And Downton Abbey- sometimes I'm amazed at how much emotion they can ring out of this story. Next week is the Season 5 final!![]()
As good as Downton Abbey was in its first few seasons, don't you think the storyline has jumped the shark at this point?
Does Julian Fellowes have some sort of sadistic bent towards Mr & Mrs Bates? Does it really seem plausible that the Metropolitan Police would be investigating the traffic death of a rapist/butler more thoroughly than the Warren Commission looked into events in Dallas?
How stupid do we have to believe Lord Grantham is, to have taken this long to finally twig to the fact that his middle daughter is paying an awful lot of attention to a random orphan toddler?
Don't get me wrong, Downton Abbey is still good television. But IMHO they should have let the story end with the death of Matthew Crawley. And saved up all their creative energy to do a reboot set in 1943, when the family is thrown (again) into turmoil when 2nd Lt George Crawley (the presumptive heir) is killed at Anzio? Or better yet, set in 1948 when - with income tax at 19/6 in the Pound the family finances finally crumble beneath the inexorable tide of history?