Why would Apple abandon the Mac Pro line? They won't unless it no longer is making a profit for them.
How many times will people repeat this absolute drivel!?!?!?
We mortals might never do such a thing...why pass up a buck right? But we aren't Apple!!!!
Apple kills profitable products or would-be potential products (in their labs) every week of the year. Jobs and his gang pass up on brilliant, brain-dead profit-making proposals that get presented in meetings nearly every day of the week.
How interested is Apple in a profitable corner market they could easily acquire...or in a multi-million dollar ice cream operation that could turn 200mil per year? That's nothing to them. Nothing! And it would diffuse their focus.
Apple could buy up big, strategic companies by the bushel, and double the value of whatever they bought. But Jobs knows that smaller incremental profits aren't worth it! Skate to where the puck WILL BE. Embrace the new. Burn bridges to legacy products...even if it seems like the cookies have just begun to to cool.
Apple just killed the MacBook. Did they need to? Wasn't the MacBook profitable?
Apple is the company Sony would have been were it emerging in 2010. That's the best comp.
Even big companies need a razor-sharp blade at the tip of their arrow. In fact the biggest companies need it more than anyone.
MEMORIZE THIS FACT: Apple will kill, scuttle, or re-invent ANY profitable or successful product...Why? To stay focused. Simplify. Transform a narrow-market product into a mass-market product.
And it's a great lesson for all of us. Simplify. Focus. Attack. Refine. Narrow. Reinvent.
Apple only wants products that fit their central business objectives, which are, STATED BY APPLE:
- Consumer friendly/Easy to use/Minimalistic
- Mobile
- Can be produced in mass quantity (millions at least)
- Leverage content channels like iTunes/iStore
As for what I will do WHEN Apple kills the Mac Pro:
-Not cry, whine, rage or be surprised
-Buy a fully powered PC
-Bite it and learn what I need to learn (I've had some PC's so I have a little practice)
-Enjoy the greater user control, affordability, product options
-Occasionally miss my Mac Pro days