Why is that hypothesis so hard to believe ? There is logic behind it.
BGR on a report from Korean Institue have recommended the Note brand be dropped or moved to a new product line too.
“Samsung is recommended to drop the Note brand as consumers may still find it dangerous even when the new Note 8 comes out,” Korea-Insight Institute vice president Kim Duk-jin told The Korea Herald."
Your stance on the Note 7 fiasco has been strange and akin to a someone turning around from looking at an incoming Tsunami and staring at a brick wall with two fingers in the ears trying dampen the sound of anything negative whilst behind them is a tidal wave causing a wake of damage. From the initial recall, the second wave of incidents, denial about its production cancellation, and now the probability the Note brand could be axed, a continuing refusal to believe or even consider valid any report or article or hypothesis is strange.
Yes there is a possibility Samsung could keep the Note brand, but with good reason many of us and the growing consensus media wise from all well known tech sites is that the reputational damage to the Note brand itself, and the fact now 2 generations have failed to materialise in Europe at all, that the Note brand would be better served being put out to pasture. That doesn't mean it won't spiritually live on or that it won't carry on in all but name. Everyone so far thinks it will simply be rebranded and then can be sold without having to carry the negative baggage of its predecessor.
We will see what Samsung will do, but honestly I do not understand the adamant rigid stance to even accept the probability or possibility that this could happen ...