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I’ve been to six states. I think I could put a pin in three of them. I have a rough idea where two of the others are (but who really knows when Wisconsin and Illinois start and finish!).
I couldn’t find Atlanta on a map. Lower middle somewhere?
I should know that one as it’s where I met Mrs AFB.
Atlanta is in the Southeast, about 8 hours' drive from Orlando, along I-75 and I-85.

Beloit, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois are close to each other, but Illinois goes south and east from that point and Wisconsin goes north and west.

If I looked at a map of England, I could probably find Birmingham, Cambridge, London, Sheffield or Leeds, although I've never visited England.
I just purchased a rather expensive scanner with the goal in mind to Digitize 20 odd years of family photographs ... the task is ... daunting.
The weather here in Southern California has been off the charts! o_O

No flooding right where I am, but after a slow start to the rainy season, I wasn't expecting much until now (there have been a number of downed trees and power outrages). It's been non-stop for 12+ hours. There will likely be significant flooding in Riverside County.
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The weather here in Southern California has been off the charts! o_O

No flooding right where I am, but after a slow start to the rainy season, I wasn't expecting much until now (there have been a number of downed trees and power outrages). It's been non-stop for 12+ hours. There will likely be significant flooding in Riverside County.
Stay safe out there!
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Well think of it as good practise for when you get to the real world. Its probably not going to be tolerated in the work place.
You'll never have so much free time as when you are a student!
Thanks for the advice. It’s just it gets so overwhelming being yelled at. I’m the good kid by the way.I don’t mind homeowrk. I mind being punished for not doing anything wrong.
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Well think of it as good practise for when you get to the real world. Its probably not going to be tolerated in the work place.
You'll never have so much free time as when you are a student!
I can even extend this sentiment to college, too.

Here, late assignments are accepted, though with an extreme demerit. Classes (especially music classes) count on the fact that everyone does their work thoroughly and on time. Disruptions make the class unable to function.

I go to an extremely small school, and am in an even smaller program, but I'd imagine the same holds true at public institutions, too.
I can even extend this sentiment to college, too.

Here, late assignments are accepted, though with an extreme demerit. Classes (especially music classes) count on the fact that everyone does their work thoroughly and on time. Disruptions make the class unable to function.
In college, if you don’t do your work, you fail. Unlike in school where you get points taken off for talking (not me). So ridiculous.
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I just purchased a rather expensive scanner with the goal in mind to Digitize 20 odd years of family photographs ... the task is ... daunting.

Well hate to throw a monkey wrench into your thinking.. I’ve been there and done that a few times over the years.

My mom passed 3 years ago, my oldest sister 2 1/2 years ago, then my father 3 months ago.

Yea, ok, going thru “stuff” found the lost treasure trove of photos.
Based on a friend I tried PhotoScan app and IMO it’s 1,000% more efficient workflow.

Easily scan each image, saves to iPhone. I then can further edit the exposure if desired, honestly 95% of photos I leave as it does them.

I then can:
-easily facebook share them to my general feed or specific audience
-save them to a shared drive account; pick your poison, google, amazon, apple, etc
-I also then UPS the scanned photos to the most deserving person. Typically the oldest living person connected with the group / set of images. I’ve gotten hand written letters back from 2 aunts and 1 cousin, and a phone call, who so loved the photos.


Saves directly to iPhone

I use a ping pong table to group the photos into logical sets / owners, scan them, them distribute per my workflow




Truly good luck with it all.
It’s a daunting task, you can get lost in the memories each photo has ..
The weather here in Southern California has been off the charts! o_O

No flooding right where I am, but after a slow start to the rainy season, I wasn't expecting much until now (there have been a number of downed trees and power outrages). It's been non-stop for 12+ hours. There will likely be significant flooding in Riverside County.
The wind has been crazy up here and so many people were out of power Sunday evening. For PG&E charging so much and getting a huge rate increase approved, they apparently weren't seen fixing anything last night. I love California.
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Let me preface by saying that I'm truly sorry for your losses and that I am thankful for the time you dedicated to crafting this answer.

Well hate to throw a monkey wrench into your thinking.. I’ve been there and done that a few times over the years.

That's exactly one of the reason behind my quietly venting on the thread, to fish for similar experiences and try and get feedback. Although not completely precise in my description, the device being purchased to motivate my Analog photography practice having been pushed over by the existence of this archival task.

But having done a few rolls now, and with the novelty of the device wearing off, the initial plan seems impractical given the lead times (1 Minute per Image at 4800 ppi, using negatives for bulk processing having images and negatives at hand) and the very real nuisance of DUST and CAT HAIR in my home.

I had initially tried the scanning feature of files, being thoroughly disappointed by the quality, the app you linked might be just what I was looking for in terms of midpoint between full archival digitization and simple indexing.

It’s a daunting task, you can get lost in the memories each photo has ..

It truly is something to travel back in time this way, but a pleasure to ground oneself into one's history.

EDIT: In hoping that Google won't axe another useful product in the midst of my using it =).
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Thanks for the advice. It’s just it gets so overwhelming being yelled at. I’m the good kid by the way.I don’t mind homeowrk. I mind being punished for not doing anything wrong.
I was a terrible student. I can honestly count on one hand the amount of times I did homework at home!

I left school as early as I could (15) and started work. Been working ever since. not Something I would recommend btw.
Let me preface by saying that I'm truly sorry for your losses and that I am thankful for the time you dedicated to crafting this answer.

That's exactly one of the reason behind my quietly venting on the thread, to fish for similar experiences and try and get feedback. Although not completely precise in my description, the device being purchased to motivate my Analog photography practice having been pushed over by the existence of this archival task.

But having done a few rolls now, and with the novelty of the device wearing off, the initial plan seems impractical given the lead times (1 Minute per Image at 4800 ppi) and the very real nuisance of DUST and CAT HAIR in my home.

I had initially tried the scanning feature of files, being thoroughly disappointed by the quality, the app you linked might be just what I was looking for in terms of midpoint between full archival digitization and simple indexing.

It truly is something to travel back in time this way, but a pleasure to ground oneself into one's history.
A copy stand and an inexpensive DSLR and macro lens is the way to go. You might get more advice on the photography sub forum on here.
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I’m just mad at my teachers for assigning so much homework for talking.
I daresay that they (your teachers) are pretty mad at the fact that students are talking, disrupting the class, taking up time, (and effort, and energy, and attention), and, above all, by their behaviour, preventing others from learning.

One of the many reasons I (far) preferred third level teaching (to second level teaching) was not just that one could assume that students had chosen to study what you were trying (hoping) to teach them, (and you could therefore assume a degree of interest in the subject and the material), but that you did not have to police them in class.

If my students (and this only happened - and then, very rarely - with giddy and excited first years, the students that Our Transatlantic Cousins refer to as "freshmen") acted up in class, I would remind them that I was a paid university teacher, not a police officer.

I would remind them that I treated them with respect - and as adults,- and that I expected the same courtesy extended to me, in return.

Moreover, it was not my task to impose discipline, or to ensure that they behaved like adults, and I asked that they extended to me - and to their classmates - the courtesy and respect of treating each other with respect, as adults, and paying attention while attending class (and I always made time for questions during, and - preferably - at the end of, class), and, that if they couldn't bothered to treat one another (and me) with courtesy and respect, then, there was no point in attending class.

And, I would remind them, that if, as a consequence, their grades suffered, 1) this was not my fault, but theirs, and 2) this was their problem, not mine, and, that, in the meantime, I had a course that I wished to teach.
Thanks for the advice. It’s just it gets so overwhelming being yelled at. I’m the good kid by the way.I don’t mind homeowrk. I mind being punished for not doing anything wrong.

What age are you?

Injustice rankles, but you do sound young.
I can even extend this sentiment to college, too.

Here, late assignments are accepted, though with an extreme demerit. Classes (especially music classes) count on the fact that everyone does their work thoroughly and on time. Disruptions make the class unable to function.

I go to an extremely small school, and am in an even smaller program, but I'd imagine the same holds true at public institutions, too.
As a teacher, I was exceptionally sympathetic about extending deadlines for people with genuine stress and stuff in their lives, - any sort of illness (themselves or family), or single mothers, or kids from less well off backgrounds who worked to put themselves through college, etc; I was a lot less sympathetic to individuals who had every advantage that life could bestow upon them, yet still insisted on testing boundaries, and believing that rules (such as deadlines) applied to others.
In college, if you don’t do your work, you fail. Unlike in school where you get points taken off for talking (not me).
So ridiculous.
No, it is not ridiculous.

Okay: I'll phrase it differently: How would you propose to deal with teenage idiots?
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In college, if you don’t do your work, you fail. Unlike in school where you get points taken off for talking (not me). So ridiculous.

I was at University, studying (mostly) biology. I managed to get my timetables mixed up and missed my Vertebrate Zoology Practical exam. Normally an instant failure.
However, I go on bended knee to my lecturer, and because I had actually been attending another class, rather than skiving off, he took pity on me (or so I thought*) and set me an alternative exam.

Everybody else had a rat to dissect. A nice, normal, overfed, sedentary rat.
I got a flying fox.

Now a flying fox, because it is a mammal, has all the same muscles and bones that the rat has. But they are all in the wrong place, have all the wrong dimensions and are just plain weird. I still got a distinction.

* Do not trust lecturers who think you are brighter than you think you are. They will stretch your mind in ways it was not meant to go.
* Do not trust lecturers who think you are brighter than you think you are. They will stretch your mind in ways it was not meant to go.

I am getting vivid flashbacks of Computational Evolutionary Biology and Semiotics, it still pays dividends to this day*, but had catastrophic effects on my mental health at the time.
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