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I mentioned that if you don't use T9 you can't perceived it's merits. Once you get used to it, you can't live without it.
Every number key, even on iPhone, has letters below the number. It is very easy once you start using it.
Regarding your statement about typing with a keyboard, I clearly described a difference to you. It takes much more taps to call a person and also precision while typing using small keys on the keyboard. If you are in the go, it is very hard to type precisely. Whereas typing on a big number keys is very easy.

Why not just use Siri? I know it's not your default (yet), but it'll be quick and easy.

If I'm calling someone not in my favorites, I usually use Siri, which is quicker than pulling down and typing the beginning of their name in the search bar, which is my second choice.

I rather have Apple perfecting SIRI then spending their time on a T9 keypad.

You know, in Asia, people love to text, and I know many people, including family members, that mastered the T9 keypad. Guess what, they are not complaining nor miss the T9 with these new smartphones. Plus, there's this thing called search. Simply initiate spotlight, type in first few letters, and done.

I take my analogy on Linux people with command lines. To them, command lines are faster than interacting with a GUI.
If you like T9, good for you. But you are like that Linux programmer that want people to learn command lines. Apple prefers more intuitive ways. Pressing 2-6-2 for Bob is not intuitive. Searching for Bob, or asking Siri to call Bob, is.

If you really prefer T9, then maybe the iPhone is not for you. Sometimes you just have to find something that fits you, instead of claiming the phone maker not catering to consumers (you).
Siri can't understand names in my language, this is first. Second, I explained you many times that typing is not easy and time consuming especially when you have many languages.
Third, If you don't like this feature and can live without it you are free to pass by and without paying attention to this thread, instead of implying that whoever uses or depends on this feature is kind of oudated, not able to use the advancement of technology.
If you really want a T9 dialler, why don't you just use one of the many T9 dialler apps as your main phone dialler instead of Apple's?

My preferred contact App has a T9 dialler, but I never use it.
If you really want a T9 dialler, why don't you just use one of the many T9 dialler apps as your main phone dialler instead of Apple's?

My preferred contact App has a T9 dialler, but I never use it.
Do you guys read before posting? I told that since you can't make the third party dialer app a default one, using it doesn't solve the issue. Even Apple "doesn't like" to have apps that duplicate functions of an existing one. So it's much better to have one app for calling instead of two or three.
If you really prefer T9, then maybe the iPhone is not for you. Sometimes you just have to find something that fits you, instead of claiming the phone maker not catering to consumers (you).

This is similar to Apple telling " it's just YOU are not holding the phone correctly"
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Siri can't understand names in my language, this is first. Second, I explained you many times that typing is not easy and time consuming especially when you have many languages.
Third, If you don't like this feature and can live without it you are free to pass by and without paying attention to this thread, instead of implying that whoever uses or depends on this feature is kind of oudated, not able to use the advancement of technology.
And I said also that I rather have Apple spent its resources to improve Siri rather than doing this. An improved Siri will help more consumers.

My issue is the fact that you claimed Apple to be not consumer oriented because they don't offer this solution for you. Basically, you are implying you are THE consumer that Apple should cater to, instead of Apple making things more intuitive for everybody else. Sounds to me that you are an elitist.
And I said also that I rather have Apple spent its resources to improve Siri rather than doing this. An improved Siri will help more consumers.

My issue is the fact that you claimed Apple to be not consumer oriented because they don't offer this solution for you. Basically, you are implying you are THE consumer that Apple should cater to, instead of Apple making things more intuitive for everybody else. Sounds to me that you are an elitist.
I don't want to spend time arguing with you. I made my point, you made yours. If you want Apple to make siri more intelligent, please do so. It doesn't harm me in any way, not does the feature that I ask harm you.
No need for t9

Swipe down from the top and type the persons name. Much quicker
No need for t9

Swipe down from the top and type the persons name. Much quicker
If you have one language on your keyboard, then yes. But if you have 4, then no. If you are driving, also no, if you are walking on the road, also no.
If you have one language on your keyboard, then yes. But if you have 4, then no. If you are driving, also no, if you are walking on the road, also no.[/QU
T9 in a dialer app is essential and it is a standard on all Android devices. Why Apple is not adding such a basic feature to its phone app? I used to use Kuai Dial tweak on a jailbroken device, so that was so much easier, so much more user friendly experience on the phone app.

What should users do to make apple add these kind of features to iOS?
Thanks) That's an good idea, I was thinking about it. T9 is really helpful when you are driving the car or you dont like to swipe down all the contacts) I wish Apple will make this function for the next IOS
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If you have 4 languages in the keyboard it is not that easy to call a person. Try to count number of clicks required to this task:
1. Open contacts
2. Change language that you use for contacts (this might take up to 3 taps if you have 4 languages)
3 start typing the name.

Actually, only 1 long tap, to change language.

I have made a feedback, but I can't believe that this issue hasn't been raised for 10 years that iPhone is in the market

Obviously there has not been enough of a demand for this. If it's not there now, it never will be, so you will have to find alternatives or adapt.

Dialer number pad is tuned for your default language in Android. You can change this from settings, some dialers work with two languages simultaneously.
Therefore you dont have to switch languages on dialpad, it is absolutely independent from your keyboard. Every number corresponds to 3 or letters. So to call Bob, for example, you will have to press 2-6-2 . This is similar concept to this. If you go to Apple website and find their number, you won't, it will be like this 1-800-Apple
This is T9

It is much more easy to use when you get used to it.

It's funny how you say people should get used to T9, but you won't get used to not using T9....

If you have one language on your keyboard, then yes. But if you have 4, then no. If you are driving, also no, if you are walking on the road, also no.

You shouldn't be using a phone when driving....
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One of those things i never even knew existed nor do i see a use case for ever wanting to do something cumbersome like this. Also why do you need 4 keyboards? the apple keyboard is now multilingual on iOS 10
Actually, only 1 long tap, to change language.

Obviously there has not been enough of a demand for this. If it's not there now, it never will be, so you will have to find alternatives or adapt.

It's funny how you say people should get used to T9, but you won't get used to not using T9....

You shouldn't be using a phone when driving....
I never said that people should get used to it. Who doesn't want to use it it's his right not to use it.
One of those things i never even knew existed nor do i see a use case for ever wanting to do something cumbersome like this. Also why do you need 4 keyboards? the apple keyboard is now multilingual on iOS 10
But you have to switch between 4 languages there, don't you?
Phone and driving is bad, unless hands free.

Just googled what T9 is and I would not like it. Seems way too much work to get to the name to call.

Can you not have an English equivalent name for your contacts that are in a different language, assuming I am understanding the issue correctly. That way you can use that to find them by swiping down and trying.
Phone and driving is bad, unless hands free.

Just googled what T9 is and I would not like it. Seems way too much work to get to the name to call.

Can you not have an English equivalent name for your contacts that are in a different language, assuming I am understanding the issue correctly. That way you can use that to find them by swiping down and trying.
It doesn't matter in which language the name is. The matter is the whatever language you use , you will have to type in that same language. When you have 4 active languages in your keyboard, anyway you will have to tap out 3 times to the language that you need.
T9 is not difficult at all. Try smart dialer app in the app store. You will find it to be your second nature.
Looked at it. Not for me.

I agree with the other posters, unless there is a large demand for this, which their appears to be very little at this time, apple will not make one.

Good luck!
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No. see here. As stated, iOS 10 has multilingual keyboard. You do seem to pick and choose what you respond to in people's posts and not actually read them fully.
It will work only if you type in languages that have common letters. It won't work if you type in Arabic, Russian, English, Kazakh at the same time.
You should be aware that the majority of people are not using Latin alphabet.
T9 in a dialer app is essential and it is a standard on all Android devices. Why Apple is not adding such a basic feature to its phone app? I used to use Kuai Dial tweak on a jailbroken device, so that was so much easier, so much more user friendly experience on the phone app.

What should users do to make apple add these kind of features to iOS?
Which then begs the question - essential to whom, and how many?

I recall interacting with it a few times on my colleagues' phones. Can't say I get the hang of it, nor do I see myself using it ever. I think you will have an easier time finding alternatives, such as creating quick contacts to call (either via a 3rd party widget app or the dialer app).
Siri can't understand names in my language,

Are you trying to call these people? I'm not entirely sure but that's my understanding here.

If you're calling people with Siri, you need to use the "phonetic name" feature

I have family members with French names that end with "chot" and I have to enter their phonetic name as "show" in that line. Once I do that then Siri has no problem finding them for me.
Are you trying to call these people? I'm not entirely sure but that's my understanding here.

If you're calling people with Siri, you need to use the "phonetic name" feature

I have family members with French names that end with "chot" and I have to enter their phonetic name as "show" in that line. Once I do that then Siri has no problem finding them for me.

You can even add it as a nickname and that'll work too.
Not that it's any of my business but why do you have 4 languages loaded? You're part of a very small group of people that does this and probably has this issue. The majority, 99% of the populous - do not have this issue. I would reconsider loading so many languages.
One of those things i never even knew existed nor do i see a use case for ever wanting to do something cumbersome like this. Also why do you need 4 keyboards? the apple keyboard is now multilingual on iOS 10
Multi lingual won't work for 4 languages. Apple iOS 10 multilingual support is still preliminary.
The majority, 99% of the populous - do not have this issue.
This just mean major people don't ever need to learn more than two languages. But they are not 99%.
Anyway, let the number itself alone.
Not that it's any of my business but why do you have 4 languages loaded? You're part of a very small group of people that does this and probably has this issue. The majority, 99% of the populous - do not have this issue. I would reconsider loading so many languages.
Your suggestion almost seems like, " I would reconsider using a phone" )))
For me it is essential to have that many languages. And for people in my part of the world it is a normal thing.

I would tell you guys that more than 1 billion people on Android are using this feature everyday, and they find it essential. Not only they, I know many people who use iPhone, that are using this feature on jailbroken system. There is a popular tweak by the name Kuai Dial. It does exactly what I described with the native phone app on iPhone and those people also find it essential. This even prevents some of them from upgrading in order not to loose this feature.

When people were complaining that iPhone uses small screen, Apple fans were defending that screen size, and were calling names everybody who were asking why Apple is not making a big screen phone. However when Apple released bigger screen iPhone, Iphone fans rushed to it and found it pretty appealing.

You guys are acting similarly. If you are not used to this yet, don't defend Apple trying to justify its choice of not including these kind of features. I am sure, when Apple releases this feature, all you will find it to be very attractive. Apple just keeps something for the future. When they exhaust their imagination in innovation, they will add theses kind of features telling "look how much better iPhone is now".

I am not cursing Apple, as some of you perceive it, but I am just trying to act as that force, that pushes the manufacturers for better products.

I use iPhone and Android. Both systems have their own merits and deficiencies.
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Guys did you ever use T9? Yeah maybe you used like for a 5 minutes, Of course for the first time you will think that there is no need of this function. But if you will use it for a long time, believe me you will like this function. First time when I took iPhone I was also thinking that there is no need of it, but when I came to Samsung I really loved T9, now I came back to iPhone, I am really missing that function, it will help in the situation in which you need to dial fast to the any person, it is better just write first letters of the persons name rather than searching it in the contacts
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