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I've been mainly using Echofon, rarely using the official twitter app. If I'm not that big of a fan of the official app, would I be better off just sticking with Echofon? The main reason I'm considering Osfoora is because of all the good reviews, compared with the other twitter apps.

Sounds like you are probably better off sticking with echofon then.
Wow echofon blows tweetdeck away. Such a smooth app compared to tweetdeck. Does echofon show trending tweets like the official Twitter app? I love sorting through those.
New twitter apps and versions you may all be interested in trying:

Weet 1.0

I just d/l'd Weet since it was only .99. I really like the UI of the app. Although it's missing some key features when composing a tweet (@mentions, hashtags). But it's not bad for the .99 pricetag. I'll probably continue using it in conjunction with the official Twitter app.
Osfoora is pretty laggy on my iPhone 3G so I'm back to the offical Twitter app which is better. If I had a more up to date phone though it would be Osfoora. :)
mainly use Twitter for iPhone, sometimes SneakyTweet, Weet, Osfoora & Twittelator. i like certain features in all...
Twitbird Pro. I tend to send lots of links to Instapaper and it has the best interface for that IMO.
Twitbird Pro.

What no other app (I can find) does that Twitbird (Pro) does that I need?

Saved search on home page with badge. So whenever someone tweets about my website (or anything that interests me) I get notified within 5 minutes.
Used Twittelator for a long time and really liked it. Went to the official Twitter app now as it has all the features I need and seems a bit quicker.
I use seesmic. Nobody else likes that?

I used it for a short amount of time on the iPhone and I didn't like it. Actually when I had a Nexus One, Seesmic and Twidroid were the two Twitter apps I used to tweet. But for some reason on the iPhone, I don't really like it.
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