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Wow, Windowstraitor, I was wrong. It is damaged. You must be like psychic or something. Can you please post up 6 numbers in the range 1 - 40 so I can go buy the winning lotto ticket. So that would be numbers that will win in tomorrows draw. Tomorrow is Saturday here. I know because it's friday 1.40 pm now.

Thank you.

That's a really good place to get a ding in the box as well. There is a giant block of foam there.

I'll never doubt you again.

I wouldn't open the box. We all know it'll be damaged based on your psychic accuracy so far. (1 for 1 or 100%)

Now think lotto numbers please and post them up. And a powerball number from 1-8. I'll post up the results of my winnings on Saturday night my time for you.

You know what, something tells me we're going to see a lot more post from you over the coming weeks as, even before you've taken delivery of your ordred iMac, you're already finding fault. Wait until you see the yellow tint back light bleeding screen:p:p

lol...thats a good one:D
Just return it - it's irrelevant wether the box is damaged or not as you have been looking for a reason to return the computer anyway. Whist I myself would be some what perturbed to see such a hole in the iMacs box you do seem determined to just find fault no matter what - I mean you could just fire that iMac up and see how it is but you had already made your mind up even before it had been delivered. Looking at your picture I am surprised the white Apple box is so filthy as they usually get despatched in a brown outer cardboard box - did this also have a huge hole in it?

By the way, totally agree with unixfool comments, you didn't consider your purchase prior to purchasing and now are just looking for excuses to justify your change of mind. It's your prerogative to have a change of heart but just be honest with us (we're not Apple, just fellow Apple users) - there isn't any shame in just saying "damn, made the wrong call on my purchase, want to change my mind" - we've all done it at sometime.

PS - you've been somewhat ambiguous on your purchase but reading other posts from you is this a refurb that you spoke about purchasing? Is the issue that you now regret buying a refurb and actually want a bright sparkly "fresh out the box" iMac?
J - there isn't any shame in just saying "damn, made the wrong call on my purchase, want to change my mind" -

I said that a couple of posts ago. Nevertheless I called apple, and the said to just turn it on and check it out. (I am not sure if that is just so i cannot send it back anymore lol)

Cosmetically there is no damage to the computer.

I was playing with it for a couple of hours. There is no HDD noise(limited) and I change the boot up disk in the preference setting to get the boot up time to aprox 30 sec.

I was checking for the yellow tint but if there is, it is very faint.

But it does have backlight bleeding on the bottom right corner. It is very annoying while watching movies.

Also the side viewing is really bad.

I have to install CS5 and the other stuff, and see how it goes, but in they end I may just keep it.

May suggestion though is that for people looking to buy the i5 or i7 , just make your decision based on personality. If you always want the best, just get the highest model and sleep well at night.

I decided to be cheap, getting the refurb and the lower model just cause my wife was bitching, but then I ended up bitching. So if you can afford it, get the i7.

Nevertheless, I will keep trying to find excuses to get the i7.

With the money saved, I will get:

4 more GB ram
windows 7 and parallels
HDMI to miniport converter. I read that someone is coming out with one that is fully HD. (Kanex XD)
If you haven't got any sign of the yellow then that would be motivation enough to keep hold of it, despite what others may say, this is still an ongoing issue. The backlight bleed......well I think all the 27" panels are going to suffer this to a greater or lesser extent. I unfortunately have had three iMacs swapped out, electing to keep the fourth one. The first had HDD issues, and two and three had pronounced yellow hues. The fourth however, well the yellow is much less distinct (possibly non existent but I've become hyper sensitive to the issue) and acceptable. Unfortunately the backlight bleed is a little more pronounced on iMac number 4 but I've decided it's not that much of an issue so it's a keeper.

I know what you mean regarding the Core i5 and i7 decision, I did elect the i7 for the very reasons you outline but in all honesty the Core i5 would have been plenty of processing power (the benchmarks seem to suggest in "Real World" tasks there's not much in it). Reckon you've made the right call in picking up a refurb and then investing the money you've saved in the additions you mentioned.
I decided to be cheap, getting the refurb and the lower model just cause my wife was bitching, but then I ended up bitching.

lol. My wife made me do it.

I think if you agree with your wife that you'll do something then you kind of need to take ownership for your actions.

Your wife sounds like a smart lady. And was supportive of you splashing out on this machine.

If you agree on something it should be a done deal. I wonder how useful it is for the relationship if you then go on about the decision on line, then blame your wife for you agreeing to buy a certain computer. If you agreed, then you agreed. Is it a good idea to blame others especially your wife if you changed your mind?

"Man up," springs to mind.
The fact that I changed my mind is also associated to the fact that the shipping takes so long. Since I still have to pay taxes, and the shipment takes so long, I rather buy it at the apple store. So if I have an issue, I can just solve it there.

If I do not want to open the package because I will not use it. I am still going to buy an Imac, even pay more, so what is the problem with this?

I have the balls to say, I changed my mind, I made a mistake, and I want to fix it. Since I can fix it, there is no issue anymore.

But you also complain because it ill take some time to ship it back and then get a refund....would you expect them to just send your cash back without waiting?

You are a confused soul
I said that a couple of posts ago. Nevertheless I called apple, and the said to just turn it on and check it out. (I am not sure if that is just so i cannot send it back anymore lol)

Cosmetically there is no damage to the computer.

I was playing with it for a couple of hours. There is no HDD noise(limited) and I change the boot up disk in the preference setting to get the boot up time to aprox 30 sec.

I was checking for the yellow tint but if there is, it is very faint.

But it does have backlight bleeding on the bottom right corner. It is very annoying while watching movies.

Also the side viewing is really bad.

I have to install CS5 and the other stuff, and see how it goes, but in they end I may just keep it.

May suggestion though is that for people looking to buy the i5 or i7 , just make your decision based on personality. If you always want the best, just get the highest model and sleep well at night.

I decided to be cheap, getting the refurb and the lower model just cause my wife was bitching, but then I ended up bitching. So if you can afford it, get the i7.

Nevertheless, I will keep trying to find excuses to get the i7.

With the money saved, I will get:

4 more GB ram
windows 7 and parallels
HDMI to miniport converter. I read that someone is coming out with one that is fully HD. (Kanex XD)

Although it got deleted by a mod I stand by my response even funnier if Jobs turned up to do the collectoin and then lays into you..:)
As for the problems with the iMacs, every LCD screen is going to have some tiny miscoloration when viewing a D65 6500K color temperature set on an all white screen. Some of course will exaggerate this problem to greater extents than others.

Also almost every LCD screen is going to have back light bleeding, especially in the corners of the screen. This is a limitation with LCD technology. LED backlights can often exacerbate this problem because the backlight is so strong and constant, meaning it can't be lessened or turned down. Unless the screen is absolutely flush within micro centimeters of the back panel you will have light bleed. In order to have that kind of craftsmanship in a LCD screen or television you would have to pay twice what the iMac is worth to begin with. Even then it's not going to be perfect. Even the new MacBook pro that came out have back light bleeding. Again some worse than others.

If can't tolerate back light bleeds then you go out and buy a Mac pro tower. Spend at least two grand or more on a professional display or of course by an old heavy out dated CRT display. Other than that some flaws you will simply have to learn to live with.
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