Do you, though?
Once you die, will someone remember you by your pristine 2019 MacBook Pro, or will it end up as electronic waste?
While I’m easily the most careful with things in my family and use them for a good long time, in some cases probably for the rest of my life, the only thing I care about really trying to preserve is a book from 1638 where I more look at myself as a temporary custodian. My own stuff is here for me to use and enjoy as I live, and if that means the odd scuff mark - well it’s not as if I don’t have them myself. And my battery is continously degrading. ?
And the things I’ve inherited, well I appreciate the wear! They are the marks of my grandfather, his use, his hands. If the wear wan’t there, it would just be an object that existed during his time, it would show no sign of him, no presence. Now when I see the wear from his hands, I remember the roughness of their skin on my cheek as a boy.
Perfection in devices, as in skin, is a marketing myth. It was never worth much in the first place.