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Jul 12, 2016
Integrated blood sugar measurement

In Another words, glucose monitoring. It’s been rumored Apple has been experimenting with something along those lines, rather that technology will be ready or not, that’s the most difficult part to say when that will happen. But certainly Beneficial.
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macrumors 601
Aug 28, 2012
Between the coasts
I have a Series 0, and as far as I'm concerned, the Series 3 already has the "more" I desire. Since I likely won't replace the Series 0 until the Series 4 or 5 come along, any improvements to those models will easily meet or exceed my limited expectations. Already, some of the changes in watchOS 5 (which won't run on my 0) are tempting me to trade up. I'm satisfied by things as simple as the Hiking workout and automatic sensing of the end of a workout. Ain't I a bore!

While I have lots of imagination for cool, new futures, I tend to wall those dreams off from the expectations I have of manufacturers. While it's great to finally have something I've dreamed of, I also enjoy the surprise and delight that comes from, "The public doesn't know what they want until you show them."

In other words, I like a mix of the expected and unexpected. I think it's unreasonable to expect Apple (or anyone else) to deliver exactly what I've imagined. If they did, it means that one layman is capable of cooking up as much stuff as a team of highly imaginative experts. Technology, like filmmaking, is a complex, collaborative effort, where the contributions of the team should combine to make something greater than the sum of the minds.
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smoking monkey

macrumors 68020
Mar 5, 2008
Round case & face, always on display, longer battery life and cheaper.

I’ve no expectations of ever buying another Apple Watch. :D

I'd say your odds aren't that bad of buying another one... one day.

The chances of these things happening at some point in the future:
Round case and face - 0-100%
Always on display - 100%
Longer battery life - 100%
Cheaper - 0%... some things are definite!

If you can overlook cheaper, then you're in with a real shot within the next 2-25 years...
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Jun 22, 2007
- Better build quality. The paint chipping on my aluminum AW certainly was unacceptable. Also, ceramic back should be standard for the flagship model (currently, the non-LTE S3 is jibbed with composite back).
- Better battery life. Currently, it's quite annoying to travel with an AW as you have to carry the charger with you. If Apple can extend the battery life to 5-7days consistenly, this makes short trips much more enjoyable without having to worry about charging the AW.
- Round face would be awesome. I miss my moto 360.

I definitely have no need for LTE (unless Apple makes the LTE model better built, as with the S3).


macrumors 65816
Mar 21, 2010
I’ll likely sit out the next iteration. Cellular was the last major pain point for me.


Jul 12, 2016
- Better build quality. The paint chipping on my aluminum AW certainly was unacceptable.

Not sure how you can suggest ‘Better build quality’, considering the sport model is Apple’s highest selling model with the 7000 Series, but I doubt many experienced your issue with any type of chipping with the 7000 Series aluminum. Anodized aluminum can chip, but I’m willing to believe the majority are not going to suggest better build quality just because of what your experience was, when there results are not likely the same.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2012
If they can’t provide longer battery life, at least come up with a quick charge solution to get the watch to 50% in 15 minutes.


macrumors 68040
Aug 29, 2009
256GB storage, a music app that supports lossless, and a headphone jack. Or an extremely cheap entry price-point.

(In other words, I doubt the Apple Watch is ever going to be for me)


macrumors 68000
Jul 16, 2015
Bellingham, WA
I was just thinking. I've got a Series 0 that I've had since it was the only one out. I stopped using it for almost a year and put it back on last week.

I think the next one would have to have a battery that would allow me to charge it once a week for me to buy it.

I wanted 3rd party watch faces for a long time but it's clear that's not going to happen. Another self-gifted L for Apple.

I have a Series 0 I’ve worn every day since July 2015, and the battery still lasts me all day. I have no need for a battery that lasts multiple days or a week. It doesn’t take long to charge, and I have a regular daily charge routine for my iPhone and iPad. The Apple Watch is the quickest to charge of all three of them.

I will most likely upgrade to the S4 when it comes out. I was going to upgrade to the S3 earlier this year, but my S0 has been fine. A little slow though. I will upgrade just to get the performance gain and the ability to run WatchOS 5. Of course there are already some nice to have features in the newer models, and if the rumors are true about the S4 having a larger display in the same size case (less bezel) I’m all for it.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2004
Doesn't really matter, my S0 is due for an upgrade... Even the series 3 is an awesome upgrade... My S0 has no GPS bult-in, has way worse battery life, won't register swim strokes as I should even swim with it, ...

I do hope for a small redesign though. I like those rumors about a larger screen and thinner watch...


macrumors 68000
Nov 7, 2013
I have a Series 0 I’ve worn every day since July 2015, and the battery still lasts me all day. I have no need for a battery that lasts multiple days or a week. It doesn’t take long to charge, and I have a regular daily charge routine for my iPhone and iPad. The Apple Watch is the quickest to charge of all three of them.

My battery on my S0 will not last the entire day, and I have stripped most apps from it. I take it off the charger at 6 am and it will die before 10 pm the same day. I want 2-3 days battery life just so I can wear it 24 hours before a charge. This would allow for hours of heavy use, while still being usable for a complete day.


Jun 22, 2007
Not sure how you can suggest ‘Better build quality’, considering the sport model is Apple’s highest selling model with the 7000 Series, but I doubt many experienced your issue with any type of chipping with the 7000 Series aluminum. Anodized aluminum can chip, but I’m willing to believe the majority are not going to suggest better build quality just because of what your experience was, when there results are not likely the same.
I don’t get how my suggestion of better build quality has anything to do with the aluminum being the highest selling model. The iPhone 6 was Apple’s best selling iPhone despite bendgate.

Oh and the chipping is not as uncommon as you think, and I got my AW exchanged under warranty, so Apple does acknowledge that as an issue that is not the typical wear and tear. I owned many anodized aluminum devices, and none of them chipped as serious and as quick as my aluminum AW.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2012
My battery on my S0 will not last the entire day, and I have stripped most apps from it. I take it off the charger at 6 am and it will die before 10 pm the same day. I want 2-3 days battery life just so I can wear it 24 hours before a charge. This would allow for hours of heavy use, while still being usable for a complete day.

6AM to 10PM is the definition of all day.

I’m also getting the same numbers as yours 7AM to 10PM with 10% left. Although would be much less when workout is involved. Learned to keep two chargers one at work and one at home, charge it an hour before leaving work and it’ll last until 12mn with workout and music through AirPods.

I’m getting S4 no matter what though, I’ve found a way to fit the watch to my daily routine as well and the better battery life means one less charge to get me through the day.


Jul 12, 2016
I don’t get how my suggestion of better build quality has anything to do with the aluminum being the highest selling model.

I don’t understand how they Apple has to have “Better build quality” based off the Apple Watch Sport sells millions of units in the sport model,
Out of XYZ numbers, how many actually experienced what you’re specifically referring to? In My opinion, because you had a negative experience, you’re suggesting a broad statement by sating Apple has to build a better watch as a whole because of what you experienced. And we don’t even know the circumstances behind your watch and what may have caused the chipping to begin with. But you don’t speak for everyone else, even if it has happened to XYZ individuals.

For example, I could make the opposing argument because my iPhone X display scratches, so I should say for everybody else’s experience who owns an iPhone X that Apple has to build better quality displays.

The iPhone 6 was Apple’s best selling iPhone despite bendgate. .

How many iPhone owners with the Plus model actually experienced this? For the record, this was also something usually due to most sitting on their phones out of negligence versus an actual defect. One could assume millions of 6 iPhone Plus owners never experienced any bending either, because they weren’t sitting on their phones.

Oh and the chipping is not as uncommon as you think.

This doesn’t make any sense. What are you basing this on? What you read on the Internet? What someone tells you in person? Specifically what metric are you using to say it’s not as uncommon as you think. I can understand that aluminum can chip and there are so many variables, but I would question what causes it and how many have experienced chipping, otherwise you’re making another broad stroked statement.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
I want a cheaper entry price to appeal more to those of us that really just want it for it's fitness tracking/usage/integration with the rest of iOS lifestyle.

I don't want one that's luxury oriented and I'm not going to wear it to business meetings "with another band on" after I used it in the hotel pool for a swim.

I'd like to be a Watch customer, but I don't want to spend this much for what I want to do with it - nor do I want to buy an old one or a used one (gross).


macrumors 68000
Jul 16, 2015
Bellingham, WA
My battery on my S0 will not last the entire day, and I have stripped most apps from it. I take it off the charger at 6 am and it will die before 10 pm the same day. I want 2-3 days battery life just so I can wear it 24 hours before a charge. This would allow for hours of heavy use, while still being usable for a complete day.

I realize that I'm pretty fortunate when it comes to how well my battery has held up, because I've certainly seen posts (including yours) about watches doing far worse. Personally I don't need the battery to last me more than 18 hours or so, but if I still backpacked as much as I did when I was younger the battery life would be more of an issue. Then again most of the time I'd rather have faster performance than longer battery life. Ideally Apple would offer a power setting in between normal and Low Power mode, so the user could choose to sacrifice some performance for increased battery life. Maybe it wouldn't make enough of a difference in the battery though.


Jun 22, 2007
I don’t understand how they Apple has to have “Better build quality” based off the Apple Watch Sport sells millions of units in the sport model,
Out of XYZ numbers, how many actually experienced what you’re specifically referring to? In My opinion, because you had a negative experience, you’re suggesting a broad statement by sating Apple has to build a better watch as a whole because of what you experienced. And we don’t even know the circumstances behind your watch and what may have caused the chipping to begin with. But you don’t speak for everyone else, even if it has happened to XYZ individuals.

For example, I could make the opposing argument because my iPhone X display scratches, so I should say for everybody else’s experience who owns an iPhone X that Apple has to build better quality displays.

How many iPhone owners with the Plus model actually experienced this? For the record, this was also something usually due to most sitting on their phones out of negligence versus an actual defect. One could assume millions of 6 iPhone Plus owners never experienced any bending either, because they weren’t sitting on their phones.

This doesn’t make any sense. What are you basing this on? What you read on the Internet? What someone tells you in person? Specifically what metric are you using to say it’s not as uncommon as you think. I can understand that aluminum can chip and there are so many variables, but I would question what causes it and how many have experienced chipping, otherwise you’re making another broad stroked statement.
Is your iPhone X display scratches? No. False equivalence.
Apple exchanged my AW under the warranty, thus Apple doesn’t think it’s a typical wear and tear.
If bend gate wasn’t an issue, why did Apple use the 7000 series aluminum for the 6S?

If you don’t want a better built AW, suits yourself. This thread is about wishlist.

smoking monkey

macrumors 68020
Mar 5, 2008
256GB storage, a music app that supports lossless, and a headphone jack. Or an extremely cheap entry price-point.

(In other words, I doubt the Apple Watch is ever going to be for me)

I'm with you on storage (that'll happen in the future), lossless music and cheaper price point. But...
A headphone jack!?!?!?! Haha.
Nice one!

That's the most out there wish I've read on this thread!
I get that you're probably a music listening purest and want the best sound quality possible. But Imagine instinctively reaching out for something and ripping your headphones out? And if the cable is longer than your arm span then that thing is going to get caught up everywhere!

Maybe some Chinese mob have a smartwatch that you might have this.

Or just get the best quality BT earphones possible and after a little while you'll get used to the lesser sound quality.


macrumors 68000
May 13, 2008
The top thing on my list is definitely a stretch and probably won’t come anytime soon, but it would seriously improve my experience with the watch, and it is this: some type of biometric ID input, such as Touch ID or Face ID. I definitely tend to lock and unlock my watch when I take it on and off multiple times per day, but the real reason I want this is because my work Exchange account (which I need) forces me to use an alphanumeric passcode on my iPhone.

Therefore, I can’t use a simple passcode on my Watch, even though I don’t have (not have any desire for) my work email on my Watch. And therefore, I must use my iPhone to unlock my watch. Which is exactly the reason why I haven’t upgraded to LTE - as it is now, my watch just can’t be as independent a device as I’d like. I always need my iPhone with me anyway. But having a way to unlock my watch that’s more secure than a passcode would eliminate this issue.

Anyway...other than that, I’m generally really happy with my watch. I would like to see more stock apps. Specifically Calculator, Notes, Audiobooks, Voice Memos and the Apple TV Remote apps would be excellent. Also, a functional Home app. Mine has never worked on my Watch.


macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2006
United States
For me to ever consider buying an Apple Watch, the absolute must have, is durability.

It must be able to survive being repeatedly smacked against engine blocks, rocks, concrete, power tools, stacks of lumber, and anything else.

It must be able to endure the above daily, repeated impacts against the screen without breaking, or scratching, just like my cheap $30 watches do.

It also needs to be able to survive (as in perfectly unharmed no chance of damage) being submerged under standing and running water daily. I’m not taking my watch off every time I wash grease off my hands. And I’m not taking it off every time I stick my hands to standing water to work on something. Or if I reach into the river, waterfall, etc.

I don’t care what the band looks like. The functional part of the watch, the body and face would have to be built as solid as my cheap Timex stainless steel watch.

For me, anything that isn’t built to survive life, isn’t ready to be a wearable device. If I wear it, then it must be built to survive the same impacts that my body receives.

Once it can survive daily life as well as my cheap Timex, then I’ll start considering what features it might have. Until then, it’s not worth anything to me, because it wouldn’t survive an hour in my life.


Jul 12, 2016
Is your iPhone X display scratches? No. False equivalence.

I Really have no idea what you’re saying here. But the point of the example of the iPhone X display was that if I feel it’s inferior and it scratches easily, therefore I should make the broad stroked statement as you did that Apple should make a “better build quality” just because of your _own_ experience doesn’t apply to everyone else’s experience. That’s primarily what you’re stating, which I’m sure others have experienced what you have, but there so many variables we don’t know about your watch, you can’t make that statement stating they need to make a better quality watch based off the millions of Sport Apple Watches sold.

Apple exchanged my AW under the warranty, thus Apple doesn’t think it’s a typical wear and tear.

If you’re under warranty, they _should_ replace your Apple Watch if they believe its a defect. If you’re out of warranty, there is no guarantee they have to replace your Apple Watch, unless they make an exception to the customer.

If bend gate wasn’t an issue, why did Apple use the 7000 series aluminum for the 6S?

How do we know that Bend-gate was really a *major* issue for how many people? We don’t know that was Apple’s reasoning transitioning to the 6000 series aluminum to the 7000 Series. It is a stronger aluminum, but I don’t think I have any relation to your Apple Watch chipping either.
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