I've also having some issues with kernel_task pumping out too much memory.
First, I'll give some background. I had my MacBook Pro running pretty much 24/7 for about a month. By that, I mean I had torrents, web browsers constantly open (one of which was set to auto-refresh on several pages), a java program that turned my computer into a server, and several Finder windows. So...probably WAY too much activity, but my computer is new and seemed to handle it fairly well. By the way, OS that came packaged with it was 10.8, but I upgraded to 10.9 (hasn't been too buggy...). That upgrade was before this month marathon of activity.
Anyways, I go back to college (hence the one-month break) and the laptop goes back to having several long periods of rest. Monday was the first day of classes...and it was Tuesday that I noticed that machine was lagging for EVERYTHING. Open a Finder window, I get the pinwheel (or as you guys call it, the Beach Ball). Navigate within that Finder window that managed to load after waiting about a minute or two, Beach Ball. The computer can repeat the lagged task again, but if I try anything else, I get a noticeable data lag. I cannot use my laptop for anything remotely productive. Fortunately, I did say it was new, so it ought to be under Apple Care.
I have an appointment scheduled for this Monday, but I thought I'd post on here and see if anyone can respond before thing (or after, should the problem not be solved that day). Anyways, back to the story...I rebooted my laptop numerous times, and the system was lagging more than I have ever experienced, and this is coming from someone that used Print Explosion (for those of you that know what I mean by that) on a machine that started out as a 10.4. Usually, when there's a data lag, I can at least switch gears, and if the entire machine locks up, a simple restart fixes the problem. Nothing is working.
So, I bring up Activity Monitor, and I soon realize that there is a good 700+ MBs being taken up by a process known as kernel_task. Not knowing what this was and being unable to quit the process (with good reason as I now know) I consult one my friends whom has a pretty good knowledge of computers. He basically gives the explanation you guys gave, that it is essentially the OS. He was completely baffled as to why it would take up so much memory. He recommended draining the battery, among doing other things to short out the battery...didn't try those, but I did drain it completely to no avail.
Next, I tried to use the Recovery HD. I ran Disk Utility to ensure it was not a problem with the hard drive...thankfully, it wasn't.
Out of pretty much all options, I turn to calling Apple for support. That does very little either, as the guy seemed skeptical that this was an issue at all. Not only did he not seem concerned about the massive memory usage, but he also that Activity Monitor is not good at diagnosing things...not sure how that logic works, but whatever...he probably doesn't know a whole lot about how computers operate behind the screen and therefore didn't even consider it. Anyways, he has me empty the cache (a whooping 6000+ items in the User Library Cache alone) along with doing a hard reset. That helped...but the problem still remains. Actually, I'm skeptical if it helped at all as the system always seems to run rather quickly at first, but then slows down exponentially after startup. That...or I'm just getting more patient.
Anyways, I was looking on here, and I saw Safe Mode. I tried that, and it seemed to work! All forms of lag were gone...I was able to navigate Finder just as quickly as before (with a slight degrade in the graphics, but that's to be expected I'd imagine).
However, it doesn't seem that Safe Mode is a stable mode as I got kicked out to the login screen when I tried using Mission Control to flip between browsing Chrome to another app. I believe someone placed some code that will tell me what other background tasks are running, and perhaps I can further narrow down the issue from there. I'll post again in a second with screenshots and more info.