To be honest a couple leaves me rough, sometimes for 2 days. I used to be able to drink 6-7 no issue. The joys of old age!Two, three, beers, I can handle (though, yes, I will admit that I tend to feel three the following day; not hungover, as I take plenty of liquids - mineral water - while sipping my beer, but........yes, somewhat tired).
I recall the days when I would cheerfully consume five beers (while male friends would have consumed - or devoured - eight) effortlessly.
However, these days, I also always have a glass of sparkling mineral water close to hand, which I sip at, while imbibing either wine or beer.
Coffee plays that role for me; I am not fully human until I have had my first coffee of the day.
Even colleagues - across three continents - learned that I functioned better when supplied with (good) coffee.
Increasingly, these days, however, I do like a mug of tea in the evenings, especially in winter.
Here the washing has come in. Not that it's dried very much! Damp just hanging in the air. At least it was clear for some of my walk this morning.
Mrs AFB has prepared dinner before it gets dark. Just the usual chicken, rice and broccoli. Time for another tea before dinner.