Yesterday, not today, sorry, converted 3 videos for uploading to Cornica.
One is an old S.Jobs interview from 1981. Long, uncut, 19mn. Even in Sorenson at 15ips it's something like 140Mb.
Hope it'll work there. Perfectly readable on OS9 locally anyway.
Edit : Today, that is after my coffee...
I went to see how was doing a 500 Mhz Pismo, that I left building wget in Macports for a test.
It had a very basic Macport install to start with, so the amount of things Macports wanted to build/install just for building wget was impressive, gcc7, pyhton39 and a sh.. load of stuff. When I saw the list , I thought "Oh god, this will take weeks...", but decided to leave it in a corner plugged to power and never sleep, to see how long it would take.
It has an SSD, very quiet , so no bother.
Well, it failed building a dependency, itstool, so I don't have wget. But it did build all the big stuff, libgcc7, gcc7, Python39... ect . took 4 days !
Cool, now I have a G3 with gcc7 and a recent python3, can see if I can build something that runs well on G3s there...