Chapter 9- Off To The Races.
As you may recall in the last Chapter, I dashed from one hospital to another (Sat 25 Nov) because the first hospital would not accept me (thank goodness) but there was a price to pay, wreathing in pain, howling at the sky, contemplating my soon to be altered existence.
For anyone who says “what the hell, why was an ambulance not taking you?“ The last time my wife rode an ambulence 5 miles to the hospital, it was attempted extortion by the County of $5k, later negotiated down to $2k and when I left the first hospital, there was no significant pain, after the doctor pressed all over my abdomen, and I was stable.
While in the new hospital, my new urologist, Dr. S had conferred with the Emergency Room Doctor, Dr.H and the plan was for me to see him see him on Monday, 27Nov, which I actually managed to do, having to hit the phone, first thing Monday morning, penetrating his office‘s antiquated phone system no one answering, leaving multiple messages. Having them call me back almost felt like a miracle!
The plan in his office was to send out an imaging order for a CT scan with enhanced contrast to the hospital, so the doctor could get a better picture of what was going on in my gut, before pulling out his scalpel. So that week of 27Nov, I went about my business, saw my New primary doctor on Tuesday (28th) and got her up to speed.
Saw my rheumatologist on Wednesday (29th) regarding my Temporal Arteritis*, the plan there is to ween me down off the high dose of Prednisone, to something more healthy without bringing my symptoms (severe headaches, and risk of damaged optic nerve) back.
*I had been calling it Athritis, which is incorrect.
About Wed (29Nov) , I had expected the Hospital to have called me, and while in the Urologist’s office that previous Monday, I had asked the front desk staff about the “imaging order”, one of the girls had it, but was complaining that something was missing, and I actually left there thinking, “ah, they will take care of it”.
So on Wed (29Nov), I called Dr. S’s office 4 times and ended up leaving 4 urgent messages. These messages were urgent, because although I had been given trusty hard core pain management”medicine on the previous Saturday, about Tuesday my abdominal pain had increased to a point where I had to start taking hydrocodone pill every 4 hours and where I could no longer sleep in bed due to pain, where my easy chair had sufficed to sleep in for several nights, it was no longer sufficient to stave off my abdominal side, back pain. In other words things were coming to a boil for a second time. 😳
Then I get an “oops” message from Dr. S’s office the order had been delayed to the hospital. No, not possible? 🤔
I arrive at Thursday (30Nov) morning 4am with acute pain on my right side. Joe, my kidney is very unhappy, but not yet spasing out. That would be the pulsing, undulating, pushing nails out into my cut feeling that freezes me in my tracks. I wake my wife and ask her to take me to the hospital, a 20 mile drive. I recline the seat on the Toyota to about 50 degrees, gingerly climb in and fortunately Joe is semi-satisfied it is not being abused by me.
At the hospital, I get the CT with enhanced contrast, constantly in debilitating “give me a couple minutes” pain as any pressure put on my abdomen based on normal movements sets off Joe. The ER doctor consults with someone and they decide to put a drain (needle, tube, external 600 ml bag) into the “liquid filled” cyst.
I’m lightly sedated in an operating room, am told there will be a slight pinch as a needle is inserted into my side. Almost immediately the pain recedes as the bag starts to fill. Repeatedly emptied about 2.5 liters flows out, like formerly having an extra half gallon milk jug taking up space in my gut pressing up against my kidney.
I’m admitted to the hospital for observation. I have to say I had the best hospital food I’ve ever eaten. The next morning Dr.S. the urologist walks in my room with good news, I don’t have a giant damaged kidney with big cyst inside, but a giant liquid filled cyst that is semi surrounding the kidney and that now that the cyst is draining, relieving pressure on the kidney, the kidney is function is returning to normal! Great news, and they were going to release me from the hospital. The plan is to meet with the urologist, this morning 5Dec and decide on the next step.
Because they had been recording how much liquid was draining from the cyst at the hospital, no one asked me, but I continued to monitor this from home as I continued to empty the cyst bag that I keep in the pocket of my pants. It’s been draining at a variable rate of 22-100 ML per hour. The liquid was red, then over the weekend transistioned to pink, and now is a light tan color, but it still flowing. The doctor had mentioned something about it drying up, but so far it has not. I could easily imagine, the next step is to pluck that sucker out. Not so fast, more to come…