Daylight Savings ended for us on Sunday.
This means that a certain feline's (avatar, see left) dinner time is now an hour later.
She has told me in No UnCerTain Terms That This is UnAccepTable.*
I replied saying she could find another household to keep her in the style to which she would like to become accustomed.
She demurred, suggesting that she had put enough effort into training this household and didn't want to start over.
Dinner time is still an hour later.
* I think she has been reading a certain orange carrot's oddly capitalised tweets...
This means that a certain feline's (avatar, see left) dinner time is now an hour later.
She has told me in No UnCerTain Terms That This is UnAccepTable.*
I replied saying she could find another household to keep her in the style to which she would like to become accustomed.
She demurred, suggesting that she had put enough effort into training this household and didn't want to start over.
Dinner time is still an hour later.
* I think she has been reading a certain orange carrot's oddly capitalised tweets...