The more I study this topic over the past couple of days, the more I realize that you are quite knowledgeable; I've learned some important things (e.g. I'd never heard of the mxtoolbox site - it's fabulous). I'm also self-taught, but it is going on 25 years of constant exposure and study. Unfortunately, as one of my past math teachers said, smart people can investigate in the wrong direction for much longer than less smart people; there is some of that going on with you.
This is an example of investigating in the wrong direction. You *seem* to be lacking that fundamental and required knowledge of private, non-routable addresses. Whenever you are wondering about an address, find out if it's a private one. Also, make sure you completely understand the implications of an address being private...
It is totally valid for me to configure my home network (my private LAN, behind a NAT'ing firewall) to use the addresses between and That is the block defined by (you need to a bit of base-two calculation to see they are the same). So, and critically important, it is totally valid for thousands and thousands of private networks to be using the address It is completely invalid for any network to use that address and expect it to be reachable from the internet at large. Attempting to do DNS resolution on it will either give you no answer or some random answer; it will completely depend on which DNS server you happen to be asking the question of.
Years ago my home's private network ran its own caching DNS server. I added my own hosts to that, so that my private host names would translate to my private IP addresses. So, if you asked by own DNS server what was, you'd get a answer (that would make sense only to me). If you asked another DNS server what it was, that server would throw up its hands and say "wut??".
So, STOP CHECKING WHAT resolves to, unless you can find a relevant DNS server. Since is a DNS server, you would probably get some answer from that - something like "hey, that's me! I'm Barbara". But, of course, don't try to reach that DNS server from your WiFi network, for example.
Another thing to throw out... I checked by cellular address. Then I put my phone into and out of airplane mode. Then I rechecked my cellular address. It was different than before. So, don't be surprised when cellular addresses change.
Anyway, I have no cell coverage in my office. I'm going to a coffee shop today where I'll be working. I'll try to investigate further.
I understand what you’re saying and yes some of this is true. My dilemma with your resolution still begs to ask the question like in my screenshot above …
Why do I have two DNS both resolving to the same DNS?
The other question is why are the ports open for FTP, PTP Tunneling, and RTSP, from my cell phone if I’m not trying to access any camera or what not via RTSP? Everything I have read about port 1723 is that it’s used specifically for Microsoft Point to Point Tunneling and it has known vulnerabilities. if I’m not using a PC, and I do not own a Microsoft account on any device I own!! And why are these ports open on my IPhone using cellular without a VPN and all apps closed and background refresh off entirely. And all settings on all my apps that have location services are set to “while using the app”
I know I may be on the wrong path to find answers I can except that.
The other interface that I cannot find answers on is anp0 if I’m not mistaken. This interface is open and is transmitting packets.
And my final question when you run a traceroute to my IP 7 out of 10 times it does not reach the final destination being me. I ran a traceroute from “” using their server and I’ll include the screenshot on this post. I’ve also run the traceroute using Wi-Fi to my cellular IP and same occurs or I get significant packet loss in numerous spots along the route. Significant meaning upwards of 80-90%??
Now I admit I’m not 100% on how to read the traceroute but all the research I’ve done tells me this packet loss means something. Since I have difficulty receiving all my calls, messages, & emails. Most important is password resets…. These 9 out of ten times I don’t receive. So who is receiving them, or where are they going?? I don’t use any 3rd party email service. Only iCloud. Researching this matter is how I came upon MXToolbox. It’s a very useful tool!!
The DNS has been my loopback at times
Or it’s been nothing or it’s been a 169.xx IP address. This is where I end up losing everyone is trying to explain this situation. Because it only makes sense if you know the way it started. Because as I learn ways to work around the problems I encounter the situation evolves. I believe at this point setting a trap of sorts is the only way I can get out of this mess. I have most of the tools to do so. But it’s way above my head to actually implement it. So let’s say if this was happening to you or any other knowledgeable person what would you do to resolve the matter?
Somehow and I don’t even know how to explain this but there is an Azure Virtual machine involved and Gamers that I can tell. But what they are gaining from me or how I’m involved doesn’t make sense to me and I just sound silly trying to explain what I’m trying to say and what I see. Is that just a byproduct of the bigger problem, is there some hack or compromise im unaware of?
Please tell me what you come up with when you lookup “AMDEngagementExtension” it’s part of the original question of this post “source P”. Because the problem I need to resolve is who is stalking me, why, and how
Can I make it stop!!?? I cannot express the pain this has been creating in my life.
At the end of the day I had burned out working for the last Startup Elasticsearch and I’m trying to start two business’s one my photography and the other is a larger project but this problem I’m experiencing has hindered my life to keep me from gaining any progress or even get started. So I’m desperate for help at this point as I’ve put my life on pause for going on 6 years. Because at one point they had rendered all my devices useless. Files get erased or moved. I get locked out of my accounts and unable
To receive password resets. Files get corrupted and I’ve been cut off from all my social media accounts where I need to promote my work. I have woke up only to find my phone having changes. Settings, menus and options either locked or available I’ve never seen before.
So the question is let’s say it’s you in this position, where would you start to try to resolve this? What piece of data is the most beneficial to know for certain if it’s malware or an actual 3rd party hack?