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The first Mac I ever bought was also the first computer that I ever bought with my own money. I had PCs before handed down to me by my dad (who worked on PC hardware as part of his job) but MY first computer was a 400mhz G3 iMac DV. Saved up money from working my first job to buy it as I already knew I was going to college for Graphic/Web design.

Haven't looked back since, although I did buy one PC since I switched - an old P4 from my office for $50 to use to test websites I build on IE. :D
First mac was a 2007 mac mini. Before that I owned a crappy Compaq desktop that died with bad motherboard. The mini got me hooked on OSX but 3 years later I decided it was not powerful enough for what I used it for ( 90% of my photo workflow was waiting ) then I bought my current computer and have never been happier. ( 15" i7 highres with 7200rpm 500gb drive 8GBs ram )
I guess I'm a bit older than most of you.

My first Apple was an Apple ][, then an Apple ][+, then an Apple ][e.

As I recall, my first Mac was a 125K B&W beige, then a 512K, then a 512Ke, etc. on up to my present day MacBookPro, MacAir and iPad.

My first Mac was a Macintosh Plus back in 1986. I think I paid something like $2500 for it! It really was a great computer and I think I had it longer than any other Mac I've owned. After that it was a Macintosh LC, followed by a Performa 600, then a Macintosh 6100/60, then a Macintosh G3 tower, then a Macintosh G4 tower, then a 24" iMac (late 2006), and finally the 27" I7 iMac that I just got back in April and love!

I've been pretty happy Macintosh user for almost 25 years! :)

My first Mac was a late 2008 Unibody MacBook, with;
- 2.0 GHz C2D processor.
- 2GB RAM.
- 160 GB HD
It was also the first computer I bought myself.
I paid the full €1200 for it.
I've been using it for almost 2 years now, and never had problems with it, and it still quite up to date, with a upgrade to 4GB RAM, and a 7200rpm 320GB HD.
1993 - LC II and then a PowerMac one year later.

I went to Windows in 1997 and stayed for almost 10 years but returned to buy a MBP. Never leaving now (have a MacPro and MBP i7).....
My first, is my current. It was the ability to bootcamp that provided the safetynet I required as a PC user to switch. As such, I still rock my 1st gen MBP.
128k Mac

My first Mac was a black MacBook 2.4 with 4GB of Ram and 250GB hard drive. I think it was around 3 years ago.

I bought the original 128k Mac in 1984 with a 400k floppy and the original McWrite, McPaint AND the OS fit on one disk. I was up until 4AM playing with it the 1st night.
Original 128k macintosh

No hard drive. Only a single-sided 400k floppy drive. You had to swap out system and application disks. What a great computer! I remember being amazed with MacPaint. I sent it away and had it upgraded to 512k, 4x the memory!

Next was a Centris model or two, including one with a built-in TV tuner. Why don't they all have those today? Then the Graphite iMac, followed by an iBook, and now a MacBook. I've converted several people to Mac along the way.
My first mac is my 2004 Powerbook G4 1.5GHz 15" and it is still my main computer 6 years running.
Other than being a little slow at times (or unbearably slow with flash) it keeps on going, it just won't die (I need an excuse to get a new mbp). I even do some heavy data analysis for my research on it and it holds up great.
First Mac I used was a Mac Plus at the age of 6, which my parents had (I often contend that I was born at exactly the right time for the dawn of the Macintosh).

My first personal Mac was a Color Classic. A lovely and underrated machine with a good Trinitron display. The Japanese coveted them for years, and there used to be websites detailing 68030 -> G3 conversions you could do to a Colour Classic.
My first Apple computer wasn't a Mac, but a Euro Apple II. Didn't really get it working. Partly the NTSC/PAL issues.
My first working Mac is a Power Mac G5. Got started down this road by borrowing a bread dough iMac from work. Rest is history.
Now have, and some are for my kids in college: G4 mini, G4 iBook, 3 MacBooks and a 24" iMac.
Started beginning of the '90s with a Pizzabox (used LC) plus 13" color display, upgraded to a Centris 610 end of '93. Moved on to a G3 beige, Mac mini G4, iMac 2C2. Now MacPro and MBAir. I'm sure the story will continue....
a MacII. 100 meg HD, can't remember if it was 2 or 4 megs of RAM.

Never used a computer until then. In fact, I did not know even how to turn it on, never mind use the programs I needed.

Between the MacII, a flatbed scanner, NEC monitor, and all the software I spent $12,000.00.

ohh, what i'd do with $12k in an apple store right now... :D
Mac Plus > Mac IICX > Quadra 700 > Radius 81/110 > Power Macintosh 8600 > Power Macintosh G3 300MHz > Power Macintosh G4 400MHz > Power Macintosh G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors) Dual 867 > Power Macintosh G5 1.8 Single > Power Macintosh G5 Dual 2.0GHz PCI-Express
First Mac -- A Mac SE (two floppy drive version) that I bought in 1987. I sold that, but I still have the _second_ Mac I got which is an SE30 from 1989. I also have the IIci that I got a couple of years later. Haven't tried either of those in years, but they worked the last time I tried!
My first Apple computer was an aluminium 2ghz iMac from 2007. I wanted something different then my Windows XP laptop that i had at that moment. Not that i really hated XP, but it was more out of curiosity and because it was so damn sexy. I now have a 21' iMac and a 2009 Mac Mini

But i used to be an exclusive Amiga user and in many ways, Apple reminds me of the fun feeling of being a Amiga user in a pc world :)
we had a mac classic when I was growing up, but as for *my* first mac it was the first 20" aluminum iMac. I later bought a used 12" g4 powerbook for mobilities sake. I'll be upgrading to an i7 15" MBP here in a few months though!
Our first Mac - 13" Aluminum MacBook

My then fiance (now husband) and I went to our Apple store on New Year's Day 2009. We thought we wanted a Mac mini to hook up to our 62" TV, but the guy we were working with asked us what we wanted to do that for and we really weren't sure. I think we just really wanted another laptop - we already had one desktop and one laptop. So he suggested a 13" Aluminum MacBook instead.

As soon as he started showing us what it could do I knew I had to have it. So, now this little baby is mine, all mine, and my husband primarily uses the iPad. Our poor Dell never sees the light of day, unless I have to work in Publisher, and our desktop...I can't even remember the last time it was turned on.

xoxo Mac for Life! xoxo
My first bite

I inherited my Uncles 520c Powerbook, with an old SCII(?) CD-rom hookup. Also back in the days of Square1 and the world of Mac OS 7.

My very first mac that I paid for was a 14' iBook G3 700 MHz with Combo Drive. Actually put together a few video yearbooks together on that machine.

My first desktop was a Dual 1.25 GHz G4 MDD, bought it just after the G5 was released and still use it regularly.

After a two year break, I got home and picked up the first generation Unibody MacBook Pro, and am just sticking it out for the new pro :)

*And although there have been many posts and threads on the state of the Mac Pro I can officially say I am waiting predominately for the Graphics! (being as much future proof on graphics as possible)
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