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you can close if you need to. I just got the answer this morning.

it's not for me to close the thread, and as for an answer, there is none, it's all about your personal choice, you decide at the end of day what you want, if your not happy with that choice, there isn't anyone else who can make it for you.
Just goes to show you how "smart" we Americans are now. We want Apple to assemble product here so we can have a middle class. But if apple did the prices would be three times what they are. The would be few sales and Apple would be no longer. Why do you think Apple didn't do so well in the 80's? They could not compete with other product being so much less, even though Apple made a MUCH better machine than others. Just like they do today. So if you want to pay three times the cost, go ahead. Then Apple will be what they were. Wake up!!!!!! It's a global economy.
The fact that I changed my mind is also associated to the fact that the shipping takes so long. Since I still have to pay taxes, and the shipment takes so long, I rather buy it at the apple store. So if I have an issue, I can just solve it there.

If I do not want to open the package because I will not use it. I am still going to buy an Imac, even pay more, so what is the problem with this?

I have the balls to say, I changed my mind, I made a mistake, and I want to fix it. Since I can fix it, there is no issue anymore.

Right, I must be being really dense here as I still don't get it. Have you changed your mind on the particular configuration you wish to order? If not then what I said still stands.

If you receive a "broken" iMac, wether you open the box makes no odds - you just send it back for a refund and once that's processed (could be a couple of weeks) then make your purchase at an Apple Store.

If you receive a perfectly good iMac then where's the problem?

End of the day it's your choice but I must have missed something as it makes no sense?

Ahhhh - I did miss something, you basically ordered an i5 and now have decided you want an i7 and are looking for some BS excuse to return it.
Ahhhh - I did miss something, you basically ordered an i5 and now have decided you want an i7 and are looking for some BS excuse to return it.

Finally you got it.... But is not a BS excuse. The BS cam from fedex when I called them asking where is the package(Fedex website showed the delivery for yesterday), and them giving me some BS answer about some trailer bla bla in transit bla bla, friday delivery bla bla.
Finally you got it.... But is not a BS excuse. The BS cam from fedex when I called them asking where is the package(Fedex website showed the delivery for yesterday), and them giving me some BS answer about some trailer bla bla in transit bla bla, friday delivery bla bla.

So in other words: If the iMac came earlier than it did, say two to three days after ordering it, there would be no need for the i7?

You changed your mind on what CPU you want, even the fastest delivery (C) wouldn't have changed that.

Or did all this waiting cause your cogs to rattle the whole time and thus came to the conclusion: faster processor, faster delivery?
Finally you got it.... But is not a BS excuse. The BS cam from fedex when I called them asking where is the package(Fedex website showed the delivery for yesterday), and them giving me some BS answer about some trailer bla bla in transit bla bla, friday delivery bla bla.

Sounds like your problem is with FedEx, not Apple.

Oh, and those are all Americans getting paid in American dollars that are screwing up your shipment and causing you unnecessary delays. Imagine that.

They would be doing the same thing from Cupertino if that was where you iMac was assembled.
Finally you got it.... But is not a BS excuse. The BS cam from fedex when I called them asking where is the package(Fedex website showed the delivery for yesterday), and them giving me some BS answer about some trailer bla bla in transit bla bla, friday delivery bla bla.

Fair enough that you changed your mind regarding which processor you wanted but, as highlighted by spinnerlys your justification for returning the iMac is a BS excuse - the delivery time is irrelevant. Your change of heart is your decision and nothing to do with Apple, they have supplied what you ordered, but you wish to deflect your indecision and blame them.

Also, how do your parents feel about having to wait the two, possibly three, weeks weeks for the refund to appear on their Credit Card?
So in other words: If the iMac came earlier than it did, say two to three days after ordering it, there would be no need for the i7?

You changed your mind on what CPU you want, even the fastest delivery (C) wouldn't have changed that.

Or did all this waiting cause your cogs to rattle the whole time and thus came to the conclusion: faster processor, faster delivery?

Basically, I would not have had the time to read reviews, benchmarks and so on :) again and again. Plus the i7 were not avail, at the apple store, but I was there 3 days ago, and they said that now they have them in stock.

Also, how do your parents feel about having to wait the two, possibly three, weeks weeks for the refund to appear on their Credit Card?

I actually sent them cash in an envelope with an offer they could not refuse.
It is actually sent them cash in an envelope with an offer they could not refuse.

***** lol you cant order online with cash :confused::rolleyes:
the apple stores only take credit or debit cards

refunds are dealt the same, no one now is stupid enough to send thousands of pounds, dollars or w/e through the post :rolleyes:
You know what, something tells me we're going to see a lot more post from you over the coming weeks as, even before you've taken delivery of your ordred iMac, you're already finding fault. Wait until you see the yellow tint back light bleeding screen:p:p
You know what, something tells me we're going to see a lot more post from you over the coming weeks as, even before you've taken delivery of your ordred iMac, you're already finding fault. Wait until you see the yellow tint back light bleeding screen:p:p

hahhahahahahahha I have had nightmares about that already. YOu remember the kid from Sixt sense... I see yellow tint ahhahahhaah.

You will see me on the IPAD forums too.. I ordered the 3g version, and we still do not have a confirmed date.
You might as well send in the refund request for the iPad now. I'm betting it'll take too long to arrive and it's a fragile piece of equipment. lol.

As for the computer it seems to me what your saying is the 1Mac 27 is fragile gear and the longer it takes to ship the more risk of damage and that at some point that level of risk became too great and.... I'm guessing you're sitting there with not much to do but long for your computer and every second is killing you.

Remember grasshopper... patience is beauty. As opposed to patients which are a whole different other matter. Although a hole could be involved.

I've enjoyed reading this thread. I'd be real worried about that iPad though.
i too would be more worried about that small tiny ipad which comes in a realy small box and as i work as a courier , i know exactly how small boxes get thrown around in the depots and some really throw things around there , see it every morning ...."where are my deliveries for the day "....."that pile over there in the corner"
and they really pile things up without any thought about placing heavy packets on small parcels , so it could well be someone is dumping a small fridge on top of your small ipad , now you got something to worry about ;)
C2D to an I7

I ordered a base model, opened it. Everything worked fine. Changed my mind called Apple and asked (no harm in asking) if I could upgrade. The awesome Apple lady told me to package it up and she would order an I7 for me. Other than the wait, She seemed as excited as me to send me an I7 and take more of my money, which made me happy as well.
most fragile electronic stuff you buy is shipped from China or some other country in a either a plane or a container on a ship in exactly the same way. Only difference here is that Apple are shipping it to the UK for you direct from china.

It may take longer than you would like which is fair, but remember, it isnt being bounced about in a warehouse or a shops stockroom till you buy it your getting straight from the source. so its less likely your fragile equipment is getting damaged
Basically, I would not have had the time to read reviews, benchmarks and so on :) again and again. Plus the i7 were not avail, at the apple store, but I was there 3 days ago, and they said that now they have them in stock.



1. You didn't do the proper research then you scapegoat Fedex/Apple because you didn't study up...

2. The i7 wasn't available at your local Apple Store, so you order, wait, get pissed, blame Fedex/Apple, plan to return, then find that 3 days ago, Apple now has them in stock.

Maybe you should've done proper research before your purchase.

Maybe you should've decided that it would be quicker still to wait until your local Apple Store had them in stock, rather the order a BTO system and think that you'd get that system in 2 days.



Bass Akwards, man...
I hate to be right most of the times , I sincerely hate it.

So what the hell do I do now? What the hell is wrong?????????


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