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cMP users - what do you see yourself using in 2025?

  • The same Mac Pro

    Votes: 29 22.5%
  • Used Mac Pro 7,1

    Votes: 14 10.9%
  • Apple Silicon Mac Pro

    Votes: 14 10.9%
  • Mac Studio

    Votes: 27 20.9%
  • Other Apple Silicon Mac (iMac, MBP, mini)

    Votes: 29 22.5%
  • Windows PC

    Votes: 10 7.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 4.7%

  • Total voters
Until your Mac gets hacked due to some vulnerability not addressed on old software. 😊
Yep, you’re correct. Not only with older systems, even on my M1 iMac with an updated OS, I would practice cybersecurity protocols. These hackers can find ways to bypass security defenses on newer OS nowadays. Best to be vigilant.
If there is no upgradeable gpu they shouldn’t bother. Waste of time for pros who will turn to windows/Linux.
umm not all Pros will turn to Windows/Linux. If PCI-e slots in 8,1 support Audio, networking and storage some Pros will stay and not all Pros want a modular GPU but internal expanison.

The biggest blunder of the 6,1 was not having ANY internal PCI-e expansion.
umm not all Pros will turn to Windows/Linux. If PCI-e slots in 8,1 support Audio, networking and storage some Pros will stay and not all Pros want a modular GPU but internal expanison.

The biggest blunder of the 6,1 was not having ANY internal PCI-e expansion.

True, not all. But many have left already. Many of the pros that work with heavy video/3d will leave too. It is likely to gut what remains of the pro market, and they will move to non Mac platforms. No more free Mac appearances saving the universe from alien cameos, and many influential pros will leave the platform.

Could be wrong, hope I am.
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No more free Mac appearances saving the universe from alien cameos, and many influential pros will leave the platform.
No problem Apple can survive and will survive. As I said before many of my PC friends use iPhones. What Apple once was known was the Mac as its flagship product but for a very long time Apple is known for the iPhone and that is Apple's "prestige".

The Mac will become a platform for simple video editing, software dev( Mainly web and mobile) and general computer stuff as the Macbooks are awesome now.

The desktop Mac suffers the biggest as Apple sillicon is efficiency oriented and non-modular. Mobile Macs where Apple's sales have always been higher than Desktop Macs. Majority prefer laptops over desktops and thats where the volume and profits are.

The Mac will be great for your avg Apple consumer but the Pros that want the best GPUs and upgradeablity will look elsewhere.
No problem Apple can survive and will survive. As I said before many of my PC friends use iPhones.

The Mac will become a platform for simple video editing, software dev( Mainly web and mobile) and general computer stuff as the Macbooks are awesome now.

The desktop Mac suffers the biggest as Apple sillicon is efficiency oriented and non-modular. Mobile Macs where Apple's sales have always been higher than Desktop Macs. Majority prefer laptops over desktops and thats where the volume and profits are.

The Mac will be great for your avg Apple consumer but the Pros that want the best GPUs and upgradeablity will look elsewhere.

We disagree it's no problem. Apple today is a far bigger ship and can eat at it's own fat for far longer, but once the taste makers move away, bad things can happen. They saved the company long ago. Further, it's losing its roots.

Honda did this. They killed a lot of their 'halo' cars to concentrate on their bread and butter and more profitable lines. The company is a shell of its former self because they lost their way. The bleeding edge may be a loss leader, but it trickles down in incalculable ways to the more main stream products. To the point where many of its main stream products now suffer too. They are now in the process of trying to bring back some of that 'magic' but it's an uphill slog.

This is simply forgetting and not heeding history. Something sadly all too common these days.
We disagree it's no problem. Apple today is a far bigger ship and can eat at it's own fat for far longer, but once the taste makers move away, bad things can happen. They saved the company long ago. Further, it's losing its roots.

Honda did this. They killed a lot of their 'halo' cars to concentrate on their bread and butter and more profitable lines. The company is a shell of its former self because they lost their way. The bleeding edge may be a loss leader, but it trickles down in incalculable ways to the more main stream products. To the point where many of its main stream products now suffer too. They are now in the process of trying to bring back some of that 'magic' but it's an uphill slog.

This is simply forgetting and not heeding history. Something sadly all too common these days.
The Mac Pro does not dictate Apple's future. Moreso, the iPhone does. It effects the semiconductor, display, storage and camera industies a lot. Judging by the iPhone 14 Pro hype over a small software UX like "Dynamic Island" I would say Apple 'halo' product is the iPhone. The iPhone made Apple what it is today. We can go on about who saved who. Microsoft also saved Apple but Steve still made fun of them.

Apple is not killing the Mac Pro line it knows its importance. It simply is going the way of what Nvidia is doing in the server space, going its own path. I believe the Pros who need x86, 32bit, Nvidia GPUs/AMD CPUs have already moved during the 6,1 era. The 7,1 is not a leader in 3D nor graphics but some value it for it offers.

Like so, some will value the 8,1 more the 7,1. It all depends on features and reqirements you seek and if a certain machine offers them then users will buy it.
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I just want to see how an optimized Full Metal Blender runs on a M5 Extreme Mac Pro (64-core CPU/1024-core GPU/2TB RAM/16TB SSD) with third-gen hardware ray-tracing...! ;^p
The Mac Pro does not dictate Apple's future. Moreso, the iPhone does. It effects the semiconductor, display, storage and camera industies a lot. Judging by the iPhone 14 Pro hype over a small software UX like "Dynamic Island" I would say Apple 'halo' product is the iPhone. The iPhone made Apple what it is today. We can go on about who saved who. Microsoft also saved Apple but Steve still made fun of them.

Apple is not killing the Mac Pro line it knows its importance. It simply is going the way of what Nvidia is doing in the server space, going its own path. I believe the Pros who need x86, 32bit, Nvidia GPUs/AMD CPUs have already moved during the 6,1 era. The 7,1 is not a leader in 3D nor graphics but some value it for it offers.

Like so, some will value the 8,1 more the 7,1. It all depends on features and reqirements you seek and if a certain machine offers them then users will buy it.
That’s like saying the trashcan wasn’t killing the Mac Pro, but yes it did and many pros left and never came back. What “dictates“ are influencers and it’s what saved apple from bankruptcy. So history teaches otherwise.
That’s like saying the trashcan wasn’t killing the Mac Pro, but yes it did and many pros left and never came back. What “dictates“ are influencers and it’s what saved apple from bankruptcy. So history teaches otherwise.

Yes but Apple did not kill Mac Pro but it killed what it meant to some people.

Yes influencers have an impact but those influencers use iphone now not macs. That era is gone. Influencers are tech YouTubers many of which use iPhones and are not even in the Mac space, social media influencers use iPhones, celebrities use iPhones and recently Chris Evans switched from his iPhone 6s to iPhone 12. I bet he never never thought of the Mac before buying an iPhone.

Many of my purchases of iDevices were not based on influencers nor the state of the Mac and I think there are many like me.
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Yes but Apple did not kill Mac Pro but it killed what it meant to some people.

Yes influencers have an impact but those influencers use iphone now not macs. That era is gone. Influencers are tech YouTubers many of which use iPhones and are not even in the Mac space, social media influencers use iPhones, celebrities use iPhones and recently Chris Evans switched from his iPhone 6s to iPhone 12. I bet he never never thought of the Mac before buying an iPhone.

Many of my purchases of iDevices were not based on influencers nor the state of the Mac and I think there are many like me.

They do not use iPhones to make videos. We disagree on this assessment. Also, once you get off the Mac, the ecosystem is broken for many of these pros. They start to question, why be on the iPhone. It's a slippery slope.

Hope you’re right and I’m wrong, and while past performance is no guarantee of future returns, history has a way of rhyming.
They do not use iPhones to make videos. We disagree on this assessment. Also, once you get off the Mac, the ecosystem is broken for many of these pros. They start to question, why be on the iPhone. It's a slippery slope.

Hope you’re right and I’m wrong, and while past performance is no guarantee of future returns, history has a way of rhyming.
Idk I use an Android phone and a Mac. I don't see myself moving to PC anytime soon. I also many that switched from to PC that continue to use iPhones and have even upgraded to the latest ones.

While what you say does happen, you can still use the Apple products together outside with non apple devices and you don't have to only use Apple products.
Not everyone uses every computer they own online for critical work you know
My father was running an old computer for email and web browsing, no fancy apps, all default settings. A week ago, he got a call on his cell from an unknown number asking him to look at his screen. The hacker was controlling the windows and logged into his bank account in front of his eyes. My father quickly turned off everything and called me. I told him I'm coming to see him and fix the issue. I arrived with a M1 Mac mini.
My biggest Android issue - I was approved for and got an Apple credit card. I'v had it for a year now, but I can't get the darn thing activated because I don't have an iPhone🤔

Idk I use an Android phone and a Mac. I don't see myself moving to PC anytime soon. I also many that switched from to PC that continue to use iPhones and have even upgraded to the latest ones.

While what you say does happen, you can still use the Apple products together outside with non apple devices and you don't have to only use Apple products.

Not for halo activities IMO
No it is NOT🥶 You need an iPhone to activate. I'v called the credit card people and there is no other way👎


For "Apple Card" credit card account, no. For the physical Titanium Credit Card , yes.

Apple Card will work with an iPad (at least in USA).

The Physical card has some security features built into the activation process in the packaging and coupled to iPhone feature (NFC?) .

Request and Activate titanium Apple Card ( )

Once it is past the initial activation, you can manage the card on a iPad.

The Titanium Card is not necessary to use the account. ( pragmatically yes if want to make it primary card card that you use everywhere. But ApplePay works in many locations; at least in the USA. One of those areas where Google has fumbled the ball badly. Years more deployment and goofy decisions with Google Pay , little incentives to make secure, NFC capable phones ... and hugely blown lead fumbled away. )
My father was running an old computer for email and web browsing, no fancy apps, all default settings. A week ago, he got a call on his cell from an unknown number asking him to look at his screen. The hacker was controlling the windows and logged into his bank account in front of his eyes. My father quickly turned off everything and called me. I told him I'm coming to see him and fix the issue. I arrived with a M1 Mac mini.
I’m sorry, I completely don’t believe this.

“A mysterious hacker called my Dad out of nowhere to brag to him that he was hacking his bank account in front of him and made sure to tell my Dad so he could watch and stop it”

That sounds like a story a little kid would make up….

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