not appear at all when installed internally. [...] Finally I tried a Samsung Evo 850 and that also works internally.
Can you add these SSDs to this post?
Today I've been mostly installing software to the iMac G5. Its getting to the point of being quite usable now. ;)

I installed a bunch of serious sw like MS Office, graphics stuff, music sw, utilities etc.

And more importantly some games: UT1999, UT2004, Halo, BrutalDOOM, Quake, Quake 3, Battlefield 1942 + all expansions

I played DOOM in early 90's and Battlefield 1942 & Unreal tournament in early '00's (have original boxed games somewhere). Halo on Quake are new to me.

Smiled when Battlefield sountrack started to play. Very familiar! :D

I mostly concentrated to racing and flight simulators back in the day (PC DOS/Win). I've never actually played with a Mac before other than occasionally tried something. Since 1994 I have used Macs for work etc. and had PC's only for gaming. Now its somewhat a hassle to get the old classic games to work in modern PC's and I don't really want any of my old gaming PC's back to my home office so the G5 seems great option to play these games in good quality and decent speed (even if my iMac is only 1.8GHz and 1GB RAM).

Well, UT2004 was a bit too choppy in 1440x900 but runs quite nicely in 1024x768. Did't yet try anything between that. The UT1999 runs 1440x900 fine. Tried Halo in 1152x720 and it was fine except in most fierce combat where FPS seemed to go down, will retry in 1024x768.

These must be great with a PowerMac G5! :cool:

BTW. does Tie-Fighter or X-wing exist for PPC/OSX? Are there any space combat stuff for Mac?

From what I've read on here and other sites, SATA III drives can often be problematic with the G5s. There's a greater likelihood of success if they're backwards compatible with SATA I/II.
Yes, I know. I was just so used to the fact that Intel SATA-drives seem to work in pretty much anything that this came to me as surprise. But, I guess I have used other Inter pro -models previously.
That's interesting. I didn't realise that not all iMac G5 models were supplied with an Airport card.
It was optional for the first gen iMac G5's, 17" models M9248, M9249 and 20" M9250. Also the Bluetooth 1.1 was optional and this machine does not have that either.
Congrats - that's nice work. :)
LOL, that was no work at all. Loosen 3 screws, pop off the rear cover, plug the antenna to the card and slide the card to its slot, put the cover back, tighten the screws. Takes about 3 minutes. ;)

Can you add these SSDs to this post?
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BTW. does Tie-Fighter or X-wing exist for PPC/OSX?

Intel OS X, yes with Steam and GOG respectively.

Unfortunately it seems that LucasArts never released an updated version for OS X PPC.

It was optional for the first gen iMac G5's, 17" models M9248, M9249 and 20" M9250. Also the Bluetooth 1.1 was optional and this machine does not have that either.

Such a shame that it can't be repurposed for the iBook G3's. The consolation is that it's an excellent spare for the iBook G4's. :)
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Today I added few more games to the iMac G5: Ford Racing 2, F1 Championship Season 2000, Star Wars Battlefront, Skyfighters 1945 and OpenArena.

There seems to be no lack of FPS' for the PPC OSX. Too bad not so many simulators.

- Ford Racing 2 has some weird problems with colors, it breaks after a while ending up with pink screen and needing restart. Well, not a fan of arcades so I don't think I will use time to troubleshoot, I'll just delete it.
- F1 is quite all right, reminds me little of Geoff Grammonds Grand Prix 3 or 4. Managed right away some decent lap times driving with kbd. Will try if my steering wheel would work, probably not.
- OpenArena is a freeware FPS, quite nice one in fact. And OpenArena still has lots of online servers btw.
- Star Wars Battlefront, one more FPS
- Skyfighters is a air combat "sim". Didn't try it yet.

Tried to config my Playstation Dualshock 4 controller (connected via USB) but Ford Racing and F1 controller setups are such a mess that I failed to make a working setup. Don't have high hopes getting my Momo Force wheel and pedals to work either.
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Thanks, I'll give them a try. 👍
USB overdrive v 3.01 which is the correct one for Leopard does nothing when I try to select a game to go with the custom settings. And when I try few times it crashes the System Settings. The older version you linked works better, atleast I can save my own game specific settings. But, still doesn't work in the F1 CS 2000. EDIT: I don't know what I did but suddenly it started to work. 👍 Now I just have to get the sensitivity to something usable.

Gamepad companion installs ok to Systems settings but never opens when clicked. It just says opening Gamepad Companion for ever....

1. USB overdrive does not see the Momo Force wheel + pedals. It's clearly visible with correct name in the systems report though. So, it cannot be used with the F1 CS 2000.
2. but I can use the Dualshock-controller. It is however very difficult to drive with left thumb steering. The right stick is only recognized in up and down -axis as the left can in all directions.
3. USB overdrive sees the CH F-16 Combat stick. But, so does the SkyFighters 1945 where it can be calibrated too. So USB overdrive is disabled for this game and I use the games internal controls system.
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USB overdrive v 3.01 which is the correct one for Leopard does nothing when I try to select a game to go with the custom settings. And when I try few times it crashes the System Settings. The older version you linked works better, atleast I can save my own game specific settings. But, still doesn't work in the F1 CS 2000. EDIT: I don't know what I did but suddenly it started to work. 👍 Now I just have to get the sensitivity to something usable.

Yay, at least one of them worked. :)

Gamepad companion installs ok to Systems settings but never opens when clicked. It just says opening Gamepad Companion for ever....

Oh, well.

This is surprising because I used Gamepad Companion for years on my Gigabit G4 and it worked from the get-go.

If you've got an XBOX 360 wired controller (as do I) then you should also install this driver. I've used it for years with PPC and Intel Macs alike. :)
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This is surprising because I used Gamepad Companion for years on my Gigabit G4 and it worked from the get-go.
Well, I am running Leopard (Sorbet), maybe that has something to do with it?
If you've got an XBOX 360 wired controller (as do I) then you should also install this driver. I've used it for years with PPC and Intel Macs alike. :)
I've never been a console gamer so I don't have one. Only reason why I have this Dualshock 4 is that few years ago I got interested in retro gaming with RPi and various emulators and it seemed like it would be a good controller for that kind of stuff.

I am now trying to drive F1 by steering and handling gears with the joystick and do rest with the kbd. It is the best option this far but hard on the wrist as the movement needed is quite large. At least I can now steer with my right hand. Trying various adjustments in both the game and USB Overdrive to make it easier.
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Well, I am running Leopard (Sorbet), maybe that has something to do with it?

Perhaps... I don't have a Leopard installation at the moment to test it with.

I've never been a console gamer so I don't have one. Only reason why I have this Dualshock 4 is that few years ago I got interested in retro gaming with RPi and various emulators and it seemed like it would be a good controller for that kind of stuff.

Fair enough. I bought the controller specifically to use for Mac gaming. Years later I wound up with a console. :D

I am now trying to drive F1 by steering and handling gears with the joystick and do rest with the kbd. It is the best option this far but hard on the wrist as the movement needed is quite large. At least I can now steer with my right hand. Trying various adjustments in both the game and USB Overdrive to make it easier.

Maybe with a bit of perseverance, the wheel can be coaxed to work...
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I guess I should say that I made up the new LibreOffice icon that I posted about here:

For those of you who may like a little more color in your icons than many these days provide, I have put together a "new" more colorful and more descriptive icon for LibreOffice. The new icon includes the PowerPC logo, whose red color plays nicely off the green in the "Libre" part of LibreOffice, giving the whole thing a nice "pop" while proudly proclaiming that it is running on a PowerPC Mac!

The source image file appears immediately below:

View attachment 2430174
and the associated icon file (.icns) is attached to this post. It has been zipped, since this forum would not allow me to directly attach a .icns file.


on a PowerPC Mac - my Power Mac G5 to be precise!
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There is X-Plane 9 , seems a nice one
Thanks. I did try one of the X-Plane -versions long time ago and it was ok, like the MS flight simulator.

But, I personally am more of the combat flight simulator type.
Thanks. I did try one of the X-Plane -versions long time ago and it was ok, like the MS flight simulator.

But, I personally am more of the combat flight simulator type.
There is Warbirds III that works on a G3 or newer. I used to play Warbirds (can’t remember which version, either II or III) back in the day. It’s primarily an online game but has some offline training modes that I used to enjoy.
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There is Warbirds III that works on a G3 or newer. I used to play Warbirds (can’t remember which version, either II or III) back in the day. It’s primarily an online game but has some offline training modes that I used to enjoy.
Thanks for that, I had forgotten the Warbirds. I watched some videos about it and I get flashbacks from it! I played Warbirds until IL2 was released and I transferred to it. Great game(s).
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I feel you on that! I've been using my PowerPC Mac mostly for some retro gaming and a bit of light web browsing. There’s something really enjoyable about diving into older software; it has a charm that’s hard to replicate today. Plus, I love the challenge of keeping the old machine running smoothly—it's pretty satisfying! What projects or fun stuff have you been working on with yours?
Even though PowerPC Macs are useless and you can't use them in 2020 (heh), some of us do anyway, so I figured we should have a thread to post anything we've done with a PPC computer today. Inspired by the various PowerPC Challenge threads, but more for those of us who use them continuously year round, even if not always exclusively.
I play warcraft 3 frozen thrown all of the time on my g4 digital audio. I always liked setting up custom games against the computer. Cant get online anymore, but its still fun
Sending a xorg-server-legacy install on Implacable.

See ya, power usage. I saw it sucking back 350W on average and I think I saw 500W peak at one point thus far. Considering investing in solar power to at least supplement this ol' Quad's power intake.
Thrown in the towel after three days of trying and failing to get OS 9 and Tiger to run stably on Mozin. I fear its GPU has developed a solder fault, but need to recap it first.
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Thrown in the towel after three days of trying and failing to get OS 9 and Tiger to run stably on Mozin. I fear its GPU has developed a solder fault, but need to recap it first.

If you need some motivation, recapping an eMac is the latest topic on Action Retro. :)

Sending a xorg-server-legacy install on Implacable.

See ya, power usage. I saw it sucking back 350W on average and I think I saw 500W peak at one point thus far. Considering investing in solar power to at least supplement this ol' Quad's power intake.

Laugh reaction because adding solar power is a mark of not kidding around when it comes to how much power the quad devours. To think running a pair of quads together amounts to being a kilowatt of consumption is… staggering.

(And here I was, after upgrading the CPU in my late 2013 iMac last week and seeing total wattage spike from about 80W to nearly 100W as concerning…)
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