Used MacPorts to build myself a copy of Python 3.10 on my Sawtooth. In my various attempts to get FW 800 working on here, I had replaced Sorbet Leopard with vanilla Leopard and since switching back to vanilla leopard made no difference in regards to the FW 800 problem, I decided to go back to Sorbet Leopard. Now when it came time to copy over PPCMC and apply the fix needed to get it working again, I could have done what I normally do on PPC and use either the method or the Unofficial TenFourFox Development toolkit method where you copy over the updated Python after installing the toolkit, but I decided to try what I do on my 2006 MBP and use MacPorts to build an updated Python. Now I knew this was going to take longer than the MBP, but wow...
It took about 7 hours to build Python on here (takes about a half hour on the MBP) and its dependencies. Note that I have a 1.5ghz CPU in here, I can't imagine how long it would have took with the stock CPU. For some reason MacPorts gave me Python 2.7 instead of 3.12, saying there was a problem with 3.12 (not sure why MacPorts didn't try an earlier version of 3). So, I tried building 3.10 and that worked without issue (and only took about a half hour thanks to all of the dependencies already being built earlier). I think this is the longest I have ever had this Mac turned on for, and the most stress I have put it under, but it handled it well. I tried the FW 800 PCI card again and I was actually able to copy a couple things over to an external drive at expected speeds before getting hit with the slow transfer rate problem again. Not sure if I would build things using MacPorts on this Mac too often, but it is nice to have the option.