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My first Apple purchase: Macintosh II in 1989 ($5000 & $500 more for a monitor)

It had 40mg hard drive and 1 mg of RAM.
68010 processor.. I ran Quark Xpress and laid out magazines.
My first Mac was this beauty. Performa 6200 with built-in TV-tuner. Paid $3.500 for it back in 1995. All thats left now is the small plastic Apple remote for the TV-tuner. :)


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First ever Apple product was an Apple //c with colour (if you want to call it that) monitor :) Bought it new in High School.
it was a hand me down from the girlfriends dad but it was still my first apple product. not too sure on specs, but knowing the guy it was most likely the high end one.


the 9600 that started it all
Black iPod Classic 30GB 5th Generation in 2006. Still going strong and still my only dedicated mp3 player.

BTW, I've just been informed of this thread after having created a very similar thread, but with a poll:
I'd really appreciate it if subscribers to this thread could vote on the poll so we could get an at-a-glance summary of the initial Apple ownership of the MacRumors community.


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It had 40mg hard drive and 1 mg of RAM.
68010 processor.. I ran Quark Xpress and laid out magazines.

:::sigh::: This Oklahoman was buying his first computer in 1989, a Commodore 128. What I would have given to have the money to buy an Apple.
It had 40mg hard drive and 1 mg of RAM.
68010 processor.. I ran Quark Xpress and laid out magazines.

Don't mean to sharp shoot you here, but the II had a 68020, not a 68010. Apple never released a machine with an '010.
My first Product was an iPod 4th Generation. Then I got an iPod 5th Generation. Then I had the iPhone 3G. Now I own the iPhone 4G and an iMac 27" 2010. Hoping to get my hands on an iPhone 4S but we'll see.
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