Well, the new MacBooks are out and turned out to be a huge dissapointment

. Apple lost a sale right there. I certainly hope the iMac refresh/update is around the corner. I really need a puter I can work on.
As has been said many times on these forums, if you "need" a computer, then buy one. If you can afford to wait, then IMHO you don't really "need" one at all.
Your reply to my earlier post also said that you'd "lose money" if you bought an iMac just before it was updated. While I see your point, you wouldn't really "lose" money at all. You could argue that you lose money on
all computer hardware, although as someone else posted, Apple hardware does seem to retain its value very well. You'd simply have bought a computer that would subsequently be superseded in specification by a newer model -- which is the case with every computer you'll ever buy.
Here's what will happen. You'll wait until November for a speed bump on the iMacs, which may or may not happen. By that point, the rumour mill will have worked itself into a frenzy and everyone will be expecting BluRay 30" iMacs for $999. When this doesn't happen, everyone will moan about how rubbish the iMacs are -- "Apple have lost a sale! I'm buying a Dell!" and so on. However, everyone will then decide that these mythical machines will be released at MacWorld 2009, so wait! Don't buy one yet!
However, when the next model does come out... well, they're first generation models, right? Maybe they won't be reliable...? And surely they'll be given a speed-bump soon? Better wait, just in case...
Honestly, at some point you have to take the plunge, or you'll never buy a new computer.