I repaired my 1/2 horsie Craftsman garage door motor with a new cog assembly. Then I lubed up the brake cables n shifter linkage and put new pedals on my sons monkey bike. After a good scrub with some Dawn, now I'm wondering how will I get the smell of garage door chain grease, Tri-flow and silicone grease off of my hands.
Additional thoughts: My kiddo loves to play Minecraft & Roblox on his Ipad and has recently been bugging me about playing those games on his 2009 imac running El Cap. Up until now, that was fine for his needs running some retro console emus, surf YT Kids and watch DVDs. With this new ask I find myself contemplating BigSur via OLP and how I could accomplish such wizardry.
Lastly, I have this old Maxtor hdd in my Graphite Powermac G4. I have been contemplating what I will use to record the sound of that hdd and make it as a playable audio file on my website.
The DEEP thoughts that have been running through my head this fine weekend.