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Unbelievable. We are still waiting for the update...
Is this a joke? More than a month now since the iPhone 6 was released. Even some Z-Tier Apps nobody ever uses have been updated.
I hate that WhatsApp took over the whole market, it was clearly the worst of all choices.

-No privacy
-Design is likely a joke
-They are not even considering a desktop or iPad app, even now after all the buzz about continuity they won’t even consider it
-Security breaches only get fixed after what seems like half a year

I just can’t believe that this is the app people have chosen to use.
A clear case of lock in to an inferior technology, now that everybody has it you are forced to use it.

iMassage/SMS finally has a good app, good features and even a desktop companion but people don’t use it anymore.

I wish people would just realize how bad this App really is and stop using it.

Sorry for the rage but this is frustrating, it almost shatters my libertarian believe in free markets... :mad::eek:
WhatsApp Beta updated for 6 & 6 Plus Screen Sizes

New beta is out:

5a6a8u3y.jpg is out...
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The latest beta is NOT actually the latest beta. There must have been an error on their end as it's actually - both tested and looked into.

Edit: it actually may be the latest see below.

However the About lists it as

If you open the link in your browser then visit /manifest.plist you will see the error/ its version identifer


  • image.jpg
    139.6 KB · Views: 131
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I'm following this thread closely.
This is BS. STILL now update available? come on Whatsapp...

Also Can anyone tell me if I can finally send FULL resolution photos on Whatsapp as an option? It sucks if it doesn't. I hate emailing full res photos to my friends!

Actually in Hong Kong, I think other major chatting apps like LINE and WeChat are starting to grow.

I'm pushing my family to use iMessenges (group)... trying to rely on Whatsapp less and less.
also living in hk..but i tend to use whatsapp because there is no fee for the message. for imessage u hv to be in the same cellular company.

also pissed that they released a new beta, but then the iphone 6 optimized version isnt even out yet wtf
also living in hk..but i tend to use whatsapp because there is no fee for the message. for imessage u hv to be in the same cellular company.

also pissed that they released a new beta, but then the iphone 6 optimized version isnt even out yet wtf

I thought you can iMessage for free regardless of carriers, as long as that user has internet and activated it? (it'll show a blue chat bubble instead of green for SMS)

I think setting up a family group chat for iMessage is far superior than Whatsapp after iOS 8, that's why I'm trying to push this to my family lol!
I think the update shouldn't take more than another couple of weeks for the release in the AppStore. Like i said earlier, Apple is trying to push as many people using iPhones to use iMessage. They are in no hurry to release an update.
It really pisses me off there's so many other minor apps being updated and still no sign of whatsapp, seriously, whats up?
also living in hk..but i tend to use whatsapp because there is no fee for the message. for imessage u hv to be in the same cellular company.

Not true. iMessage is just like WhatsApp, although less reliable in my experience, especially with dodgy wifi/cell data.

You don't even need to be in the same country!
Not true. iMessage is just like WhatsApp, although less reliable in my experience, especially with dodgy wifi/cell data.

You don't even need to be in the same country!

And also, lots of corporates/companies rely on Whatsapp group chat to communicate. Not iMessage etc
I think the update shouldn't take more than another couple of weeks for the release in the AppStore. Like i said earlier, Apple is trying to push as many people using iPhones to use iMessage. They are in no hurry to release an update.

Not true.
Apple had already reviewed the update but WhatsApp pulled it back.
Facebook wanting to push the messenger might have something to do with it but that is also pure speculation.

I personally think it is mainly because of bad programmers working there.
The app isn't very well programmed and updates have always taken forever, just like when the iPhone 5 came out.
Security issues take ages to get fixed as well so it's nothing new really.


also living in hk..but i tend to use whatsapp because there is no fee for the message. for imessage u hv to be in the same cellular company.

also pissed that they released a new beta, but then the iphone 6 optimized version isnt even out yet wtf

No this is wrong you don't have to be on the same carrier at all, all you need is an Internet connection.

IMessage still isn't a real competitor thought, because it only works on iPhones and unfortunately, many people use android.
That said, there are many apps on the App Store that do exactly what WhatsApp does but are 3 times better.
Telegram, Bbm or even the new Skype are some of them.
WhatsApp Beta updated for 6 & 6 Plus Screen Sizes

I think the update shouldn't take more than another couple of weeks for the release in the AppStore. Like i said earlier, Apple is trying to push as many people using iPhones to use iMessage. They are in no hurry to release an update.

It's got nothing to do with Apple wanting us to use iMessage. They're not the ones causing the delay. It's WhatsApp. If an app is sent to Apple for review, it takes no more than a week until it's live on the App Store. But this is not a new app, it's only an update. Shouldn't take that long.
Just FYI, the last major WhatsApp update, which adopted the new flat design from iOS 7 came out in December 2013, almost 3 month after iOS 7 was released and about 5-6 Month after iOS 7 Beta 1 was released at WWDC.
So it basically took them half a year.

Also, they still haven’t updated the preview pictures on the app store, it still shows the old design even thought it has been 10 month since the new design was released.

You just notice that they simply do not care anymore at all. They feel like they don’t even have to update their app store previews.
Now that the App is on almost every smartphone and people are locked in they basically have a monopoly situation where it is simply not necessary to change or do anything.

Very, very bad for users.


Now I'm hoping this update never comes out.

how come?
I've installed last beta
I've used *****.com udid register + certificate.
now works fine my i6+

I've installed last beta
I've used *****.com udid register + certificate.
now works fine my i6+


Strange, I'm on
I'm litterally lmao at the chap who said why is the beta out but not on app store. Hahaha, some people have absolutely no idea. I almost wish they made it a closed beta how it used to be.
Be patient, it'll come when it comes.

Edit: and your icloud bug has been around for the past 6 betas or so..
I really appreciate this. I’m very impressed with Telegram devs. They really care. They update their app occasionally; last update was two days ago. And they have excellent customer service. I really want to switch to using Telegram and just stop using WhatsApp but unfortunately a lot of people are not aware of this messaging app. I once emailed WhatsApp on August 23 about an issue and I never got a response back. WhatsApp don't give a flying fig about their users. Makes me really mad.

Oh and someone here said that WhatsApp is very widely used as opposed to Telegram (which is 100% free) because it’s free. No it’s not. If you take a look at their website, they state that it’s free for one year and then users have to pay $0.99 every year. Even though it’s only $0.99, it’s not considered free. WhatsApp has 600 million users, imagine how much they make by taking $0.99/year from 600 million people. They don’t deserve it if you ask me.



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