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Space Force One

To infinity and beyond!
Actually, I miss those old flip phones - I used to love them for eat of use and sheer portability. (And they looked cool).

Years ago I had a Samsung flipphone and loved it for its Asian Jingle ringtone. I assigned it to my [former] wife’s number. I’d surreptitiously switch her ringtone to this really cute (but somewhat annoying) cat meowing.
To infinity and beyond!

Years ago I had a Samsung flipphone and loved it for its Asian Jingle ringtone. I assigned it to my [former] wife’s number. I’d surreptitiously switch her ringtone to this really cute (but somewhat annoying) cat meowing.
I think apple should build the space ship
Closed my credit card and savings accounts with this bank, and will use the cash back (for opening the cc account) to make a payment on a medical bill. :)

Grateful that I am one step closer to being debt free (& more grateful my med insurance is covering the vast majority of my hospitalization etc. as they will continue to).

And this also means my 8+ is now mine too. No lease! :)

I will definitely try to snag cash back rewards on my debit cards at the new bank. That was the only good thing about opening that credit card account.
I think apple should build the space ship
Isn't :apple:'s spaceship known as Apple Park? :p
Usually, normally, typically, I drink coffee.

In general, my brother drinks - and far prefers - tea.

However, occasionally, such as on a cold, dark, drew winter's afternoon, I and myself reaching for tea. This afternoon, to my horror, I realised that there was one teabag left. One.

My brother - who was home for almost a fortnight for the drama of my mother's final illness, death and funeral - seems to have consumed it all.

Well, I suppose that this can be classed under the heading of First World Problem; now, as it happened, I bought coffee today. It just never occurred to me that we might run the risk of running out of tea.
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Usually, normally, typically, I drink coffee.

In general, my brother drinks - and far prefers - tea.

However, occasionally, such as on a cold, dark, drew winter's afternoon, I and myself reaching for tea. This afternoon, to my horror, I realised that there was one teabag left. One.

My brother - who was home for almost a fortnight for the drama of my mother's final illness, death and funeral - seems to have consumed it all.

Well, I suppose that this can be classed under the heading of First World Problem; now, as it happened, I bought coffee today. It just never occurred to me that we might run the risk of running out of tea.
:eek: :p

But with buying more tea there are opportunities to pick up something else you enjoy. :)
My wife still uses my Samsung slider phone from years ago.

And I can well understand why.

Some years ago, I started using my mother's antique Nokia 3510, a terrific and virtually indestructible phone. The fact that I only had one charger, and that the battery was no longer able to give e a full day's charge contributed to my (somewhat reluctant) decision to upgrade.

Thus, last year, I finally upgraded to an iPhone SE.
I'm going through some drawers in my bedroom back home and in the bottom of one I found a Target gift card that still has $100 on it. It's from years ago. I probably got it when I was 13. Cool to find some free money :D
Depending on how long you’ve had it, think of the depreciation!
When I was 13, £100 was a fortune. These days not so much.
Actually, take it to a Target and check. I forget how old you are, but the card should be good. A number of years ago the US passed some law that stopped retailers and credit companies that offered gift cards from taking money from the balance.

It's either 5-6 years from activation before it can expire or be deducted from, and activation is when you call it in, not when it's sold at a PoS machine.
May I recommend buying up all the kale? By that I mean the entire world’s supply so no one ever has to eat it.

Shredded, and steamed (with butter and finely diced garlic) and stir fried, it actually makes a decent dish.

However, there were hardly any stalls selling fresh produce.

One stallholder was only selling organic eggs ("they haven't told the hens that it's Christmas, and they're not supposed to be laying; other than that, I've only cabbage, and I think even those of us who buy and eat organic would get very tired of cabbage very quickly").
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I don’t want to leave the house, so I’m thinking it’ll be shrimp something.

"Shrimp something" will always give rise to intense salivation from this quarter; I cannot think of a form of shrimp (whether soup, or salad, or stir fry or other Asian style delight) that I dislike.

Cam to think of it, I cannot think of an Asian dish I dislike.
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We have a brand called PF Chang's which offers various Chinese meals that are frozen; one opens the bag and puts the contents into a large microwaveable dish, covers it and microwaves it for however many minutes are needed. One of my favorites, Chinese Garlic Chicken, has apparently been discontinued, much to my disappointment. I keep looking for it in the frozen foods section but while they have many other PF Chang dinners available, that one is no longer to be found. I haven't yet tried one of the other meals but the next time I get an urge for Chinese at home, I'll probably pick up a package of whatever sounds most appealing. I'm not as fond of Thai or Vietnamese food as I am Chinese and haven't really had that much in the way of Japanese food.

"Shrimp Something" sounds good to me! I had shrimp for both Christmas and New Year's, delightful as always......
We have a brand called PF Chang's which offers various Chinese meals that are frozen; one opens the bag and puts the contents into a large microwaveable dish, covers it and microwaves it for however many minutes are needed. One of my favorites, Chinese Garlic Chicken, has apparently been discontinued, much to my disappointment. I keep looking for it in the frozen foods section but while they have many other PF Chang dinners available, that one is no longer to be found. I haven't yet tried one of the other meals but the next time I get an urge for Chinese at home, I'll probably pick up a package of whatever sounds most appealing. I'm not as fond of Thai or Vietnamese food as I am Chinese and haven't really had that much in the way of Japanese food.

"Shrimp Something" sounds good to me! I had shrimp for both Christmas and New Year's, delightful as always......

There is a hot and sour Asian soup; a clear version and a creamy (with coconut milk/cream) served with prawns/shrimp.

I go weak at the knees when I see it on menus; I could spend an embarrassing amount of my life spooning such nectar into my mouth.
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